
FROM: LT Malik Santos
Confederation Fleet Headquarters
Jupiter-Sol L5, Jupiter, Sol System, Terra Quadrant, Sol Sector

TO: CDOR Erik Baudone
CO, Valgard Military Prison
Nav 8, Valgard System, Sa'Khan Quadrant, Epsilon Sector


As per your orders, I have completed compiling my report regarding operational training of the personnel under your command in the use of the Kilrathi language. This report contains the most current material we have available on the topic.

Regarding your additional request, both the translation staff here at HQ and our Kilrathi consultants were quite amused and more than a little perplexed when the time came to actually perform the assignment, but it did prove to be a remarkably useful exercise for all involved. We were only able to provide you with the first verse of "The Major-General's Song" due to the methods the translation parties have been utilizing with one another; our people translate the material into Basic English and the Kilrathi take it from there. One member of the translation team has a somewhat annoying tendency to translate everything into their language, including proper names; we allow this in order to further our understanding of Kilrathi onomastics. As you are no doubt aware, many of the words of that particular tune are very Earth-centric, and some of the sounds involved, as it turns out, do not occur in the Kilrathi language. As for the other two Gilbert and Sullivan song translation you requested, the Kilrathi members of the team were very perplexed with the ideas involved in "Three Little Maids", but they did have words for them, ones that we may never have received translations for otherwise. And they were most impressed with "A British Tar", probably due to the concepts encapsulated by that tune. It was mildly entertaining to watch the Kilrathi attempt to sing it in their own language; the cadence turned out to be similar enough for them to make the attempt. The Kilrathi members of the translation team have made a request to work on additional Terran songs and we are looking to see if such a request will yield any more appreciable results. Considering the success of "Three Little Maids", this may be how the translation team proceeds from here on out. I have attached the requested translations to a separate enclosure, available for your perusal at your convenience.

Of course, we have included the information we've gathered over the last 45 years in this report as well, though we have taken the time to thoroughly review and correct some of the older materials in the Confederation's databanks. This has, of necessity, required us to thin out the materials somewhat. Be rest assured that the included documents are the most up to date information the Confederation has in its possession and that its use should enable both you and your personnel to communicate your intentions most clearly to your inmates.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the materials contained in the attached report, please let me know as soon as possible and I will do my utmost to address them. Please bear in mind that, even though we have unprecedented access to Kilrathi cultural materials, there are still a number of matters about them that remain a mystery.


LCDR Malik Santos
Cultural and Strategic Analyst, Kilrathi Social-Cultural Unit
Confederation Fleet Headquarters, Operations Division

Enclosure: report


The Kilrathi language, known natively as trathkh dai'B'nal or "tongue of Redclaw house", is the "official" language of the Kilrathi Empire. It is one among many dialects of a common language utilized by the Kilrathi people; as might be expected, it is the dialect of the Imperial family and by extension the Imperial nar Kiranka clan. While a member of a different family or clan might be allowed to speak their own dialect amongst their own, in polite society, military affairs and in public they are expected to use the Imperial dialect. Those who are caught using another dialect are considered either stupid or subversive, and if not summarily executed or ordered to commit zu'kara on the spot are usually sentenced to undertake dangerous and/or distasteful tasks. It can only be assumed that the official language of the Empire changes when another clan assumes supreme power; as this has not happened since the defeat of the nar Ki'ra clan several hundred Terran years ago, this cannot be verified. Because it is spoken by the vast majority of Kilrathi even in the post-Imperial period, this treatise will focus solely on trathkh dai'B'nal; as it is, most dialects of the language vary only slightly in terms of vocabulary and in pronunciation of a few sounds. Writing systems, on the other hand, vary wildly amongst the clans, with no fewer than three distinct writing systems known to Terrankind as of this writing. For this reason, this work will rely upon transliteration instead of a direct symbolic translation system. This will also free the reader from the need to learn the intricacies of Kilrathi writing, which are still not well understood by Terran researchers even after nearly a half-century of contact.

For a long time, only a few non-Kilrathi were able to learn enough about the language to engage in a meaningful conversation with a Kilrathi in their own tongue, and even then most Kilrathi were more comfortable speaking English than vice-versa. Recently, however, under the auspices of the Confederation Council for Cultural Research, the Confederation Navy's Operational Division's Kilrathi Social-Cultural Unit and the Broken Claw Agency, a study has been undertaken to record and analyze the language and culture of Kilrathi, with the ultimate goal of preparing teaching materials in an effort to better understand our until recently belligerent interstellar neighbors. This treatise represents the initial results of the joint effort. It is divided into three main portions: a grammatical sketch, the lexicon tables, and a series of "practical" Kilrathi phrases.

The grammatical sketch is intended to be an outline of Kilrathi grammar, not a complete description. Nevertheless, it should allow the reader to put Kilrathi words together in an acceptable manner. Many of the rules given in the grammatical sketch are those indicated by the Kilrathi members of the translation team as current for trathkh dai'B'nal. It should be remembered that even though the rules may say "always" and "never", in fact they apply only for the vast majority of cases. There are cases (particularly in dealing with older phrases and those inherited from other dialects) for which the rules do not apply as given. What has been indicated should apply in the vast majority of cases. Work to determine when exceptions to the rules occur is currently ongoing.

Because research is not yet complete, the lexicon tables are somewhat limited in scope; there are certainly more words in the Kilrathi language than those listed here. Four groups of words in particular are for the most part unrepresented: specific scientific terminology; words for native tools, customs, flora, and fauna; toponomic and onomastic translations; and vocabulary dealing with food. Terms associated with the various sciences are the subject of a special study, and a special report is currently being prepared on the subject. It should be noted that a fair number of mathematical terms are currently understood and have been included in this treatise. Kilrathi words for traditional tools and long-standing customs are difficult to translate into English (most wind up being a literal description of what the item does - for example, vishutha literally translates as "item that cuts the ground" - the closest Terran equivalent would be a rake). Many native plants and animals are likewise difficult to comprehend at the present time, though some have very distinct meanings. While some toponomic terms are fairly straight forward (such as Ghorah Khar = "chasing world of shadow" and Ghorax Tha = "chase lust land"), they have often have a tendency to violate the grammatical rules indicated in this treatise; they are also largely cultural in origin in most instances. There are also many Kilrathi place names (such as K″vr and T'Rel Meh) for which translations are not available. Likewise, many Kilrathi personal and craft names are largely cultural in origin and their exact meaning is not well understood as yet. Food words are missing both due to limited resources as well as cultural limitations on the topic of food: there have been problems recruiting staff interested in studying Kilrathi eating habits, and most Kilrathi food items - primarily meat, as might be expected - are simply referred to as uk in most cases. Plants that Terrans would consider food are often called wir - "plant thing" - by Kilrathi. Until further study has been conducted, it was thought inappropriate to present a list of words whose meanings are not properly understood. What is present is therefore what has been extensively verified as correct.

The phrase portion of this work is likewise not comprehensive; work to translate the entirety of the Codices has met with substantial resistance from the remnants of the Cult of Sivar. The few phrases that have been translated were mainly provided by the survivors of the last action of TCS Juneau in the Baka Kar system just under a decade ago. Those did come from Murragh Cakg dai Nokthtak and his fellow survivors from KIS Karga, so they are considered authentic translations. Work on translation of other historical Kilrathi works is ongoing. The few translations that are known to be 100% accurate are included in this work. Finally, a collection of Kilrathi taunts from over thirty years of conflict has been pulled from the Confederation's translation databank and has been reviewed by the translation team; the correct versions are included in this work.

As a convention, words in Kilrathi in this treatise will be written in italic-type, while the corresponding English words will be written in normal type.


It is difficult to accurately describe the sounds of the Kilrathi language without using complex anatomical and phonological terms. What follows, therefore, is intended to give only a guide to pronunciation. Very few non-Kilrathi speak the language without at least a hint of an accent and most stumble over minor nuances of the language. For example, most Terrans usually ignore the subtle "h" sound that appears in many Kilrathi words, though its presence or absence often varies the intended meaning of the word:

kar = dark
khar = shadow
kahr = heart

A Terran would likely pronounce all three in the exact same manner; a Kilrathi would not. This "palatial lisp", where the mid-section of the tongue comes in contact with the soft palate, is often noted by native Kilrathi speakers when listening to Terrans struggling with their language.

Written Kilrathi has been transliterated into a number of different writing systems. For this work, the system developed by Ches M. Penney will be utilized; the editors of this document are of the opinion that RADM Penney's original system of Kilrathi transliteration is best suited for people who already know how to read at least Basic English and will result in a minimum amount of difficulty approximating the sounds of Kilrathi words and sentences. RADM Penney's system incorporates the following set of rules:


Most consonants are pronounced as in English, with a few exceptions:

  • C will not appear in this dictionary, though the letter "C" has appeared in some transliterations of the language (most notably those of LCDR Forstchen). "S" and "K" will appear in place of "C" as necessary in order to present the appropriate sound for the given situation. "C" will appear as part of "CH", which is always pronounced as in "chew", never as in "Bach".
  • G is always pronounced hard (as in "gut", never as in "gerbil").
  • H is an exceptionally important sound in Kilrathi, pronounced hard but also used occasionally to add a soft "sigh" to many ideas and in the process change their meaning. An "H" appearing in the center of a word that does not ordinarily require it ALWAYS indicates that the idea involved applies to a sapient being - but its absence does not necessarily imply the opposite. "H" appearing at the end of a word that does not ordinarily require it usually indicates that the idea is being applied to a specific thing, most often a being capable of thought (including non-sapient beings) or a place.
  • J is always pronounced hard (as in "jet", never as in German "ja").
  • Q will be utilized only for overtly hard usages of the "K" sound, approaching "KK" or "KH".
  • W is a sound that does not occur in Kilrathi; where it appears, it represents hu = "thing" in situations where it is important to keep the idea distinct.
  • X functions as the -ks sound when appearing anywhere in its idea other than at the beginning; it is pronounced as a "Z" when appearing at the beginning of the idea. An "A" preceding the "X" is always pronounced short. "X" has a special function in the Kilrathi language, that of a "corrupted concept indicator", which will be discussed later in this guide.
  • Y always represents the consonant sound - it never serves as a vowel. This can be confusing to English readers. The combination "DY" will create a sound approaching "tz" when pronounced properly.

Silent consonants never occur in Kilrathi.

In compounded words, repeated consonants are generally (though not always) combined into one; where a double-consonant occurs, extra stress should be placed on the sound. The meaning of the word does not change in that instance, though some additional importance of the word's idea may be indicated by it.

So far the only additional rule involving consonants involves combinations of L and J; where an L would naturally be followed by a J, the L sound is removed and the J is doubled. The meaning of neither root word changes in this case. Such combinations occur usually in the case of compounded or modified nouns, as will be discussed below.


The native Kilrathi language contains ten identifiable vowel sounds, represented thus:

  • A represents either a short "A" sound (as in "bat") or a sound approaching short "O" (as in "caw") depending on what consonant sounds accompany it.
  • E is short if it is the first sound in its idea and is representative of a long "A" sound anywhere else. For example in mekh (measure of speed), the E appears at the beginning of its idea (ekh = speed), thus the word is properly pronounced like "mech", not "meek".
  • I, except when proceeded by A, carries a long E sound; when preceded by A, it carries the long I sound (the long E sound has occasionally been transcribed as EE in some sources - notably those of LCDR Keith; here only "I" will be presented). The AI combination is the only vowel combination allowed in the Kilrathi language. It is also the only vowel that experiences metathesis in the language, and that only when followed by Y:
aiy = visible / seen (pronounced "YAI")
  • O may either be pronounced long or short. It is most commonly pronounced long, though it is generally short if it appears at the beginning of its idea. When followed by R, it makes the OR sound as usual.
  • U is always pronounced long, carrying the OO sound. The short U sound does not occur in Kilrathi.

As with consonants, silent vowels do not occur in Kilrathi.

In situations where two vowel sounds would be combined other than A and I, it is common practice for the first vowel to be dropped and for the second one to retain its sound. Take mekh as an example:

ma = this / sum / measure
ekh = speed / fast
mekh = ma + ekh = measure of speed

A is a weak vowel; it is almost always suborned by other vowels even if it is the trailing vowel.

If a word or concept that is ordinarily expressed strictly through a prefix or suffix must stand by itself, it is usually combined with an A, which carries no meaning in and off itself in that instance:

kna = darkness / void (kn'- = "darkness / void) + a = (no meaning))
arg = solid / hard / firm (a = (no meaning) + -'rg = solid / hard / firm)

There are situations where A and I are not combined; generally these occur when an important distinction regarding possession occurs. For example:

hrai = hra + -i = family (literally "my people")
hri = hra + -i = people's (i.e. belonging to the people)

Once again, "A" is suborned by "I" in the case of hri.

"Hu" is usually converted to "w" in situations wherein the "U" would otherwise be combined with another vowel. For example:

wul = bed / cot (hu = thing + ul = rest, lit. "rest thing")
wuni = circle (hu = thing + uni = one, lit. "one thing")

Finally, in cases where a vowel both immediately preceeds and immediately follows an apostrophe, the vowel preceeding the apostrophe may be dropped. For example:

l'ek = mention (le = speak + ek = quick. lit. "quick speak")


Apostrophes represent glottal stops, a short pause or catch between two ideas; an English example of this phenomenon is the hyphen in "uh-oh". Glottal stops are extremely important in Kilrathi; their presence or absence frequently changes the meaning of a word on their own. For example:

maga = to multiply
ma'ga = long / tall / high / height / length / distance

Newcomers to the language cannot be warned strongly enough - ignoring the use of a glottal stop when it is required may initiate a life-threatening situation, particularly if they are in conversation with a native speaker at the time, and especially if they are already somewhat annoyed. Kilrathi do not respond well to insult, even if it was caused via ignorance.

Glottal stops are frequently used to seperate a noun or verb from its modifiers. For example:

knav'qith = silver (knav'- = bright / shine / white / luminous / luminosity + qith = metal)
knav'qith'kutthrak = purest silver (knav'qith = silver + kutthrak = ultimate pureness)

This generally occurs when there is a need to add a suffix or modifier that starts with a vowel to a noun or verb that ends in with a different vowel, in situations where the two meanings must be distinct in order to clarify the exact meaning.

They are also used to seperate subject from verb when both are presented as a single word:

Hu'hav vidyukinin = "There is no spoon." (hu = thing + -'hav = to not be)
Argarthrak'jaqahagai = "Supreme executive power comes from a mandate."

Finally, there is a full class of Kilrathi words where the glottal stop is actually included as part of the meaning. These are commonly applied to words as prefixes, and may represent the main idea itself. The best known examples are:

tr'- = battle / struggle
kr'- = attack
kn'- = void / dark / black
k'- = absence / lack of / opposite
g'- = any

Colors in particular always include the glottal stop. There are known exceptions to the use of a glottal stop with these words, the main one being a recent invention:

trav’hra’nigath = surrender ("to give the prize without struggle", more literally "The non-fighting people I give")

It is suspected a number of Kilrathi words starting with the "K" sound may have originated as k'-.

Certain Kilrathi words and phrases where the consonant combination of "'q'"occurs may be represented by a double apostrophe; there is a single Kilrathi word (K″vr, the seventh planet of the Kilrah star system, translation unknown) that also includes the double apostrophe, which can be best approximated by Terran tounges with an audible click. As there are no other words known that include this phenomenon besides K″vr, no further discussion of this topic will take place at this time.


Hyphens have occasionally been used to help non-native speakers learn the language, most notably in the works of CDR Ohlander, whose system of transliteration has been most frequently utilized to date in writing Kilrathi toponomic nomenclature. This has led to some confusion in the past, most notably in the "proper" spelling of the Korlarh heavy fighter, which has been rendered in different transliteratory systems in the following ways:


All three versions carry the same general meaning ("curved loyal leader", the "curved" part referring to the ship's shape). In RADM Penny's system, the bottom version is the most correct; it would also be correct to use CDR Ohlander's transliteration (the top version) in this case, as the hyphen in that system does not add any additional sounds (the main deficiency with the Ohlander method is that the hyphen does not necessarily indicate a glottal stop; there is no marker for glottal stops in that system despite their aforementioned importance). The middle translation is incorrect - there is no glottal stop present in the word.

For purposes of this discussion, hyphens will not be used. This may lead to some issues with readability, but as long as the end-user is able to familiarize themselves with the basic ideas of the language, they should prove to be completely unnecessary.

Grammatical Sketch[]

In a brief guide such as this, it is not possible to describe Kilrathi grammar succinctly, particularly given the lack of some data on a number of every day concepts; work on deciphering these concepts is ongoing. What follows then may only be considered a sketch or outline of the Kilrathi language as it is understood by Terrankind to date. Although a good many of the fine points are not covered, the sketch will allow the student of Kilrathi to muddle through what a Kilrathi may or may not be saying and respond in an intelligible, though perhaps somewhat brutish, manner. It is likely that only those Kilrathi who have spent their lives in and around the Thrak'hra class will be able to tell the difference (and these will either explain the error or simply kill the offender, depending on their mood).


There are various types of nouns in Kilrathi. Simple nouns are single ideas, such as:

ka = blood / spirit
hu = thing

Complex nouns may be made up of several ideas, much like English. For example:

daig = school (a combination of da = hall + ig = to learn)
brajakh = fortress / community (br'- = defend / protect + aj = plan / design + akh = water /drink/ taste)

Many common use words in Kilrathi are in fact complex nouns, or began as a complex noun before being absorbed into the mainstream language.

Another type of complex noun consists of a verb followed by one of three "to do" suffixes:

-'il = "creature that does"
-'al = "thing that does"
-'a = "being that does" / "-ist"

Thus producing words such as:

traggil = "creature that struggles with a trap" (tr'- = battle/struggle + agg = trap/snare + -'il = creature that does)
ratha = "a being that dominates" (rath = question / dominate + -'a = being that does)
fa'orc'al = "thing that marks courage" (fa = courage + orc = stand/place/mark + -'al = thing that does)

Adjectives and other modifiers usually, though not always, are appended as suffixes to the noun they are being used to describe. In a few cases the modifier is applied as a primary prefix (colors in particular are known to be applied as prefixes). Examples of each form include:

daik = "library" (dai = house + ik = knowledge/to know)
dyalrakh = "honor bearer" (dya = have / carry / bear / hold + -al = thing that does + rakh = honor)
birha = "red blossom" (b'- = red + ir = plant / blossom + -ha = to be)
dor = "bird" (do = flight / flying + or = animal / creature, lit. "creature flying")

In general (but again not always) the structure of adjective modifiers to Kilrathi words follows this general structure: age-color-(root noun)-purpose-material-origin-shape-size-opinion number. For example:

churp'qith'rakituqithTerran'hrak'kuvarggagathxi tre = "Three ugly large old blunt grey Terran metal combat knives"

Nouns may also be modified by a number of other suffixes, as follows:

-ga / -gha = augmentative/emphatic

Ga (all) may be applied to emphasize a noun that is an important concept. If applied twice (i.e. gaga), the concept is as important as it possibly can be. For example:

kut = clean / pure / whole
kutga = very clean / holy
kutgaga = sacred

Ga never occurs more than twice with any single concept. In situations where additional augmentation is required, the superlative affix thrak (great / ultimate / noble / final / top) is used instead.

The opposite of ga is:

-in / -ihn = diminutive

In (small) is applied to indicate a concept that is smaller, less important or less powerful. For example:

ni'runai = "My self-satisfaction (ni = my + ru = satisfy/satiate + nai = I/me/mine)
ni'runihn = "My little self-indulgence (Ni'runai + -ihn = diminuative)

Like ga, in never occurs more than twice with any single concept. Unlike ga, however, there is no currently known modifier for an ultimate diminutive.

Another diminutive form is:

-iki / -ihki = diminuative (endearment)

Iki (from inquki = small but good) is used to form pet names or to show endearment. For example:

ni'lin = brother
ni'liniki = bro, bubba
nah = mother
nahiki = mommy

Needless to say, this particular suffix is very rarely used, and generally only with immediate family.

ga, in and iki may appear in the same word next to one another, with various parts of the root idea being augmented or diminished depending upon placement. For example:

daikutga'inga = "big shrine" (dai = house + kutga = very clean / holy + -'in = diminutive + -'ga = augmentative)

In this case, ga augments kut (clean / pure / whole), kutga describes dai (forming daikutga = church / temple). In diminishes this concept (to "shrine / reliquary"), and the final ga augments it once more (to "big shrine"). The reader is cautioned to take particular care when having to untangle words and phrases such as this one.

Both plural nouns and possessive forms of nouns may have the following suffix:

-i = plural / possessive

Unfortunately, there is no way of telling the difference in the usage of this suffix except via the context in which it is used. For example:

rakhi = "honors" (more than one honor)
rakhi = "honor's" (belong to honor)

The same word means two different things; which one is correct will depend on how it is being used:

ri'gath rakhiga ra nai = "You give big honors to me"
ras ajjrakhi = "For honor's design"

Incidentally, the second example above shows another expression of possession typically used in Kilrathi, that of a noun possessing another noun. When such a situation occurs, the two words are listed in the order of possessed-possessor. An "of" or "of the" between the two words may be implied. For example:

ras ajjrakhi = "For the design of honor" (a second, equally valid translation with the same meaning)
ko'aSivari = "Sivar's servant" or "servant of Sivar"

Possessives may also be shown by seperating the two concepts with a glottal stop; in this case the trailing -i is not necessary. For example, the following forms are also valid:

ras ajj'rakh = "For the design of honor" / "For honor's design"
ko'a'Sivar = "Sivar's servant" / "Servant of Sivar"

It is imperative that one possessive form or the other is used - otherwise, it is implied that the idea is a compound noun:

ras ajjrakh = "For honor plan"
ko'aSivar = "Sivar servant"

In the case of the previous examples, neither particularly makes sense; using the second one might prompt a life-threatening situation depending upon the context in which it is used.

Nouns used to describe a particular kind of person end with:

-'hra = person / people (of indeterminate number)

The addition of the -'hra suffix may be coupled with any noun or modifier; when this occurs, the resultant word automatically becomes a noun. For example:

gukvu'hra = zombie (lit. "living dead person"; guk = dead + vu = "life / survival" + -'hra = person/people)
su'hra = fool (su = contempt / disdain + -'hra = person/people)
xha'hra = thief (xha = steal / theft + -'hra = person/people)
sha'hra = enemy (sha = hostile + -'hra = person/people)
thrak'hra = nobleman (lit. "great person")

When added to a pronoun, the resultant word has a meaning approximately equal to "self":

ni'hra = myself
gar'hra = himself / herself / itself
ek'hra = ourselves

Though this is not always the case:

mas'hra = that person
mai'hra = these people

The -'hra suffix may be applied to the name of a specific people or to the planet on which they live to describe its inhabitants. This system also generally applies to how the Kilrathi describe alien races when they want to be more specific than ukta and bak. For planets with more than one word to the name, the -'hra appears at the end of the last word in the name, with glottal stops placed between words if necessary. For example:

terran'hra = Terran persons
nak'tara'hra = Planet Earth people (this one is technically correct but seldom used)
varni'hra = Varni persons (seldom used; most Varni are referred to as wex (slave)).
wu'hra  = Wu hra (seldom used; most Wu are referred to either as wex or as uk (food)).
ghorah'khar'hra = Ghorah Khar persons

Note that the number of persons is indeterminate; for example, terran'hra may be used to describe one human or multiple humans:

Geoffrey Chaucer Terran'hra = Geoffrey Chaucer the Terran
Ki'ha rakra Terran'hra!! = "We are under attack by Terran persons!!" (lit. "We are with attack (by) Terran persons!!")

Finally, it should be noted that there are some words in the Kilrathi lexicon that utilizes the -'hra suffix that do not indicate personage. The most common one known is:

aiy'hra = today (lit. "visible persons")

It's likely that such words originally had a meaning involving a number of persons and evolved into their current meaning over the course of time.

No matter the circumstances involved in the usage of -'hra, the apostrophe (and the corresponding glottal stop) is never dropped.

-'hra is rarely applied to verbs; -a is used instead for the same purpose.


Kilrathi verbs are generally monosyllabic in form, though there are a few that are polysyllabic, such as:

chodyapa = to feel
cha'ak = to row
leba = to tell

Many of the same words that may be used as nouns in Kilrathi may be used as verbs, with an appropriate adjustment to their meanings. Whether or not a word is considered a noun or verb in that case is largely dependent upon the context applied and its position within the sentence. For example:

ji'ji = "The fire burns"

In this case, the same word has two different usages within the same sentence - the first ji as the noun "fire" and the second as the verb "to burn". The glottal stop denotes the second ji as a verb and not as an adjective; were it to be absent, it would read as:

jiji = "burning fire"

It's generally the inclusion of a noun or pronoun prior to the verb form of the word that indicates its intended usage as a verb. One should be careful to note instances where the subject is not explictly stated. For example:

jitha maks akdaklanshikthrak = "Burn the land and boil the sea."

In this case, the implied noun (rai or ri'- = "you") has been left off both parts of the statement - it would have the same meaning if it was phrased thusly:

ri'jitha maks ri'akdaklanshikthrak = "You burn the land and you boil the sea."

Such instances of implied pronouns happen frequently in the Kilrathi language, particularly when dealing with imperative statements (which are utilized most frequently in Kilrathi culture) and particularly in instances where either the subject or object of the sentence may be referred to in the first or second person.

As with nouns, Kilrathi verbs can take both pronoun prefixes and suffixes; both can exist simultaneously and it is conceivable for an entire sentence to be rendered as a single word, with the subject prefixed to the verb and the object applied as a suffix. For example:

ni'dyagai = "I bear it" (nai = I/me/mine + dya = convey/ferry + gai = he/she/it)

Note in this case, where the subject of the sentence is combined with the action, the possessive form of the prounoun is utilized. Again, the glottal stop indicates the point of seperation between subject and verb.

The tense of a verb can be inferred from one of several markers:

(noun)'(verb)k = past tense
(noun)'ha (verb)k = past perfect tense
(noun)'ha (verb) = present perfect tense
(noun)'(auxiliary verb)(verb) = future tense, weak to moderation volition
(noun) ha(verb) = future tense, strong volition

Kilrathi verbs do not undergo any form of conjugation for grammatical voice. To indicate the use of a perfect verb tense, an auxiliary verb (most commonly -'ha = to be) is added as a suffix of the initial noun, with the verb appearing immediately afterwards at the beginning of the next word. The main verb may or may not be separated from the subject in these instances.

ji'jikochirth = "The fire burns the paper."
ji'ha jikochirth = "The fire is burning the paper."
ji'hajikochirth = "The fire is burning the paper."

The second version is not as clear to read as the first, but often occurs.

Other common auxiliary verbs include

dya = to have
nis = to go / begin
as = continue / maintain / resume
rash = wish / desire
aj'k = ready / willing
fa = courage (not afraid)
datakav = change

When more than one auxiliary verb is required for a given situation, the auxiliaries are usually separate from one another:

ni'ha rash ji maskochirth = "I am wanting to burn that paper."

Negatives in the active voice are indicated by adding va immediately after the word containing the verb; when used in this manner, it automatically carries an implied meaning of "does not do". For the perfect tense, a suffix of av or va is added to the auxiliary verb used. For -'ha, the negative form is -'hav; for -a, the negative form is -av.

ahk'jikochirth va = "The water does not burn the paper."
ahk'hav jikochirth  = "The water is not burning the paper."

Past tense is indicated in either voice by adding a -'k suffix to the end of the verb. The glottal stop in this case is generally only left in if the verb ends in a consontant sound; it can be ignored for verbs ending in vowel sounds. It may be left in, however, for the sake of clarity:

baka'hathrugalga = "The hunter kills the rugalga."
baka'ha hathrugalga = "The hunter is killing the rugalga."
baka'hath'krugalga = "The hunter killed the rugalga."
baka'ha'k hathrugalga = "The hunter was killing the rugalga." (hak = love, so the glottal stop is added in this case)
baka'dya hath'krugalga = "The hunter has killed the rugalga."
baka'dyak hath'krugalga = "The hunter had killed the rugalga."

In the case of the negative, the -'k suffix is applied first. As with the present tense, va following the word containing the verb carries an implied "did not do".

baka'hath'krugalga va = "The hunter did not kill the rugalga."
baka'hakav hathrugalga = "The hunter was not killing the rugalga." (hakav = was not; there is no confusion, so the glottal stop is dropped.)
baka'dyava hath'krugalga = "The hunter has not killed the rugalga."
baka'dyakav hath'krugalga = "The hunter had not killed the rugalga."

Future tense utilizes one of three main auxiliary verbs:

ha = must / need / should
h'as = will / shall
h'in = may / can / could / try / attempt / able

H'as and h'in both appear immediately after the noun, and in both cases the verb is combined with it as a suffix. Av is used in both cases to indicate the negative case and is placed between the auxiliary and the main verb:

ni'h'asnis du shint = "I will go to the ship."
ni'h'asavnis du shint = "I will not go to the ship."
ni'h'innis du shint = "I try to go to the ship."
ni'hav h'innis du shint = "I am not trying to go to the ship."
ni'h'inavnis du shint = "I cannot go to the ship." / "I may not go to the ship." / "I might not go to the ship."

The meaning of this final example is highly dependent upon context.

In cases where strong volition is indicated, a prefix of ha- is utilized. This always seperates the verbs from the noun; in cases where a pronoun is being used, the non-possessive forms are utilized as appropiate. In cases of negation, the prefix becomes hav.

ri'gathrakh du nai = "You give honor to me."
ri'h'asgathrakh du nai = "You will give honor to me." 
rai hagathrakh du nai = "You must give honor to me."
rai havgathrakh du nai = "You must not give honor to me." / "You need not give honor to me." / "You should not give honor to me."

Note that ha- equates to should while h'as equates to shall; it is indeed more common to see ha- than h'as when the subjunctive mood applies.

Ha alone simply means "to be":

Ha k'le = "Be quiet." / "Be silent." (-ha = to be + k'- = lack of + le = sound / speak)

In certain instances of haha (meaning "must be" / "need to be" / "should be" / "is being"), the initial "a" is dropped:

hha = "must be" / "need to be" / "should be" / "is being"

This usage is rare but does occur.

In all cases and as the examples show, the object of the verb appears immediately after the main verb itself and is appended to it as a suffix. This is always the case unless:

  1. The verb has modifiers
  2. The object of the verb is a dependent clause
  3. If appending the object would produce a potentially confusing result.

It is never grammatically incorrect to separate a verb from its object. For more on how verbs are utilized, see the section on Syntax below.

Hath, Ath and Gu[]

The notion of "the more important a concept is to a people, the more words they have to say it" is common to most languages, and trathkh dai'B'nal is no exception to this rule. In particular, there are three words in the language that deal with killing and death - hath, ath and gu - that are culturally significant and bear their own discussion.

Hath, ath and gu all may be used as nouns to signify death or as verbs to indicate dying or killing. The distinction between them is whether or not the subject/object being referred to will be subsequently eaten or not:

hath = kill / death (for food)
gu = kill / death (end life)
ath = kill / death (indeterminate case)

Using hath indicates the subject/object will become food:

baka'ha hathrugalga = "The hunter is killing the rugalga."
rugalga'ha'k thrakhath = "The rugalga was a great kill."

Using gu indicates that the subject/object will merely die:

kal'ha'k lerx'k maks guk. = "The lord was poisoned and died."
Ni'h'asgurai, Terran'hra!! = "I will kill you, Terran!!."

Using ath indicates that there is uncertainty over whether the subject/object will be eaten or not:

Laq'ath wexWu'hra. = "The master kills the Wu slave."

Those who are unfamiliar with the language are often confused by this distinction; when in doubt, beginners should use ath. It is important that the correct term be utilized - for example, the following is incorrect:

baka'ha hathsiva = "The hunter is killing the warrior (for food)."

For safety's sake, a beginner could say:

baka'ha athsiva = "The hunter is killing the warrior."

Or they could simply assume the "best case" (if it can be called that):

baka'ha gusiva = "The hunter is killing the warrior."

It should be noted that both hath and gu have corrupted forms (see the discussion of corrupted forms in the section Modifiers):

hax = cannibalize
gux = murder

In the (rather horrific) case above, one could also say:

baka'ha guxsiva = "The hunter is murdering the warrior."
baka'ha haxsiva = "The hunter is cannibalizing the warrior."

Ath does not have a corrupted form - when in doubt, one should use gux.


The Kilrathi language utilizes the following set of pronouns:

Kilrathi Pronouns
Grammatical Person Singular Objective / Non-Possessive Singular Specific Possessive Singular Subjective / Possessive Prefix Plural Objective / Non-Possessive Plural Specific Possessive Plural Subjective / Possessive Prefix
First Person nai n'ikh ni'- kai e'kh ek'-
Second Person rai r'ikh ri'- raiga r'ikhga riga'-
Third Person gai g'ikh gar'- garga garga garga'-

There is no grammatical gender in Kilrathi; third-person singular pronouns may be translated based on the context of the sentence. Pronouns may be used as nouns for emphasis or for added clarity, but they are by no means required; they are commonly omitted in imperatives. Pronouns can be affixed to other words as a primary prefix, thus indicating ownership. For example:

ek'lakh = our ancestors
ri'rakh = your honor

It is more common to see the prefix form utilized as the subject of the sentence than the separate possessive form; usually the specific possessive form occurs in formal or archaic forms of the language (most notably with the second person singlar specific possessive r'ikh, which is translatable as "thy" or "thine"). For example:

e'kh lakh = our ancestors (formal tone)
r'ikh rakh = your honor (formal tone) / thy honor / thine honor
Kir'kha n'ikh rakh k'har, Sharhi nar Hhallas = "I, Sharhi of Hhallas, swear to avenge my honor".

This final sentence also serves as an example of a missing pronoun ("I") in the subject of the sentence.

The non-possessive / objective form may be used as the subject of a sentence when the verb requires it; for example, as a means to distinguish between ha = must and -'ha = to be, as follows:

Ni'jaq k'ropa = "I go crazy." (ni'- = I / me / my + jaq = come / springs from / become + k'- = absence / lack of / opposite + ropa = sane / sanity)
Ni'ha jaq'k'ropa = "I am going crazy." (-'ha = to be)
Nai ha'jaq k'ropa = "I must go crazy." (ha = must / need)
Nai hhajaq'k'ropa = "I must be going crazy."

Vowels may also be dropped from the possessive prefix form, as in:

n'hakh ri'kahri = "destruction" (literally "I must taste your hearts")

This is rare but valid.

Finally, the objective form is always used when a pronoun is the object of the sentence:

Mas'hanai = "That is mine." (mas = that + -'ha = to be + nai = I / me / my)

It should be noted that it is not grammatically correct to use the specific possessive form as the object of a sentence for any other reason than to use as the formal voice.


The use of base-eight mathematics is a well-known aspect of Kilrathi culture and society. Lately there has been an effort by a few groups of remaining Kilrathi to convert over to base-ten mathematics (as a means of better understanding Terran culture), but for the most part, Kilrathi are well content to continue to utilize a system that has worked extremely well for them for milennia.

Kilrathi numbers are as follows:

Kilrathi Numbers
Terran Equivalent Octal Rendering Cardinal Form Ordinal Form
One 1 uni ar
Two 2 de dar
Three 3 tre tar
Four 4 kes k'ar
Five 5 p'nt par
Six 6 h'ks sar
Seven 7 h'p h'ar
Eight 10 ok zo'ar

†Eight is rendered in some sources as "oc"; it is frequently mispronounced by Terrans as something close to "AWK" as a result (the proper pronunciation is closer to "OAK")

For zero, Kilrathi use kn'- ("void / nothing")

The series for the numbers nine through sixteen is unique, as follows:

Kilrathi Numbers
Terran Equivalent Octal Rendering Cardinal Form Ordinal Form
Nine 11 nove var
Ten 12 du du'ar
Eleven 13 oktre z'tar
Twelve 14 du'de z'kar
Thirteen 15 okp'nt z'par
Fourteen 16 okks z'sar
Fifteen 17 okh'p z'har
Sixteen 20 deok dezo'ar

The unique forms nove, du and especially du'de are believed to be cultural in origin, with du'de functioning much as the number thirteen in Terran circles (i.e. as a number indicating bad fortune).

Higher numbers are formed by adding base set of numbers as a prefix to the eight-number form. Thus:

unideok = seventeen (one and two eights, 21)
dedeok = eighteen (two and two eights, 22)
treok = twenty-four (three eights, 30)
kesok = thirty-two (four eights, 40)

And so forth.

Likewise, the same goes for the ordinal set, though it is only the final element of the number that is used in the ordinal form.

unidezo'ar = seventeenth
dedezo'ar = eighteenth
trezo'ar = twenty-fourth
keszo'ar = thirty-second

And so forth.

Numbers of higher orders of magnitude use the following set of suffixes:

Kilrathi Large Number Suffixes†
Terran Equivalent Octal Rendering Cardinal Form Ordinal Form
64 (82) 100 -'okko -zar
512 (83) 1,000 -'okto -okto'zar
4,096 (84) 10,000 -'okga -okga'zar
32,768 (85) 100,000 -'okoga -okoga'zar
262,144 (86) 1,000,000 -'oktoga -oktoga'zar
2,097,152 (87) 10,000,000 -'okgaga -okgaga'zar
16,777,216 (88) 100,000,000 -'okkogaga -okogaga'zar
134,217,728 (89) 1,000,000,000 -'oktogaga -oktogaga'zar

†Again, it is not uncommon to see ok rendered as oc in many sources - in particular, octo is used heavily (as opposed to okto) in most Terran renderings.

Higher orders of magnitude are tacked onto the end of the existing number:

h'pdeok'okko = eighty-seven (seven, twelve eights, and one eight-eight)
kesok'h'ksokko'h'pokto = four thousand (four eights, six eight-eights and seven eight eight-eights)
h'pdeok'zar = eighty-seventh
kesok'h'ksokko'h'pokto'zar = four thousandth

It is not known if the Kilrathi have larger number sets or not. Infinity is rendered simply as ga (all).

Numbers are generally used as adjectives, though they may also serve as a modifier to indicate orders of magnitude. When used to indicate order of magnitude, they are added as a prefix - thus words like:

zarmak = "sixty-fourth measure of distance"
oktogramma = "512 weight measures"

When used to indicate quantity, they appear after the noun they modify as well as all other applicable modifiers:

kesthai h'pdeok'okko = Eighty-seven years
yai'i kesok'h'ksokko'h'pokto = Four-thousand throats
lavinin tre = Three little girls

Note that the -i suffic for plurality is optional (though common) when a noun is immediately followed by a number modifier.

Fractions in Kilrathi are generally spoken literally, with the cardinal form of the numerator spoken prior to the ordinal form of the denominator - thus the following examples:

uni'dar = "one seconds"
tre'k'ar = "three fourths"

Where the number "one" is the numerator, the un is sometimes dropped, resulting in the following special forms:

idar = "half"
itar = "third"
ikar = "quarter"

Finally, for octal renderings (i.e. decimals), the word in is utilized in a manner similar to the word "point" in English; this is always done independently. For example:

nove'okko in detreok = "seventy-three point twenty-six" (this translation accounts for the base-8/base-10 difference)

Adding du ("again") as a suffix to a cardinal number gives the notion of repetitions:

unidu = "once"
tredu = "thrice"
du'dedu = "twelve times"

Du may be added to these repetition indicators to indicate its normal function as "again", though it is always separated from the first du by a glottal stop in that case:

unidu'du = "once again"

Basic mathematical functions involve common words found else where in the language:

takh = equals (the result of a mathematical function; one may also use ha = "to be" for the same purpose)
maks = plus (addition)
talan = minus (subtraction)
maga = times (multiplication)
nishukatavi = seperate (division)

Magamang indicates a mathematical power of an unspecified amount; when used, mang is replaced by the amount of the power that is applied:

magade = square (power of two)
magaidar = square root (power of one-half)
magatre = cube (power of three)
magaitar = cube root (power of one third)

One should be careful not to confuse power terminonogy with regular multiplication:

du maga tre takh h'ks = "Two times three equals six."
du magatre ha ok = "Two to the third power is eight."


The major conjunctions in the Kilrathi language are as follows:

maks = and
qu = but / either / or
takh = like / as
desh = if
ta = for / because
quv = nor / neither

In general, conjunctions that join portions of sentences together appear seperately from any other word as with any other determiner. For example:

Ek'rah skabak erg Thrak'Kilrah maks Rag'nith = "For the Glory of Kilrah, the Emperor, and the Empire."(lit. "Our world glories of Great Kilrah and the Emperor/Empire.")

Lists of items joined by a conjunction are most commonly written as a single word, such as:

irormakstha = "vegetable, animal and mineral" (ir = plant / blossom, or = animal / creature, maks = and / plus, tha = ground / land)

Lists may also consist of separate words, though in general the last two ideas in the list are kept together unless they are arbitrarily long. Lists containing proper nouns are always left separate from one another.

ir or maks tha = "vegetable, animal and mineral"
ir ormakstha = "vegetable, animal and mineral"
Narthrak'ha tre nar Qarg, nar Raghitagha maks nar Kiranka. = "Three Great Clans are nar Qarg, nar Raghitagha and nar Kiranka.

It is gramatically correct whether the words are joined together as one or left separate from one another. For more on how conjunctions are utilized gramatically, see the section on Syntax below.


Words used to modify verbs and nouns almost always are tacked on to the end of the word or appear as the next word or set of words in the sentence (generally separation occurs when clarity is of importance).

Both nouns and verbs may be modified to further descriptors. In most cases, a descriptor is applied simply by tacking it on as a suffix to the noun or verb in question.

Khantahr'ha'k snak rath brajakh Dr'qtan = "The general was sent to conquer the stronghold of Dr'qtan."
Khantahrarg'ha'k snak rath brajakh Dr'qtan = "The mighty general was sent to conquer the stronghold of Dr'qtan."

If need be for the sake of clarity, a descriptor may be applied immediately after the idea it is intended to describe:

qith'rak = sword / blade
qith'rak k'haf = drawn sword (lit. "not hidden blade")

It is also not uncommon to see a descriptor placed after the idea it is describing in the event that the descriptor has its own descriptors or modifiers:

leharga = thunder
lehargalega = loud thunder
lekarhga k'elthrak = deafening thunder

Should a double letter be formed as a result of adding a descriptor to an idea, the descriptor may either be appended or kept separate. Double-k becomes "q" in such events, and "kj" becomes double-j.

A few nounal modifiers are tacked on as prefixes (as mentioned previously, colors are always applied as prefixes), or proceed the word they modify in the event that clarity must be considered. Some noteworthy nounal prefix modifiers include:

kir = young / new
chur = old
ma = this (for example, matha = ma + tha = "this land")
mas = that
mai = these
masi = those
gataga = total
kimohe = likely / probable
letakhk = so-called
sa = apparent / seen as
gri = definite / certain / assured
aiyvarg = obvious

For example:

Z'irdyal'ha aiyvargiv. = "The green vase is an obvious fake." (z'- = green + irdyal = "thing that holds a plant" + -'ha = to be, aiyvarg = obvious + iv = false / wrong).
Ma'ha eshma gatagasiv. = "This is total war now." (gatagasiv = gataga + siv = total + war)
Gathkai aiy maletakhkKahr'kilinthrak.= "Let us see this so-called Heart of the Tiger."

Thrak may be applied to any noun as either a prefix or suffix, though it is more commonly used as a suffix.

Adverbs are always placed separately from the verb they modify, and generally as close to the verb they modify as possible. Common adverbs are:

anruni = only (used also for "merely" and "just")
eshma = now
vesh = never
balanga = frequent / often
eshga = always
eshmang = sometimes
eshma'in = soon
jha = then
k'gris = perhaps

For example:

Ni'ha h'inuz anruni. = "I am only trying to help."
Ek'h'aschak eshma'in du Terran'hra. = "Soon we will strike at the Terrans."
Ri'h'asis k'gris uniga'hra uzrai. = "Maybe you will find another person to help you."

Modifiers may be placed by themselves within a sentence; when they do so in a manner that the word does not modify any other word, it stands as an interjection. There is no Kilrathi equivalent for the word "well" when it is used in this manner; in Kilrathi renderings of Terran phrases that use "well" in this way, the usage is simply ignored. "So" when rendered as an interjection is konis (motive).

Major prepositions in the language include:

du = in / across / again / at / on (locative) / up / through / to / towards / dorsal
talan = away / ventral / down / out (talan the functional opposite of du)
erg = of* / about / among / between
gara = greater than / better than / above / over
inra = less than / below / deep / lower / under
takh = equal / same / as / like / even
ra = than / with (and rav = without)
ras = by
ta = for / because

Prepositions form dependent clauses; they and their objects are always placed separately from other parts of sentences. For more on their usage, see the section on Syntax below. Prepositional phrases can consist of a single world if and only if the object of the phrase is a single word, for example:

duka = "to blood" (du + ka)

Erg is only used as "of" when it must be explicit; "of" may be indicated implicitly via glottal stops, as seen in cases of possession.

Any noun or verb may be translated into an adjective or adverb form by applying:

-s = modifier suffix

This suffix may be used to form adjectives from nouns with the meaning "of or pertaining to" (English -ic), adjectives meaning typical or similar to (English -ish), adjectives from nouns or adverbs from adjectives in general (English -ly), adjectives meaning "having the quality of" from nouns or adjectives (English -y), or adjectives meaning "inclined to" from verbs (again English -y). The -s suffix may be added more than once if necessary; extra stress is applied when this occurs. Some examples include:

ka = blood
kas = bloody
dyapava = stupid
dyapavas = stupidly
dyapava'hra = idiot / moron
dyapava'hras = idiotic / moronic
dyapava'hrass = idiotically / moronically
su'hra = fool (lit. "contemptible person")
su'hras = foolish
su'hrass = foolishly

For example:

Ni'ha su'hra. = "You are a fool."
Ni'h'asav ahrav ri'ajjsu'hras. = "I will not follow your foolish plan."
Ni'dyak gathtalan su'hrass ga ri'hugath. = "You have given away all of your money foolishly."

Other nounal and verbal prefixes infrequently used in the language. While their usage is usually considered optional, they can be used as needed to clarify the intent of a particular word or to explicitly change its form. Such modifiers include:

h'in- = may / can / could, changes verbs into adjectives
balan- = happen / status, changes adjectives into nouns and explicitly identifies a conditional state
ra- = than / with, changes nouns into adjectives
da- = to make, changes nouns into verbs
ik- = knowledge, uses specifically to identify a field of study

In all cases and as stated previously, there are no modifiers that would give verbs any participle form or conjugation.

A final modifier occasionally found in the language is:

-x = corrupted concept indicator.

This affix has no equivalent function in English. Its purpose is to indicate a "corruption" of the basic concept, giving the base word a "darkened" meaning. The use of the corrupted concept appears at several points in the language. Known examples include:

ka = blood
xa = prey blood (weak blood)
ki = good
xi = evil
ar / ahr = lead / leader (this term is generally also applied to concepts to denote deities)
ax = devil
hath = kill for food
hax = cannibal / cannibalize
lerk = drug / medicine
lerx = poison
gu = kill
gux = murder
wesh = hu + esh = "fast thing"
wex = slave
rash = wish / desire
rax = lust
ba / bha = to get / to take / convey / ferry
xha = steal / theft
du = in / across / again / at / on (locative) / up / through / to / towards / dorsal
dux = against (this one is a special case, where as in English the "x" acts as a parasitic)
vrash = to mate
vrax = fuck

All other occurrences of the corruptive affix within the language can generally be traced back to one of these base occurances. For example:

kila'vrash = wife (kilav = female + vrash = to mate)
kilavrax = prostitute (kilav = female + vrax = fuck)

As has been previously noted, if it appears at the end of an idea, it shortens the preceding vowel and has a "ks" sound; at the beginning of an idea, it carries a "z" sound. It will replace any consonant sound it would otherwise come in direct contact with; if not, it is merely appended.


These expressions stand as sentences in their own right:

hagai = "yes" (declarative affirmative, lit. "to be it")
va = "not/no" (declarative negative)
ek'nis = "Let's go!" (literally "we go")
nisekga = "Hurry up!" (literally "go much speed")
h'asnai = "I will" (lit. "will I")
h'asnav = "I refuse" (lit. "will I not")
ki = "Good" (used as an expression of praise/satifaction)
kithrak = "Excellent" (used as an expression of intense satifaction)
aki = Well done! (endorsement of an achievement, a clipping of ri'ak aki = "You did well").
hi'i = Hello (expression of greeting)
walhi = Greetings. (literally "greeting of a thing that does a thing"; usually used when important information is forthcoming.)
niski = "Farewell." (expression of departure; literally "go good")
gatak = "Done!" (expression of completion of a task)
aj'k = "Ready!" (a clipping of ni'ha krikajj'k = "I am prepared.", an expression of a state of preparation)
aiy = "So!" (expression of understanding, realization, invention or recognition - lit. "to see").

Curse words phrases are also included as exclamatory expressions in their own right. Known Kilrathi examples are:

har = "shit/feces"
j'ak = "piss" (literally "yellow water" - also the source of the epithet jaka'in = "little pisser")
vrax = "fuck"
vraxar = "fuck me" (lit. "fuck penis"; ar is a shortened form of paktar = "penis")
avir = "cunt/vulva" (a clipped form of kilaviar, lit. "female's first")
lashki = "cunt/vagina" (a clipped form of lanshiki, lit. "good hole")
barayu'a'ar = "cocksucker" (lit. "sucker of penis", using the shortened form of paktar once again)
vraxa'nah = "mother fucker" (lit. "fucker of mother")
vih'ks = "tits/breasts" (a clipped form of kilavi h'ks, lit. "female's six")
yansh = "asshole" (a clipping of k'yulanshi, literally "rump hole")
sharvath = "don't eat my cock" (sha+ar+va+hath, lit. "enemy of penis no kill (for food)")
kass'richak = "quit jacking off" (lit. "bloodily + you + strike", meaning "you're striking yourself bloody")
rha'rhi = "with your" (this one is still being researched; the object of the phrase is something foul enough that no Kilrathi has so far been willing to discuss it.")

Annoyance and anger is commonly expressed via snarling, with the volume and length of the snarl proportional to the degree of annoyance.

Names and Address[]

The field of Kilrathi onomastics has turned out to be far more complex than what was originally thought by most Kilrathi socio-anthropologists working within the Confederation. This has been due to the fact that prior to the signing of the Treaty of Kobar-Yagar, most Kilrathi encountered by Terrankind utilized a "war name" (husiv). War names serve two main practical purposes in Kilrathi. First, they vastly shorten the length of time it takes to properly address an individual. Second and most importantly, it is meant to serve as a signal to a kil's adversaries: if you cause them trouble, the "clan" with which they have associated themselves will collectively serve retribution for it. A kil's social status could often be discerned by what they choose to utilize for their war name - a kil whose war name utilizes the name of a Great Clan is more important than one who utilizes the name of their home planet for instance, much more so than one who utilizes the name of their home town or region, and much, much, much more so than one who merely utilizes the name of their family (in most cases).

Kilrathi war names utilize the following structure, familiar to most who have any experience with Kilrathi culture:

GIVEN NAME (honorific) CLAN (for members of the Thrak'hra caste)
GIVEN NAME CLAN (for low-ranking Thrak'hra and Kilrah'hra castes)

Notable examples of users of this system include Ralgha nar Hhallas, Dakhath nar Sihkag, and Bakhtosh nar Kiranka. Noteworthy Kilrathi that did not use the nar honorific specifically include Murragh Cakg dai Nokthtak and Ragark lak Haka (it is of additional note that Ragark regularly utilized his family name instead of his given name, Ukar - further study on the cultural significance of this phenomenon is ongoing). Noteworthy Kilrathi that did not utilize any honorific include Najji Ragitagha and Dawx Jhorrad.

The full Kilrathi naming system in actuality utilizes a method somewhat similar to the Arabic naming system on Earth. A series of eight honorifics may be applied to a Kilrathi's name:

jaq = to come / spring from
ko = job / profession
lan = place / location
hrai = family
dai = house
laq = master
lak = bloodline
nar = clan

These honorifics have been placed in order from least to most honorable in Kilrathi society. They appear in a given order, always following this struture:


Jaq is the least honorable of the Kilrathi honorifics, used to indicate someone of illegitimate birth (i.e. someone whose biological father was not their birth mother's lair-mate at the time of their birth). Though the lowest-ranked honorific, a few Kilrathi will still choose to utilize it; usually this is done when their biological father is someone of high rank or note. Commoners may utilize the jaq honorific in their war name. Known examples of users include Nerrag jaq Rhang.

Ko is used to indicate a Kilrathi's current profession. Since this is based upon an individual Kil's current circumstances, it has the potential to change many times over the course of their lifetime. Commoners may utilize the ko honorific, and indeed they are apt to do so if they are some kind of position of authority (such as a merchant or prey animal herder). Known examples of users of this honorific include Naghrah ko Lannis, chief engineer aboard KIS Karga during that ship's final action as an Imperial warship over Baka Kar.

Lan is used as a locative. Like ko, it has the potential to change over the course of a Kilrathi's life, though changes to it are not nearly as common. Most Kilrathi choose to use their place of birth for this honorific, and they may be as localized as they wish when they do so - lan covers locations as general as a planet or star system as well as locations as specific as an individual house or street name. Lan is the most commonly used war name honorific, so much so that it common to replace it with nar (though technically this is wildly incorrect). Lan is generally the highest level honorific a commoner may use in polite society under normal circumstances. Noted users of the lan honorific include Ghellen lan Dorv and Jorkad lan Mraal.

Dai translates roughly as "of the house", and is generally the lowest ranked honorific used exclusively by Thrak'hra. The name applied here is usually the name of the eldest living male ancestor of the kil at the time of their birth. A few Kilrathi families (such as the family dai Nokthtak) choose to utilize the name of a famous or noteworthy ancestor, though that is more properly used with the lak honorific. Dai may also be used as the family name; this occurs when the kil has no living male ancestors at the time of their birth. Largka Cakg dai Nokhtak, his nephew Murragh, and Ukar dai Ragark lak Haka are all noted users of the dai honorific.

A closely related honorific to dai is hrai, utilized only by retainers of Thrak'hra. Its use automatically signals that the kil using is is a retainer, and must be immediately followed by the war name of their leige lord. To utilize it under any other circumstances or with any other name is considered a death-worthy insult to not just the kil in question, but to the kil whose name is referenced. A retainer may have a war name or even a full name of their own that does not utilize the hrai honorific, but they are never addressed by it - only high ranking retainers such as cheedyachee may ever utilize a war name of their own, and then only at the dispensation of their master (Melek nar Kiranka, cheedyachee to the late Prince Thrakhath, was one such retainer). While technically the hrai and dai honorifics are equal to one another socially, the hrai honorific carries with it ever so slightly less honor, due to the fact that it automatically indicates a servant. Notable users of the hrai honorific include Kirha hrai Ralgha nar Hhallas.

Laq is used specifically for those who are considered masters of their craft (e.g. laq qith'rak = "master of blades" - a close Terran equivalent would be the Japanese term kensei); in that sense it is a special form of ko. It takes special dispensation from the Emperor for any kil, regardless of their station, to acheive laq status, and once it has been obtained it may never be rescinded. It is considered demeaning and direspectful towards the Emperor for a kil, once they have obtained laq status, to utilize their ko honorific at all. For a Kilrah'hra to achieve laq status is virtually unheard of, though it can be done in theory.

Lak denotes kinship to a particularly noteworthy ancestor along a direct bloodline (compare lak to lakh = ancestors). It is related to dai, with the exception that the ancestor referred to need not necessarily be alive at the time of the kil's birth. In general, lak honorifics show direct relation to a great hero, someone recognized throughout the Empire for the deeds they accomplished during their lifetime. This includes the blood descendants of all taguari, kabaki and tarkhani, and a few Kilrathi that committed zu'kara rather than allow themselves to suffer dishonor. There is a great deal of prestige tied into the lak honorific. As with laq, it is virtually unheard of for a Kilrah'hra to be granted the right to use lak in their surname. Lak automatically overrides dai; it is considered demeaning to utilize the dai honorific by itself when one has the right to use lak and insulting if another refers to them by the dai honorific. Notable users of the lak honorific include Ukar dai Ragark lak Haka.

The final honorific is nar, which is used to show affiliation with one of the eight Great Clans of Kilrah. Nar is utilized by direct members of the Great Clan itself as well as by the Kilrah'hra who dwell upon the land that clan claims as its own. Kilrah'hra may never used the 'nar honorific as part of their war name; to do so is considered disrespectful and presumptuous, and will result in a knife in the gut to any commoner attempting to employ it. It does remain part of the full name of Kilrah'hra, mainly for official purposes such as tax collection and census counts. Thrak'hra who are not part of the leading house of the clan may use nar if allowed to do so by the clan's baron, while members of the lead house may use the honorific freely and with authority. Again, most Kilrathi will substitute nar for lan; so long as the name of a Great Clan does not follow it or as long as they have permission to do so, it is socially acceptable for them to do this. Virtually every Kilrathi known to the Confederation includes nar as part of their war name; only a relative few employ it with the name of a Great Clan.

Kilrathi are reluctant to reveal their full names to outsiders and examples of their usage are rare in the few surviving records, but a few examples do exist. One noteworthy example is the full name of Prince Thrakhath (otherwise known as Thrakhath nar Kiranka):

Kal Thrakhath B'Naj dai Joor'rad lan Kilrah lak Ragnith nar Kiranka

The application of the honorifics is pretty clear in this case. Kal has the standard meaning of "lord", appropriate for any member of the Thrak'hra caste, let alone the Crown Prince. B'Naj indicates the family Redclaw, to which the royal house of Kilrah was known to belong. dai Joor'rad, the house of Joor'rad, is a direct reference to Thrakhath's grandfather, the late Kilrathi Emperor. lan Kilrah indicates that Thrakhath was born on Kilrah; this could just as easily have been lan Daithrak'Ragnith to indicate his birth in the Imperial Palace, but the reminder of his royal heritage comes with the next honorific, lak Ragnith (from the bloodline of the Emperors) - an honorific employed by any rightful member of the Imperial House. And as the lead house of the Kiranka clan, Thrakhath has a natural right to utilize his clan honorific, nar Kiranka.

Another one found in the records is that of Ralgha nar Hhallas:

Kal Ralgha Cakg ko Shintahr lan Hhallas nar Kiranka

One of the surprises found in the Lord Ralgha's full name was the presence of the family name Cakg, suggesting he was of close relation to Murragh dai Nohtahk; the absence of the house name is not understood at this time. ko Shintahr of course refers to his position as Commanding Officer of KIS Ras Nik'hra at the time this entry was recorded. lan Hhallas indicates his homeworld of Hhallas, and nar Kiranka is the clan to which he belonged.

It should be noted that at least one member of the Kilrathi translation team working with the CCCR has taken an interest in Terran onomastics and toponomics, and has been producing Kilrathi full name versions of noteworty Terrans. For example:

K'sivki dai Dahargpaka laq lede'a lan Brajakh Lanshik lak Darakha nar Tha'hrork = Geoffrey Chaucer
Nharga dai Brajakh Lanshik ko Salerag'nitha laq Lethraka lan Thavargi nar Bhaki'Lani erg Tharag'nithjhak = Abraham Lincoln
Knav'skabak Aknis dai Dara'irga laq Ledeleshki'a lan Akaiy nar Bhaki'lani erg Tharag'nithjhak = Bob Dylan
Kal Ragnithorguk dai Aiyek ko Ledelshki'a lan Brajakh Lanshik nar Tha'Hrork = Sir Arthur Sullivan

As is true in Terran cultures, Kilrathi names have some underlying meaning, though as previously mentioned in this document, many Kilrathi personal names are largely cultural in origin and their exact meaning is not well understood as yet. That said, a few names can be readily translated, such as:

Dakhath = death stroke (lit. "killing blow for food")
Thrakhath = great kill (lit. "ultimate kill for food")
Ralgha = big destroyer
Kirha = young is
Ukar = first prey
Najji = fire claw

For everyday address, Kilrathi utilize four main terms: lin (for addressing a Kilrah'hra younger than one's self), laq (for addressing a Kilrah'hra older than one's self), kir (for junior Thrak'hra) and kal (for senior Thrak'hra). It is not uncommon to tack on -av to a term if the addressee is female, though this is not necessary due to gender neutrality of the language (note that while not adding -av when addressing a female will cause no difficulty, adding it when the addressee is male can be fatal). If one is uncertain of their standing in relation to another Kilrathi, the use of kal is strongly advised; addressing an inferior with a title above their station will likely just result in embarassment. Addressing a superior with a title below their station, as in most historical Terran civilizations, is considered a major insult. As in Terran cultures, it is common to see the addition of the ni'- possesive prefix ("my") when addressing a superior:

Jaq lanma, laq. = "Come here, master."
Hagai, ni'kir. = "Yes, my young (lord)"

For one's fellows, hraki is commonly used. It is proper to address a Kilrathi by their proper name only when addressing an inferior, a close friend or members of one's family.


Kilrathi syntax is a confusing subject, largely due to the evolution of the language over time. Early versions of the language utilized a basic sentence structure that is essentially backwards from modern forms and most of the words stood alone when they were used. Some specimens from the older forms still exist and are even used by the Kilrathi today, such as:

Va ka garga ka naru ha garga = "Those not of the blood must have their blood spilt."

The word by word translation of this sentence reads "Not blood they blood spill must they". The modern rendering of the phrase would be:

Masi'hra ja'lhra'hav ergka hadya garga'ka naruk. = "Those (people) who are not of the blood must have their blood spilled."

This modern rendering is never used even in trakthkh dai'B'nal, due to its cultural significance.

Modern Kilrathi utilizes a basic independent clause structure of subject-verb-object, the same as what is found in most Terran languages. As has been seen in this document to this point, the joining together of portions of sentences is very common, and the ability to make a complete sentence from a single compound word exists.

Ri'ha iv = "You are wrong." / "You are false."
Ni'k'yu'dyakalk = "My ass hurts." (lit. "My buttocks has pain.")

The only exception to this structure in the modern language occurs when the subject is a proper noun; in these cases, the structure is verb-object-subject. Any modifiers to a proper noun subject are placed ahead of the subject instead of following it; this is opposite of what is normal.

Kir'kha n'ikh rakh k'har, Sharhi nar Hhallas. = "I, Sharhi nar Hhallas, swear to avenge my honor." 
Kokzu'kara ja'lesh gar'elk erg gu'gar'kal, Kirha ko'a. = "The servant Kirha performed zu'kara when he heard of the death of his lord."

Occurrances of modifiers to a proper noun are exceptionally rare, but they do occur. The Sharhi nar Hhallas quote is actually an example of "middle Kilrathi", in that the verbs are not joined together and the non-specific possessive form (i.e. ni'rakh = my honor) was not yet in general use, but it still serves as an example of the transposed proper noun subject structure still in use today.

Simple compound sentences utilize two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction:

Ni'nisk du daithrak qu drak'hra'h'askavgathnai nisduda. = "I went to the palace but the guards would not let me go inside."
Dornta'Terran'hra'da'kival maks siva'r'kgar. = "The Terran pilot made a mistake and the warrior destroyed him."

Should a shared subject or object exist between the two clauses, that portion of the clauses may be combined, as such:

Bahka'bhakrugalga, uqgar maks maksgarakyo'i du gar'da. = The hunter caught the rugalga, ate it and hung the bones in his hall.

As has been demonstrated, indirect objects are usually handled by a prepositional phrase:

Korakha'dya uk dugar. = "The officer brings food to them."
Wex'bhakqith'rak aqgar'jaq. = "The slave took the knife from his master."

A subordinate clause that may be substituted with a pronoun is a noun clause. Noun clauses may be used as nouns in their own right, as a subject, predicate nominative, direct object, appositive, indirect object, or object of the preposition. When used as a subject, the trailing verb may still be appended to the final word in the phrase. In all other cases, all words within the phase are placed separately from all other words:

Ni'ik ja'lhra lemas. = "I know who said that."
Ja'lhrag'esh'dak maslerg'ha iv." = Whoever made that assertion is wrong."
Ni'ik mas gar'ha lanma. = "I know that he is here."

Relative clauses are translated into phrases starting with relative adverbs or relative pronouns - ja'lhra (who / whom), ja'lan (where), jal'ra (why), ja'lesh (when), ja'lra'i (whose) and most commonly mas (that / which). The clause acts as an adjective that answers such questions as "what kind?", "how many?" or "which one?", and subsequently it appears immediately after the noun or noun clause it modifies. A relative clause may break a subject from the trailing verb.

Ni'aiykal ja'lhra hathkwex. = "I see the lord who killed (and ate) the slave."
Kal ja'lhra hathkwex aiynai. = "The lord who killed (and ate) the slave sees me."
Ni'aiykal ja'lhra gar'chak. = "I see the lord whom the slave struck."
Kal ja'lhra gar'chak aiynai. = "The lord whom the slave struck sees me."

Like all dependent clauses, relative clauses will contain a verb. It will also contain a subject unless it is a non-finite dependent clause.

Similarly, adverbial clauses are dependent clauses that function as adverbs, answering questions of time, condition, purpose, reason, concession, place, comparison, result and manner. Since they are dependent clauses, they will contain their own subject (explicit or implied) and a predicate. If they appear immediately after the verb they are augmenting, they may cause a break between the verb and its direct object. Adverbial clauses may appear anywhere in a complex sentence.

Ek'krakgarga deshas gar'hak legathvi. = "We attacked them while they were negotiating." (Time clause)
Desh ri'lewiv, ni'h'asgurai. = "If you say the wrong thing, I will kill you." (wiv = hu+iv = thing + wrong) (Conditional clause)
Sha'hrahr'rash drisheshins tale. = "The enemy commander wishes to stop briefly for talking." (Purpose clause)
Ni'qith'rak'ha gara r'ikh. = "My blade is bigger than yours." (Comparative clause; lit. "My blade is greater than yours.")
Ta ri'ha gatagadyapava'hra, nai hhathrai." = Because you are a total idiot, I must kill (and eat) you." (Reason clause)
Ja'lg'esh Terran'hra'chathkgar, SKR Tarvakh, gar'sivai'hakh'ina bargdu dunak'Tara, Thrakhath Rag'nithjhak. = "Although the Terrans torpedoed KIS Tarvakh, Prince Thrakhath's warriors were able to push to Earth." (Concessional clause)
Kilav'havahki ja'lan gar'ha = The female is not happy where she is. (Place clause)
Ri'awi vesh takh ni'rashgarga a'k. = "You never do things as I want them done." (Manner clause)
Ni'krant'jaq'k ja'lga r'ink mas ni'dyakavwinhal qu nisektalan . = "My fighter became so damaged that I had no choice but to eject." (Result clause)

Unlike English, the ommision of an introductory word to any subordinate clause is not allowed. This can cause problems when translating English phrases into trathkh dai'B'Nal if such a word has been ommitted in the English rendering.

Interrogative statements are formed by a slight vocal inflection upwards, similar to the way they are typically formed in English. The main difference between English interrogatives and Kilrathi interrogatives is that there is no reversal of subject and noun as there is in English; it is only this vocal inflection that distinguishes statement from question.

Ri'hadyapa. = You are serious.
Ri'hadyapa? = Are you serious?

Kilrathi interrogatives may also be signaled by use of an interrogative word at the beginning of the sentence. This question word typically serves as the sentence's subject, though not always:

Ja'lhu'ha jaq du kai? = "What is coming toward us?"
Ja'l ma'ak balan? = "How did this happen?"
Ja'lesh ri'ak nisma? "When did you discover this?"
Ja'lra rash'nakh h'rai? "Why (do you) wish the demise of your clan?" (note the missing pronouns, an indication of excitement.)
Ja'lhra'hakilanbraj dar? = "Who is the second baseman?"
Ja'lan'hadaihar? = "Where is the bathroom?" (lit. "Where is the shithouse?")
Ja'lhu vrax?!?! = "What the fuck?!?!"

Imperative forms generally feature an understood "you" subject as in English; as in English, this understood "you" is often omitted.

Nobr'shi. = "Open the door."
Nis gu ri'hra. = "Go kill yourself."
Drishtuqugu!! = "Surrender or die!" (this is an older form, before the invention of the word trav'hra'nigath = to surrender.)

When delivered as a response to another statement or to indicate excitement, the subject or object may be omitted from the sentence. Pronouns and their forms in particular are often ommitted, or other pronouns substituted:

Drish ja'lan ri'ha. = Stay where you are.
drish'kai! = Stay where you are!!
Nis gu ri'hra. = "Go kill yourself."
Nis gu!! = "Go kill yourself!!"

There is no Kilrathi word for "please"; thus there is no distinction between a request and demand in the language. There is, however, a distinction between a demand and more stringent demand:

Jachathi!! = "Fire the torpedoes!!"
Ja'eshma chathi!! = Fire the torpedoes NOW!!"

In Kilrathi renderings of Terran literature, the word "please" is commonly replaced with eshma, with this resultant meaning.

Lexicon Tables[]

Kilrathi to English[]


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - A
Kilrathi English
-a / -al / -il do / perform / act / action / behave / manage (do) / handle (do) / activity
adu repeat
ag / agg trap / snare / danger / hazard / threat
agathki fond
agi weak / frail / feeble
agk threaten / menace
agon praise / worship / exalt
ahagai authorize / approve / support / backing / encouragement / endorse / advocate / sanction / authority / approbation / second (support)
ahki happy / glad / taste good / jovial / amiable / cheery / festive / jolly / pleasant
ahkithrak elation / bliss / euphoria / exhilaration / glee / joy /jubilation
ahn squadron / small group / pride / cohort / batallion / set (group) / delegation
ahnahr coach / squadron leader
ahn'de duo / twosome / pair / couple
ahnga legion / brigade / group (military unit) / wing (military unit)
ahngaga division (military unit)
ahngathvi corporation / corporate / guild
Ahngathvi Bhahugathwi'hra Merchant's Guild
Ahngathvi Ikoth Brajakh Kahr / Brajakh Kahr Hurston Dynamics
Ahngathvi Iksdanis Ni'lin'In / Ni'lin'In Paulsen Kinetics
Ahngathvi Ikvi'i Hras / Ikvi'i Hras Persotech
Ahngathvi Sivahakgagathi Mercenaries Guild
Ahngathvi Xha'hra Thieves Guild
ahnin platoon / section (military unit) / flight (military unit)
ahninga century (military unit) / company (military unit) / battery (military unit) / troop
ahninin tent (military unit) / squad
ahnja fireteam
ahn'kes quartet
ahn'tre trio (lit. "group of three") / threesome / trimvirate
ahn'uni solo / alone / solitary
ahrav to follow
ahrava acolyte / attendant / follower underling / subordinate
ahr'hra "leader of the people" / village elder
ahrxidi mislead / misdirect
ai behavior / conduct
aich morning
aidu treatment (act towards)
aiy to see / sight / visible / clear / spot / encounter (see) / view / glassy / transparent
aiydi description / qualify / characterize / distinguish / designate / describe
aiydi hudyas physical
aiydi'kilavrax pornography
aiydu examine / observe / watch / face (look at) / survey / inspect / study (look at)
aiydudapa imagine / envision / dream / fantasy / fancy (imagination) / reverie / illusion
aiy'hra today
aiy'hrachur yesterday
aiy'hrajhak tomorrow
aiy'hravujaq birthday / birthdate
aiyjha predict / forecast
aiyvarg obvious / exceptional / conspicuous / outstanding / distinguished / palpable / overt / clear (obvious) / evident / explicit / distinct
aj plan / design / intent / goal / purpose / objective / arrangement / pattern / manage (plan) / draft / outline
ajahr manager / administrator / host (manager) / organizer
ajav random
aj'k ready / prepared / online
aj'qo man (a station)
ajrani arm (prepare weapons)
ak / akh drink / water / taste / liquid / fluid
akarh rain
akarin mist
akbrajlan seaport
akdak boil / steam / vapor
akdashin coolant
akhmer tang / tart / sour
aki upstanding / moral / ethical
akjhale paint / dye / pigment
akjil acid
akjildakvutakhlan mixed-oxide
aklerk liquor
ak'nah milk
ak'naholchur cheese
aknav sweet
aknis flow
akoth ice / hail (frozen convective precipitation)
akothin thin ice / sleet
akrah wine / alcohol / drunk / inebriated
akrasiv navy
akrahv sober / sobriety / clear-headed
akthano island
akva bland / neutral
akvidyuk bowl
akyi tear / cry
al limb / thing that does
alde arm (body part)
aldega shoulder
aldegara brachium / upper arm
aldekor elbow
aldin wrist
aldinra forearm
aleki tact
aliba embrace / touch / contact / reach (touch)
alibadu tap / rap / patter / nudge / bump / poke
alk anger / grudge
alkar storm
alkgaga rage / fury
alkga'tha earthquake
alkin annoy / disturb / bother / hound (v.) / badger (v.) / goad / harass / persecute / pester
alkinga irritation / exasperation / frustration / thwart
alkink shaken / unnerved / rattled / flustered
al'kor joint (elbow or knee)
alks angry / grumpy
alkthrak wrath
alpak leg
alpakga hip
alpakgara thigh / lap
alpakin ankle
alpakinra shins / foreleg / calf
alpaqor knee
am walk / trot
amal'kor crawl / creep / drag
amekh run
amgaq evade / escape / dodge / shirk / avoid / shun / ostracize
amgaq'hra fugitive
amin step (slow movement) / pace
amstra prowl / seek / search
amv'ek stumble / trip
an squadron / small group / pride / cohort / batallion
Ahn Ke'hraKilrathi Kh'naj / Kh'naj Crimson Claw
Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Bharaso'a / Bharaso'a Despoilers
Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Ja'lanhahar / Ja'lanhahar Jezebels
Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Thrakragnithi / Thrakragnithi Morgans
Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Ukhusu'al / Ukhusu'al Scavages
Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Yugu'i / Yugu'i DeathHeads
Ahn Takhlankrasbhakil Nak'Tara / Bhakil Terran Confederation
Ahn Terran'hra Kn'ranir'in / Ranir'ini Black Lance
anaj campaign
andu shore party
ankil member / element / contents
anle catalog / register / index / inventory / manifest (n.) / list (n.) / menu
anrasiv army / legion / forces (military)
anra'uni unilateral
anruni alone / only
ant craft / vehicle
antu boarding party
ap wing
aq from
aqdalhar vomit
aqesh since (from a time)
aqhudya expectorate / cough
aqlanagkh spit
ar/ahr first / primary / lead / principal / chief / command / lead / predominant / main / prevalent
arg strength / strong / power / energy / thick / control / durable / sturdy / tenacious / dependable / mighty
arg r'ink damage control
argga potent / robust / dynamic
argi operations
argnisjhak initiative
args electric / electronic / signal (electronic)
argsdagarama'ga high-gain
ari escort / auxiliary / support / accompany / attend / provide
aril frigate
arivinisdu fulcrum
arwinhal president
arsi basis / foundation / base (foundation) / core
as continue / maintain / resume / endure / recover (continue) / last (continue) / persist / perennial / perpetual / recur
asoth persevere
asoth hikvarg resourcefulness
atarkhans exploit (n.) / achievement / feat / deed
ath death
atha killer
-av negative / opposite / not / do not / converse (opposite)
ava "do not do" / "does not do" (implicit)
avthrak antithesis
ax devil


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - B
b'- red
ba'a confront / deal / face
badya grip / grapple / grasp / grab / clench / to catch
badyav drop / release
bak / bakh hunt
bakalk thorough / exhaustive / meticulous / profound / painstaking
bakitakavle translate
baktahe believe / guess / suppose / rely / assume / estimate / presume / approximate / suspect / speculate / surmise / conclude (infer) / deduce / infer / presume / theorize
bal antenna / receiver / wire
balan take place / occur / happen / status / event / case / situation / occasion / condition / incident / term (condition) / transpire / ensue / encounter (happen) / arise (happen) / order (condition) / proceedings / state (status)
balanava protest / demonstration / rally
balanbha birthright / heritage / inheritance / legacy
balandrishta scenario / scheme / plot (event sequence)
balandyapa emergency / crisis
balandyapa jaqak meltdown incident
balaneshchur precedent
balaneshma preempt / appropriate (v.) / displace
balanga frequent / often
balanh'indal usefulness / utility
balanin infrequent / seldom / rare
balank'rathrg amaze / astonish / astound
balanmo fluke / quirk / accident / coincidence
balanveks gradual / progressive / steady
balanwinhalk'varg quandary / dilemma / predicament
barayu suck
bargdu push / press
bargtalan pull
baridi insist
batalan withdraw / retreat / remove / extract / cancel / revoke / override / supersede / abrogate / annul / nullify / reverse / revoke / veto
batha dig / bore (drill) / drill
bav'- pink
bha / ba to get / to take / convey / ferry / claim / inherit / spend / earn / receive / procure / acquire / obtain / solicit / to gain / elicit / evoke
bhadu regain / retrieve / fetch / absorb
bhagatak acheive / accomplish / earn
bhahudarg refuel
bhahugath sell
bhahugathwi'hra merchant / businessman / salesman
bha'in borrow / lend / loan / rent
bhaki accept / agree / read / interpret / scan / concur / acquiesce (agree) / accord (agree) / correspond (agree) / brook (v.)
bhakil agreement / understanding / understand / comprehend / discern / fathom
Bhakilnaks Nak'Firekka / Bhakilnaks Firekkan Planetary Alliance
bhakilr'esh treaty
bhaktakhlan gathering / meeting / audience / interview / hearing / conference / briefing / discussion / update / encounter (meeting)
bhanisdu'ai host (v.) / entertain / accommodate / present (accommodate)
bhant carrier (aerospace)
bharaso deprive / pillage / rob / plunder / strip / despoil / seize
bhavi buy / purchase
bhukar black hole
bhumaksnaki star system
bir red blossom
bor red creature
br'- defend / fortify
braj fortified / safe / walled / secure / security
braja police / militia
Braja'Bhakil ISS (lit. "Militia of Confed")
brajakh fortress / community
brajakhar community leader / mayor
Braja'KNK KAC Police
Braja'NakiYin Borderworlds Militia (lit. "Militia of Border Planets")
brajdak airlock
brajlan port / harbor / haven
br'ali shields
br'alin force field
brawi battlement / defense
br'hin screen (divider) / divider / fence
br'hu wall
br'hudu ceiling / roof
br'hutalan floor / deck
br'kdyapa cherish/nurture
br'shi door / hatch
bu/bhu star


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - CH
ch'- purple
cha'ak to row
chak strike / stab / smite / punch / slam / bang / hit
chakta prisoner that deserves honorable execution (lit. "for striking")
chath missile / torpedo / explosive
chathamstrakh heat-seeking missile
chathant bomber
chathjavarg dumb-fire missile
chathrakiqusha friend-or-foe missile
chathsa'aiy image-recognition missile
chi cloak / scarf / cape / mantle
chiga vestment / gown / frock / robe
chin mantlet / veil / wrap / shawl / shroud
cho flesh / skin
chodyapa to feel / sense / detect / perceive
chodyapakalk suffering / anguish / languish / sustain (suffer) / endure (suffer) / experience (suffer) / undergo
chodyapakigaga pride / hubris
chodyaparg passion / fervor / ardor / enthusiasm / zeal
chodyapargs eager / enthusiastic / keen (eager)
chodyapav daze / numb / stupefy / deaden / diminish / dazzle
chokut body
chokut'k'vu corpse / cadaver
chokutnt chassis
chokutshint hull
chokutshintalan spar / outrigger
chorga leather
cho'yin cheek / jowl
chur old / elderly / past / former
churga ancient / archaic / venerable / obsolete /antiquated
churnah grandmother
churnar grandfather
chutraga waist / side (of the body)


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - D
d'- blue
da to make / to create / building / hall / assemble (build) / to build / fashion (make) / construct / forge (v.) / manufacture / produce (make) / conceive / develop / originate / generate / spawn / issue (make)
da k'shu'i treat / heal
da'ama'ga ladder
dabalan to cause / dictate (make happen)
dabhaki vindicate / justify / legitimate / founded / condone
dabhakilsi communicate / disseminate
dadalpawiki impress (influence) / affect / sway (influence) / influence
dadawi refinery / factory
dadiyaiki adorn / decorate
dadu overhaul / redo / reconstruct / revamp
dadya load (v.) / burden / stack (v.) / store / storage
dagara extend / enhance / improve / augment
dagri persuade / convince / assure / ensure / cement (v.) / reassure / bolster / encourage
dahe correct (rectify) / rectify / redress / rebuke / remedy
da'hrai family hall
dahudyaga widen / flare (v.)
dahugath lucrative / profitable
dai house
dai eshin inn / hotel / lodging
dai hukutav bay / room / chamber
dai hukutavhi antechamber
daiarakh bar ("wine hall")
dai'drayo'i charnel house
daiduxal'hra prison / jail / brig
daig school
daihar toilet / commode / latrine / privy
daihu depot / warehouse
dai'huchur museum
daihugath bank
daik library
da'ik record
daika librarian
daikga hall of records
d'aik'toth feast
d'aik'tox rebel / carouse / orgy
daikutga temple / church
daikutga'in shrine / reliquary
Daikutga'kil K'ropak'yu Retros
dailerag'nith court (place of law)
daithrak great hall / palace / court (sovereign's home)
dai'uk restaurant
daivrax brothel
d'aiy to show / display / indicate / explain / elaborate / expound / signal (indicate) / produce (show) / mean (indicate) / exhibit (v.) / illustrate
d'aiyek flash / blink / glint
d'aiyeshin summary / summarize / compile / encapsulate / recap / rehash
d'aiyexgara garish / flashy / gaudy / ostentatious / vulgar
d'aiyhe to prove
d'aiyk'toth celebrate / celebration / party / revelry / merrymaking
dajaqgu settle (resolve) / resolve
dajaqgus effective
dajaqwinhal evaluation / assess / appraise / gauge / review
dajislakh sun (specifically the Kilrah system sun)
dak air / breath / stroke / blow / swing (blow)
dakatava charm / charisma / fascinate / captivate / engross / enrapture / enthrall / intrigue (v.) / mesmerize / tantalize / titillate
dakbrajlan airport
dakbrajrasiv air defense force
dakdanis pump
dakdu inhale
dakekh slash
dakekrg blast / explosion / burst
dakekrgav collapse / implosion / fall
dakji smoke
dakodu fix / repair / correct (repair)
dakoduk repaired
dakoduwin complain / fuss / grievance
dakonis blame / responsibility / responsible / guilt / complicit / accuse / fault / allege / cite / indict
dakonisav roam / wander / stray
dakso impact / collision / collide / crash
daktalan exhale / sigh
daktrathkh to lick
dakut fill / pervade / full / busy
dakutga bless (sanctify) / sanctify / anoint / consecrate / ordain
dakutgara overfill / cram / stuff (v.) / crowd (v.)
dakutshra gratitude
dakva castrate / neuter / spay / geld / emasculate / sterilize
dakvu oxygen
dal use / apply / implement / invoke / conjure
dal chodyapa'i perception
dala user
daldu reuse / recycle / adapt / retrofit / backfit
da'leki mock / belittle / deride / scoff / taunt / hiss / seethe / ridicule / bristle / fume
dalhar stomach / intestine / gut / entrails / belly / tummy / abdomen
dalininthrak atom / nucleus
dalininthrak akva neutron
dalinra frugality / thrift
dalks provoke
dalpa think / wonder / ponder
dalpadu remember / remind / recall / memory
dalpaduv forget
dalyai'el to call / label
danis to move / cross / across
danis'aiyki grace / agility / elegance / poise
danisdak blow (move air)
danisdu approach
danisek shake / jerk / twitch / yank / jolt
danisekin sweep / flip / brush / flick
danisin shrug
danisjha progress (v.) / advance / proceed
danisvork to ride
dapoth concentration
daq'rathrg impulse
daqut to sweep
dar second / backup
dara'irga carpenter (lit. "one who builds with the strong plant")
darg base (of operations) / headquarters
darga impress (stress) / emphasize / stress (v.) / reinforce
dargbhu space station / starbase / skyhook
datakav change / replace / exchange / substitute / instead / tamper / alter / meddle / divert / redirect / switch (v.) / barter / haggle / lieu
datakava replacement (person)
datakhma'gav intersect / intercept / cross
dathrak k'shu'i intensive care (medical)
davu accommodation
dawalga arouse / excite / stimulate / incite / pique / whet
dawinhal vote / poll / enact / referendum
dax waste (misuse) / misuse / squander / undermine / deplete
de hand / palm / two / both
dedu double / dual / binary
de'in finger
de'ik gesture
deks invent / improvise
derakh ring (jewelry)
derani gun / pistol
deraniakva neutron gun
deranigra mass driver
deraniknavrga laser cannon
deranininthrak particle gun
desh if / whether / "as long as"
deshas while
devanok fist
di way / manner / attitude / personality / posture / trait
di'ajj system / process / procedure / method / means (ability) / mode
di'aj'vikhak software / program (computer) / computer code / input
di'ar leadership
dichodyapa emotion / feeling (emotion) / sensation
dichodyapaga outburst / fit
dichodyapav stoic / aloof / philosophic / impassive / sober / indomitable / stony / deadpan
didya'in hallway / corridor / passage
diharg / di'i'harg style (fashion) / fashion (style) / fad / look (style) / tone (style) / trend (style)
di'i traits
dijaqdu entrance / sill / threshold
dik'aleki insult / insolent / rude / obnoxious / gall / brash / arrogant / brazen / conceit / spite / impertinence / audacity / brazen / effrontery / impudent / sass
diki virtue
dikiquxi quality / tone (quality)
dikiquxile eloquence / articulate
dikroki technique
dikutga religion
dilk temper / mood / disposition / temperament / mentality / nature (disposition)
dinis path / trail / track / course / route / trace / line (pathway)
dinisargs channel (communications)
dinra retract / deteriorate / impair / degrade / degenerate / worsen / reduce / mitigate / allay / assuage / dwindle / droop / shrink / shrivel
dinthrak discount / minimize / neglect
di'ork stance
dirg discipline / self-control
dixi vice
diyai to look / appear / appearance / shape / form / structure
diyai eks glance
diyaigara overlook
diyaikalk wince / blanch / flinch / recoil / grimace
diyairg gaze / stare / scrutiny
diyai'su sneer / jeer
diyin expression / demeanor / bearing (demeanor)
do fly / pilot / steer / flight / transport / transportation / throw / shipping (n.)
do shintbhu starship piloting
dont vehicle piloting / shuttle / transport (n.)
dontinis traffic
doga soar
dor bird
dornta pilot
dorntal k'hra autopilot
dorqith'rak "flying blade" / shuriken
dra to keep / to store / reserve (hold aside) / retain
drada'iki'a registrar / record-keeper / clerk
drak guard / block / deflect / parry / jam
draki defenses
dral thing that guards
drish stop / freeze / wait / interrupt / disrupt / detain / delay / defer / suspend / prevent
drish'hra prisoner (general usage) / captive / hostage / detainee
drishko quit / resign
drishta await / anticipate / expect / impending
drishtagar pregnant / gravid / fertile
drishtu yield / surrender / capitulate / succumb / acquiesce (surrender) / comply / submit (accept) / concede / relent / resignation (surrender)
du in / across / again / at / on (locative) / up / through / to / towards / dorsal / aboard / into / onto / within / onboard
du'aj deliberate
duchur already / ago
duchurin recent
duda inside / indoors / internal / interior
dudav outside / outdoors / external / exterior
du'esh- during / throughout
dujha later
duko busy / occupy / pre-occupy
dukutav apart
duls to fatigue / bore / tire
dulsk tired / weary
dulsnis stamina
dulsthrak exhaustion
dumaksdu beside / besides
duniga somehow (clip. "one way or another")
dutalan wave
duts pollute / corrupt / defile / profane / infect / sully / tarnish
duvujaq inborn / hereditary
dux against
duxal crime / sin / infraction
duxalav blameless / innocent / unimpeachable
duxal'hra criminal / perpetrator
duxlerag'nith illegal / criminal (illegal) / illicit / outlawed / unlawful
duxhu antimatter
d'xai excuse / bad example
dya to have / to bring / carry / bear / hold / own / possess / deliver / wield / brandish / control (possess) / issue (bring in)
dyafa dare
dyachee cloak bearer
dyahu enough / sufficient / abundant / plentiful / copious
dyahuga plenty
dyaja'lga capacity
dyak held / tamed
dyakma'ga bottle / jar
dyakorakh owe / incur
dyala trust / belief / confide / confidence / entrust
dyalaga optimism
dyalarg conviction / sentiment
dyale message / transmission
dyale'a messenger
dyaleki play / toy
dyaleki'a player / contender
dyalel transmitter
dyalirga nail
dyapa aware / alert / concern / conscious / important / serious / smart / interest / care / attention / earnest / worry / grave (serious)
dyapa raslerk medical care
dyapaga solemn / somber / stern / funereal
dyapagaga crucial / essential / critical
dyapa'hra important person / notable character
dyapaiy vigilance / watchfulness / to watch / monitor (v.)
dyapakakroki focus
dyapar priority / preference
dyapav careless / absent-minded / distract / pre-occcupy / negligent / light (careless) / haste / sloppy / thoughtless / reckless / lax / slack / remiss / lenient / sloppy / vague
dyarashro worth / dignity
dyasov cradle
dyatahklan join / combine / dock / stick / gather / muster / connect / relate / relationship / participate / herd / assemble (gather) / associate (v.) / weld / fuse / solder
dyatahklanahn recruit / enlist
dyatakh share / collective / composite / cumulative / accumulate / mutual / amass / collect / stockpile / trove / cache / stash
Dyatahklan'NakiYin / NakiYin Union of Border Worlds
dyatahklans sticky
dyatax hoard
dymga rope
dymgakalk whip / scourge / thrash / beat / flail / pummel / spank
dymga'qith chain / bind / capture / arrest / apprehend
dyoth pin


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - E
ech noon / midday
ek / ekh speed / fast / quick / brief
ek'- our
e'kh our
ekra faster than
el hear / listen / sound / to sound / tone (sound)
elal ear
elchak clap / clang
elek yelp
elgutakh rhyme
el'k'varg brouhaha / clamour / clatter / commotion / ruckus / trouble / tumult / uproar
eltakh monotone
er lie / deceive / trick / fool (v.)
erg of / about / among / between / belong (v.) / fit / reside
ergak aquatic
ergchokuts physical
ergdyapa specific / particular / respective
erghra civil
erglan regional
ergvu metabolic / metabolism
esh time / hour / period / era / point (time)
esh korkuts rotational period
esh niswunis orbital period
eshaj timetable / schedule
eshbalan timing
eshchur past / before / previous
eshdugu till / until
esherg meanwhile / meantime
eshrad ceremony (lit. "time of the rite")
eshga always
esh'ga day
esh'gai ok week (lit. "eight days")
esh'gar childhood
eshgara prolong
esh'in minute
eshin short (little time)
esh'inin second
eshkhtha summer
eshk'ropa amok time / rumspringa
eshinthrak moment / point (moment)
eshma now / modern / present day / current / still (ongoing) / yet (to this time)
eshma'in soon
eshmakslan scene / setting / world (setting)
eshmang someday / sometimes / sometime
eshmathrak instant / immediate / imminent / dire / urgent / prompt / outright (prompt) / impending / forthcoming
eshniskarh autumn
eshtha season / month
e'shtha winter
eshthrak milennia
eshvu springtime
ez to aid / relieve


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - F
fa courage / brave / bold
Fa'ka'tra afterlife (cultural meaning)
fav'hra coward
favin nervous / anxious / edgy / skittish / irritable
Firekkan'hra Firekkan persons
fra cruise
fral cruiser


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - G
g'- any / such (any)
ga all / every / each / much / quite / very / many / large / such (very) / major
gabhakixi compromise
gadaknak atmosphere
gadaknakal weather
gadyapa brilliant / bright (smart) / ingenious / sharp (smart)
gaga so / bigger
gahe alright / okay
gahr offspring / descendant / progeny
gahra everybody / everyone
gahu'i everything
gahuthanak lithosphere
gakiga excellent
gaknak hydrosphere
galani everywhere / ubiquitous
gar they / child / cub
gara to add / more / greater than / better than / above / over / superior / increase / higher / upper
gara'akh overheat
garai lump / mound / pile
gararo fancy
gararurash overindulge
garga their
garidar majority
gata complete / entire / overall / comprehensive / extensive / thorough / pervasive / vast
gataga total / absolute / utter (complete)
gatav partial / incomplete
gath to give / to let / grant / allow / present / tolerate / permit / permission / pay / clearance (n.) / afford / spare (give) / bless (bestow) / bestow / endow / right (legal entitlement)
gatha customer / patron
gathav ban / taboo / deny / disallow / refuse / restrict / limit / confine / hinder / inhibit / decline / forbear
gathdra preserve / cure (age food)
gathdyapa heed / regard
gathhar pardon / excuse / forgive / spare (show mercy)
gathik teach
gathkalk hurt / harm
gathkalkpa embarrass / humiliate / snub / demean / agitate / bewilder / dumbfound / faze / mortify / rattle (faze) / shame (v.) / upset / abash / awkward (embarassing)
gathkalx abuse / tirade / diatribte / invective / rant
gathk'fa intimidate / daunt / discourage / overwhelm
gathki enjoy / to like / obey / relish / savor
gathkiv oppose / resist / withstand / object (v.) / disobey / defy / counter / offset / counteract / retaliate / cross (oppose)
gathkivga hatred / malice / ill-will / enmity / resent / bile / rancor / animosity / acrimony / antagonism
gathko assign / hire / task (v.) / appoint
gathkorpa puzzle (v.) / confuse / baffle / befuddle / disconcert / flabbergast / flummox / nonplus / perplex / quizzical
gathk'rathrg startle / frighten / alarm (surprise) / astonish / scare / stagger (surprise)
gathle respond / response / react / reaction / answer
gathlel reactor
gathleshki song / chant / mantra / hymn
gathleshkile'i lyrics
gathrak most / maximum
gathsi inspire
gathtalan distribute / dispense
gaththa'ak irrigate
gaththrak sacrifice
gathugath fee / fine
gathuk to feed / to nourish
gathvi business / trade
gathvihu cargo / commodity / (trade) good / shipment / consignment / freight / load (n.) / stack (n.)
gathvihunt freighter
gathvi'i equip
gathvu fertile
gathwi allot / allocate / apportion
gathwinhal recommend / suggest / nominate
gathwur announce / proclaim
gathxi disgust / offend / grotesque / ugly / hideous
gayi skeleton
g'esh ever (lit. "any time")
gi weak / frail / thin / feeble / pale / dim / faint / sallow
g'ikh his / her / its
gin several / diverse / eclectic
go / gho chase / pursue
gra mass / weight / bulk (mass)
graga heavy
gragarakn'ga density
gragarakn'ga hutha mineral density
gra'in light (low mass)
granistlan gravity
gri certain / assured / definite / confirm / sure
grihe verifies / affirm / confirm / substantiate / certify / accredit / license / guarantee / validate
gu kill / death (to end life) / end / terminate / finish
gu'eshma abort
guk'rakhthrak execution (capital punishment)
gukvu'hra zombie
gulandya pommel / knob
gunislan disembark
gurani disarm
gurasak drown
gus fatal / mortal / deadly / lethal
gushu recuperate / recuperation / heal
guthrak tip / apex / cap / cusp / peak / vertex / summit
guva permanent


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - H
h'- orange
ha must / need / should
-'ha to be
ha erg involve / embroil / implicate / allege / complain
hadakutshra appreciate / esteem / grateful
haf hide / conceal / sheathe / cover / blanket (v.)
hafahk immerse / bathe (lit. "hidden in water")
hafbr'hutalan mat (n.) / pad
hafchokut wear / don
hafeshga delete / erase / expunge
hafik secret / stealth / mystery
hafik'hra spy / ninja
hafikwur intelligence / espionage
hafinalk tension
hafka wet (lit. "hidden in blood")
hafmaksamstra hiding and seeking
hafratha bury
hagai yes
haganaska launch
haggin decoy
hak love
hakgagathi greed / avarice
hak'gri incredulous / incredible / unbelievable / skeptical / suspicious / wary
hakra beloved / adored
haqdalhar nausea
har shit / mercy
harakh shit-water / slime / muck / sludge / goo / gunk / mucus
harashav regret / shame / apology / amends / reparation
harg clothing / armor / uniform (clothing) / attire / costume / dress / garb / regalia / garment / apparel / suit (clothing)
harg rahukutav uni jumpsuit
harghudya shirt
harghuvukutavi'vrash breech-cloth
harglanshi pocket
hargpakga boot
h'as will / shall
h'asdyahak would have been
hath kill / death (for food)
ha'uz distress
hav must not / should not / need not
he true / correct / appropriate / proper / suitable / truth / fact / sincere / honest / literal / due / valid / legal / indeed / right (correct) / actual / real
hhukors rosette / loop / bow (loop)
hi greet / present / welcome / reception (welcome)
h'in may / can / could / try / attempt / able / manage (be able to) / undertake / endeavor / venture / capable / ability / capability
h'inava incompetent / unable / unskillful / amateurish / inadequate / incapable / inept / useless
h'inavisdi lost / missing
h'inavno lock
h'inbhaki acceptible / fine / plausible
h'indal exist / existings / usable / available / potential
h'indrish intervene / interpose / interfere / interject / static (noise)
h'in'hal possible / might be
h'inhawinhala candidate / applicant / bidder / contender (candidate) / nominee
h'innis admit / admittance / access
h'inrakh reverent
h'inru cozy / comfortable / snug
h'inruv uncomfortable
h'insa considerable
hismasdi compass
hra people / persons / race / species / figure (person)
hrabak passenger
hradi culture
hradij civilize / civilization
hrai family
hraijhak tanist / heir
hrai'tagugar family of the tagugar
hraki friend / comrade / companion
hrakiqusha friend-or-foe
hrakis friendly
hranik acquaintance
hras personal / private
hrass firsthand / personally
hrax selfish
hri people's ("belonging to the people")
hu thing / matter / there (pronoun) / something / substance
hu'aiychur picture / image
hu'aiylan map
huaknis fountain
hudal switch / button (switch) / control (switch)
hudar binomial
hudarg fuel
hude pair / twin
huduxhu matter-antimatter
hudya box / bin / chest (body part)
hudyachur back (body part)
hudyaga fat / trunk / wide
hudya'in narrow / thin / small box
hugath gift / money / input (contribution) / offering (n.) / donation / compensation / reward / wage
hugathin poor
huh'ks hexagon
hu'ik ikgant ship's log
huja shot / bullet
hujin candle
hukes square (object) / quadrilateral
hukesmaga cube
hukesma'ga rectangle
hukor circle (object) / surround / enclose / contain / consist / comprise / embody / incorporate / wrap / around / encompass / envelop / submerge / swallow / engulf / of (contain)
hukoral container / cylinder / pod / capsule / encasement / sack / bag / tank / vessel / reservior
hukoralant tanker
hukoralga barrel / cask / keg / vat
hukoralin basket / can / cannister
hukormaga sphere
hukorma'ga oval / ellipse
hukormaga idar hemisphere
hukors round
huk'ro freak / oddball (lit. "strange thing") / odd / peculiar / bizarre / funny (odd) / absurd / ludicrous / eccentric / erratic / idiosyncratic
hukutav piece / part / component / section
hukutav brajakh district
hukutav dalininthrak particle
hukutav'di'ajj task / step (as part of a procedure) / affair (task)
hukutavro inherent
huleba sign
huleki luxury / privilege / benefit / interest (benefit) / well-being / profit
hus name / title / epithet / style (name)
husu scum / garbage / nonsense / drivel / folly / gibberish / rubbish / debris / litter / trash
hutada material
hutakhlan hybrid / mongrel (non-pejorative) / cur (non-pejorative) / mutt (non-pejorative) / bastard (non-pejorative)
hutar triangle
hutha mineral
huthrak treasure / wealth / spoils / booty (treasure) / loot / booty (loot)
hutremaga pyramid
huvork chair
huvorkma'ga stool
huvu lifeform
huvukutav organ (body part)
huvukutavi'vrash reproductive organs
hyilgh- absence / place-holder / lieutenant
hyilghar staff lieutenant (lit. "a creature that must see for the leader")
hyilghdork represent / pose


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - I
ich afternoon
idardi halfway / midway
ig learn / learning / train / training / accustom / inure / habituate / study (learn) / study (lesson)
ig'a student / pupil
igirga training sword (lit. "big plant training")
igko lesson
ik knowledge / information
ikga experience
ikgak experienced
ikga'hra expert
ikaiy witness / attest / refer / reference
ilalkari meteorology / typhonology
ikant'hra mechanic / mechanics (job)
ikanti mechanics
ikanti ekraknav faster-than-light mechanics
ikbhakil art / skill
ikbhakil ajj strategy
ikbhakil kroki specialized skill
ikbhakil masdirani marksmanship
ikbhakilde finesse / dexterity
ikbhakile rhetoric / wordcraft
ikchath ballistics / rocketry
ikga history
ikgamaksmasdi history and goals
ikhak mathematics
ikheri evidence / proof
ikhismasdi orientation
ikhuchur archaeology
iknak planetology
ikpa psychology
ikrashro economy / commerce
iks science / scientific
iktakav'hra xenobiology
iktha geology
ikvi technology
-in small / little / slight / minor
inga dwarf / miniature / tiny / petite / sparse / scattered / meager / scant / scarce / sporadic
inra less than / less / below / deep / lower / under / inferior / decrease / fade
inrag defuse
inrai ditch / crevice / groove / indent / trench / canal / crease / crimp / gutter / rut / slit
inridar minority
ins somewhat
inthrak least / minimum / basic (minimal) / rudimentary / primitive
ir plant / blossom / sow (plant)
irga tree (big plant)
irguwi mushroom / fungus / mold
is find / discover / meet / rendezvous
ishus identify
islan navigate / navigation
islana navigator
islanbhu astrogate / astrogation
iv false / wrong / ersatz
iva charade / pretend / pretense / subterfuge
ival error / mistake / flaw
ivhus alias / pseudonym


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - J
j'- yellow
ja fire (discharge a weapon)
jak spring (upon) / pounce / jump / travel through jumpspace / lunge
jakin hop
ja'l how
jal thing that fires guns
ja'l alkga'thas seismicity
ja'l jithagas vulcanism
ja'lan where
ja'lchur age
ja'lesh when
ja’leshma'ga how long (time)
ja'lga how many / size / so / bulk (size)
ja'lg'esh however / whenever / although / though / despite
ja'lhra who / whom
ja'lhrag'esh whoever / whomever
ja'lhu what
ja'lkiko performance
jal'ra why
ja'lra'i whose
ja'lshkh temperature
jaq to come / spring from / become / arrive / reap / approach / incoming / oncoming / inbound / reach (arrive) / forthcoming
jaqa reaper / harvester
jaqaiy emerge
jaqak melt / liquefy / dissolve / disintegrate
jaqb'al flush / blush
jaqdak vaporize
jaqdakaqak evaporate
jaqdel echo
jaqdu return / enter / restore / board (v.) / catch (enter)
jaqdyapa realize (become aware) / notice (v.)
jaqergja'lchur coming of age
jaqgaga to grow
jaqgatha patronize / deign / condescend / stoop
jaqgu effect / result / consequence / ramification / imply / by-product / side effect / repercussion / solution (answer) / answer (solution)
jaqhaf disappear / vanish / dematerialize
jaqhranik introduce (become acquainted)
jaq'hra bastard
jaqul to awaken / arise
jaqir seed
jaqutavi disintegration
jaqvanorg tense / stretch / strain / squeeze / pressure / constrict
jaqwinhal decide / judge / opinion
jaqwinhalda'ik principle / dogma
jha future / after / then / latter
jhak next
jhale prefix / color
jhesh late
jheshav early
ji fire (rapid oxidation)
jikarh lava
jikut holocaust
jirak tea (lit. "water of the green plant")
jithaga volcano
j'qith gold


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - K
k'- absence / lack of / opposite
ka / kha blood / spirit
k'ahagai disapprove
kahr heart
kai We / us/ our
kal lord / senior / bleeder / chief
kal daigar headmaster
kal eshar senior officer of the watch
kal gathika senior teacher
kal kalaqi senior blood lord
kal khantahr Lord Admiral (lit. "senior fleet commander")
kal thrak'hra clan leader
kal shintahr Lord Captain (lit. "senior ship commander")
kalahn Commodore (lit. "group lord")
kalaq blood lord
kalav lady
k'aleki crude / rude / boor
kalk torture / pain
kalrahr senior commander (lit. "chief with command")
kalralahr Marshal (lit. "lord destroyer commander")
kalsiv warlord
kam patrol
kamal corvette
kar dark
k'ar minor / petty / unimportant
karav light / lighting
karh sky
karhchi cloud
karhchis cloudy / translucent
karhsh snow / crystal
karhsh'uqi salt
kas bloody
katagu blood of the tagugar
k'av "by default"
kaxa dictator / tyrant
k'baki abandon / reject / condemn / damn / derelict / desert (abandon) / forsake / dilapidate / neglect / scrap / discard / ditch (discard) / jettison / junk
k'chodyapaki poor / humble
k'chodyaparg lackluster / half-hearted
k'dalpa instinct
k'danis stationary / immobile / stagnant / static (unchanging) / unchanging
k'danisdi stubborn / immovable
k'dyak wild / untamed
k'dyala disbelief
k'dyapa indifferent / apathy / diffidence / haughty / nonchalant
k'dymga'qith free / unchained / independent / liberate
ke raid / foray / piracy / raiding
ke'hra pirate / raider
k'elthrak deaf
kestha year
k'fa cowardice / fear
k'faga terror / horror
k'g'hu nothing
k'gri uncertain / doubt / dubious / leery
k'gris maybe / perhaps
k'guva temporary
-kh heated / hot
kh'- crimson
kha larger group / corps / host (large group) / crowd (n.) / multitude
khaga field army
khagaga army group
Khagathvi Anrasiv Va / Anrasiv Va Guinterin Combine
Khagathvi Hukorin / Hukorin Rondell Corporation
Khagathvi Lekarhga / Lekarhga Bronte Corporation
k'ha unnecessary
k'haf expose / unsheathe / draw (a weapon) / reveal / bare (v.)
k'hafahk dry
khak plot (navigational) / calculate / compute
khalebawur press / media
Kha'nari'Kilrathi / KNK Kilrathi Assembly of Clans
khant fleet
khantahr Admiral (lit. "fleet commander")
k'har reclaim / avenge
khar shadow
-khn warm / lukewarm / tepid
k'hrax altruistic / beneficient / unselfish / philanthropic
ki good / goodness / well / nice
kidyahu decent
kiga better
kil man (male Kilrathi)
kilav woman (female Kilrathi)
kilav thrak'hra noblewoman
kila'vrash wife
kilavrax prostitute
kili men (multiple Kilrathi regardless of gender)
kilkal liegeman / retainer
kilkoduwal cyborg / robot / drone
kilthrak ork last man standing
kilvrash husband
kimohe likely / probable / probability
kilin cat
kilinthrak tiger / great cat
kilqukilav gender
kilrah'hra commoner (lit. "Person from Kilrah")
kir young / youth / new / fresh / nascent / incipient
kiratakav kind / kindness / generosity / compassion / charity
kir'hra youngster / youth / juvenile / adolescent / teenager
kir'kha swear / vow / promise / oath / pledge
kir'kha'vrash betrothal / engagement / fiancé
kirkilav young female / virgin
kirkilin kitten
kirni'lavinga granddaughter
kirni'linga grandson
kir'xha curse
kis health / healthy / physique
kithrak best
k'ki ill / illness / sick / disease
k'kijak jumpshock
k'ko laziness / sloth / off / inoperative / languid / dull / listless / lackadaisic / lethargy
k'kor straight / in order
k'kut corrupt / corruption / taint / contaminate
k'la betray / forsake / seduce / denounce
k'le silent / still / quiet / calm
kn'- void / nothing / black / night
knarasiv space force
knav'- bright / shine / white / luminous / luminosity / glare (shine) / glow
knav'aiychur hologram
knavekarh lightning
knavel ring (sound) / chime (sound)
knav'jaq dawn / sunrise
knav'nis dusk / sunset
knav'qith silver
knavrga laser
kn'brajlan spaceport
kn'esh nighttime
kn'ga space
kn'ga ja'lga ikar quadrant
kn'ga ja'lgaga sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Akthano Avalon Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Hafik Enigma Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Hude'hra Gemini Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Ik'dor Hawking Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Knav'qith Argent Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Ko'dath Epsilon Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Kratha Vega Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Nak'tara Sol Sector
Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Thagathvu Landreich Sector
kn'oth asteroid
kn'haraga midnight
kn'hukor pupil (eye part) / slit (eye part)
ko profession / job / work / to work / billet / on (in operation) / operable / to serve / role / operate (work) / function (work) / task (job) / effort / exertion / activate / run (operate) / position (job)/ capacity (role) / post (job)
ko uzlannis engineer's mate
ko'a servant
ko'a Sivar servant of Sivar / priest / priestess
ko'agar'hrai nursemaid
ko'a'i' personnel / crew / staff / employees
ko'a'i inthrak skeleton crew
kochirth paper
kochirth hu'ik book
kochirth hu'ikgaga tome
kodakodu repair-work
kodawi industry / manufacturing
Kodawi Kirni'linga'siv / Kirni'linga'siv Bartok Industries
Kodawi TTG / Talanakin Duthanok -Talanakdaikutga'in- Gatha / TTG AMQ Industries
koduwal machine / appliance
koduwal'a machinist
kodyatahklana dockworker
kof supply / ammunition / complement (supply)
kofhudyas physical pool
kofik discipline pool
koflan source
kofpas mental pool
koga career
ko'igko coursework / curriculum
ko'l k'hras automatic
kolan office / workplace
konis reason / motive / so / sake / cause (mission) / mission / quest / sense (logic) / expedition / crusade / trek
koniss natural / tangible / phyiscal (tangible)
kor curve / bend / turn / revolve / roll / spiral / helix / coil / loop / curl / to flex / round (v.) / spin
koractu curved sword
korak'fa cower / cringe / tremble / shudder / shiver
korakh duty / obligation / commitment
korakha officer / agent
korarakh bow (v.) / kneel
korarax grovel / prostrate
korashra coordinate / coordination
koratakavi interact / collaborate
korekh beyond
korjaqdus elastic / springy
korpa confusion / misunderstanding / chaos / anarchy
korsoga tornado / whirlwind
koryin smirk
kotakavar guidance / supervision / oversight
kotakh colleague / assistant / accomplice
kotakhlan system / series / sequence / order (series)
kotakhlanduda internal systems
kov faulty / malfunction / disable
kovirgnis desk / workstation / station (workstation)
kovle babble / prattle / gabble / twaddle
k'oth soft
kr'- attack / charge / rush
k'ra without
k'rakh dishonor / disgrace / blemish
k'rakh'kalkthrak crucifix / gibbet
krant fighter
kranthus handle / callsign
k'rashs unworthy / undesirable
k'rathrg unexpected / surprise / sudden / shock (surprise) / abrupt
kr'maksgamak ranged attack bonus
kr'maksgatu melee attack bonus
k'ro strange / unusual / weird / funny
kroki special / unique / especial
k'shrik funeral
k'shu'i'hra healer / doctor / physician
k'takh different / unequal / angle / tilt / variety / contrast / differ / diverge / vary / disparity / variation / miscellaneous / various / sundry
k'takh kordi axial tilt
k'toth victory / victor / success / win
k'tothmo challenge / test / check / verify / match (challenge) / diagnostic
k'tothmol obstacle / barrier / impediment / partition / divider / hindrance
k'tothsa'ki advantage / edge (advantage) / favorable / beneficial / plus (advantage)
ku rend / tear / rip
k'ul awake
kut clean / pure / perfect / whole / intact / groom (v.)
kutga immaculate / impeccable
kutgaga sacred / holy
kuthe righteous / just
kuthe'ha justice / fairness
kut'thrak universe
kuvarg sharp / keen (edge)
kuvargav dull (not sharp) / boring / uninteresting / humdrum / mundane / stodgy / tiresome
k'varg complex / rough / difficult / difficulty / problem / trouble / hardship
k'varg dak hit difficulty
k'varg dakaliba touch hit difficulty
k'varg daq'rathrg flatfoot hit difficulty
k'varg dakro base hit difficulty
k'vu dead
k'vudujaq stillbirth / ignore / disregard
k'yol fart / flatulence
k'yu buttocks / rump
k'yukal obsequious / butt-kisser (lit. "thing that tastes butt") / submissive / compliant / obedient / passive / docile / servile / meek / shy / gentle / timid


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - L
la faith / loyalty
la'ga cult / sect
laga fealty
lak bloodline
lakh ancestors
lamaksrakh rapport
lan to put / location / place / area / position / space (area) / volume / point (place) / end (place) / side (place) / terminus / confines / environs / site
lanagkh muzzle / mouth / jaw / mandible / lip
lanarg bridge / command center / power center
lanargk territory
lanav nowhere
lanbalan arena / stadium / ring / stage
lanbhahugath dealership / marketplace
landi configuration
landont flight deck / landing field
landu attach / fix (attach) / fix (unmoving) / insert
landya handle (n.) / grip (n.) / hilt
lanesh remain / stay
langathvi establishment (business)
lanhra demesne / domain
lanjak jump point
lanko'al facility
lank'tothmo checkpoint
lanma here / there (lit. "this place") / present / presence
lanmang somewhere
lanmangi coordinates
Lan'narthrak capital / capitol
lannis engineer / engineering section
lanshi cave / hole / pit
lanshik lake / pool
lanshikin pond
lanshikthrak ocean / sea
lanshi'nargrast hellhole
lantakav colony / outpost
lanvork seat
lanvorkma'ga bench
lanvornt chariot
laq master
laqag cunning / cleverness
lashki barayuka "blood-sucking cunt"
lavin girl
le to say / to voice / speak / word / hail (begin speaking) / statement / signal (hail) / address (speak) / utter (speak)
le k'rathrgs blurt / exclaim
le'a converse / talk / conversation
le'atalan rebut / refute / reply
leba to tell / inform / notify
leba'hra entertainer
lebalek'kora storyteller
leda'leki pejorative
lede write / writing
ledelek'kora storywriter / playwright
ledeleshki'a composer
le'ek succinct / blunt / curt / terse
lega loud / volume (sound intensity)
legara overstate / exaggerate
legathvi negotiate
lehaf code / cipher
lehe admit / confess / state / acknowledge / "of course"
lehn sentence
le'ikgajha prophecy
le'in murmur / hum / mutter / whisper
leinra understate
lekarhga thunder / noise / roar
lekarhgathrak rumble / boom
l'ek mention
leki fun / amusement / pleasure / joke / mirth
leki'ha laughter / humor
leki'hin chuckle
lekik'tothmo game
lek'kor story / tale / narrative / performance (depiction) / depict / portray / drama / presentation / show (n.)
lek'korchurga legend / myth / fable / lore
lek'kor'hra character
lelega shout / scream
lelk growl / snarl
lema'in grunt / groan / snort
leradu stammer / stutter / sputter / falter
lerag'nith law / order / rule / regulation
lerag'nith ke'hra "pirate law"
lerahagai declaration
ler'avikheri claim (state without proof)
lerg discuss / debate / argue / bicker
lerk drug / medicine / chemical
lerk krokik specialized medicine
lerodyapa warning / warn / sign / portent / omen / forecast / indication / hint / admonish / admonition / sign (indication) / cue / hint
lerx poison / venom / toxin / rancor
lerx'jaqiraknav chocolate
leshki music
letakav irony / satire
letakax sarcasm
letakhk so-called
leva'a naysayer / pessimist / cynic / killjoy / misanthrope
levakonis satire
lexi criticize / berate / scold / castigate / chide / reprimand / reproach / revile / discipline (punishment) / punish / chastise
lin boy


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - M
ma this / measure / sum / so (this) / degree
ma'arg strength index
madi thus / so (manner)
ma'ga long / tall / high / height / length / distance / range / reach (length) / remote
maga multiply
ma'ga niswuni orbital distance
magade square (multiplied by itself)
magamang power (mathematical)
ma'gathrak far
magatre cube (multiply by self twice)
magel earshot
ma'hara inward / inside / interior
ma'haraga center / middle
mai these / such (these)
ma'ikvi technological level
ma'in short (not long or tall) / low
ma'ins almost / barely
ma'inthrak near / by (near) / along / hand-to-hand / ship-to-ship
mak measure of distance
maks and / plus / also / include / moreover / furthermore / additional
maksga bonus / extra / surplus / spare (extra) / excess / glut / overabundance
maksgara hanging
makshus nickname / sobriquet
malan local / surroundings
mang quantity / amount / number / some / rank / rate / level / count (v.) / point (abstract measurement) / tier / row (n.)
mangak draught
mangdak hit point
mangdakiro base hit points
mangdakivagu non-lethal hit points
mang'hra somebody / someone
mangin few
mangvu biomass
mas that / which / such (that)
masdinis destination
masde handedness
masdi direction
masdirani aim / targeting / target
masi those
matakh symmetry / equality / comparison / relative (adj.)
mekh measure of speed
mer bitter / unpleasant / sad / glum / melancholy / morose / dismal / sullen / dour / gloomy / grim / glum
min poor
mo chance / luck / fortune / opportunity
modal turn (as in a game)
morawi wager / bet / gamble / risk
mosga serendipity
mov setback / disappointment / misfortune / reversal


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - N
nag tooth / bite
nagga fang
nagga ar First Fang (rank)
nagga dar Second Fang (rank)
nagga k'ar Fourth Fang (rank)
nagga tar Third Fang (rank)
naggaka bloodfang
nah mother
nai I / me / mine
naj claw
naj ar First Claw (rank)
naj dar Second Claw (rank)
naj tar Third Claw (rank)
najinthrak Least Claw (rank)
nak planet / world
-'nak native / indigenous / endemic
nakh doom / demise / fate / destiny
naks global / planetary
nak'tara The planet Earth
nal clawing
nar clan
narbhi galaxy
narbhus galactic
nargrast'hra demon
narthrak government / nation
narthrakanruni autocracy
narthraks political
Narthraq'dymga'qith Thagathvi / Thagathvu Free Republic of the Landreich
naru spill / pour
naruk splash
narukin drip / drizzle
n'hakh "I must taste"
n'hakh ri'kahri destruction (lit. "I must taste your hearts")
nhar father
nhari parent / parentage
nigath "I give" / "I grant"
n'ikh my
nikilnar cousin (male)
ni'lakh "My Ancestors"
ni'lavin sister
ni'lavinga daughter
nilavnar cousin (female)
ni'lin brother
ni'linga son
ni'linlavin niece
ni'linlin nephew
nis to go / begin / start / motor / motion / engine / pass / proceed (begin) / set (v.) / commence / instigate / establish / form (begin) / inaugurate
nischur backward / behind / rear
nisdu lift / raise / ascend / visit / attend (be present at)
nisdu'a guest / visitor
nisduk swim
nisekga hurry / dash / hasten / hustle / scurry
nisektalan eject / expel / erupt
nisgara overhead / aloft / upward
nishukatavi divide / scatter / separate (lit. "go to pieces") / split (open)
nisikbhakil maneuver
nisikbhakili'amgaq evasive maneuvers
nisikbhakilide dexterous maneuvers
nisikbhakili'kra combat maneuvers
nisikbhakilmasdi tre three-dimensional maneuvers
nisikbhakils tactical
nisinra underfoot / downward
nisjak jump drive / jump engine
nisjha forward / ahead
nisjhamakschur rub / massage / caress / knead / scrub / slather / smear / spread / wipe
niskarh wind (moving air)
niskor wring / twist / fold / contort / twirl / buckle / tangle
nisk'oths stagger / sway / reel / totter / ripple / fluctuate / oscillate / quiver / sway / undulate / vibrate
nislan journey / trip / travel / embark / passage (to a place)
nislanav stalemate / impasse / deadlock
nislerg broach (v.)
nisqith'rak tang (blade part)
niss original / initial / prototype
nistalan land (from air travel) / exit / descend / leave / depart / dismiss / sink (v.) / outbound / adjourn / underway
nisvarg float / hover / glide / sail
niswuni orbit
no open / outright (open)
non den / cave / parlor
nonk'shrik grave (burial place) / crypt / tomb / sepulcher
nonvrash lair-mate / spouse / husband / wife
nonvrash'tagu lairmate of a tagugar
norg loose
-'nt / -'t craft/ vehicle (-nt only with preceding a)


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - O
och evening
ol smell / odor
olchur rot / decay / putrefy / faster / wither
or animal / beast / creature / being (creature)
orbakan dog / wolf / pack-hunting animal
ork model / stand / place / mark / motif / design (n.) / pattern (n.) / rise / paragon / impress (mark) / example / symbol
orkekin dot (v.) / pepper / sprinkle / drop (n.) / speck / dab / spot (fleck) / fleck
ork'faga monster
orkji ash
orkleba sigil / signet / insignia / badge / patch / token / symbol
orklebaga icon / crest
orkma'ga line
orks'aiyxi stain / calico (color pattern) / mottle / blur / maculate
ork'skaxi stigma
ortha'in worm
oth hard / solid / firm / rock
othin gravel / pebble / pellet / stone
othinga jewel / bauble / gem / bead / ornament
othinthrak sand / grit
othk'kor stiff
othrg shale
othude nut-sack (testicle) / testicle / genital / genitalia / gonad / bollocks


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - P
p'- gray
pa mind / intellect / brain
pak / pakh foot / feet / paw
paki pawn / infantryman
pakin toe
pakga tail
paktar penis / phallus / member (genitalia)
pa'k'vu brain-dead
panoth stomp / trample / crush / subdue / suppress / prohibit / restrain / repress / grind / pulverize / crumble / neutralize / agitate
parg determined / resolute / will (resolve) / willpower / resolve
pas mental
pathrak genius
pchela mosquito (lit. "grey flesh listener")
pu atone / reunite / reconcile


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - Q
qith metal / steel
qitharg durasteel
qith'rak blade / street
qodetha century
qu but / or / unless / except / aside / yet (but)


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - B
r'- destroy / demolish / waste / eliminate / rid / clear (rid) / eradicate / purge / ruin (v.) / devastate
ra / than / with
-ra person / persons / than
rabalaneschurav unprecedented
rad rite / ritual / custom / habit / tendency
rads traditional / customary / formal
rageshga forever / eternity
rag'nith king / ruler / emperor / empire
rag'nithjhak prince / princess
rah home / world
rahagai official / formal (official)
rahkoniss environment / habitat / ecosphere
rahugath monetary
rai you / your
raiha'a advise
rakh honor / respect / credit (honor)
rakha society
rakhin trophy / medal / prize
ral destroyer
raleki'ha funny (humorous) / comical / hilarious / silly
rang pus
rani cannon / weapon / firepower / armament
ranir'in lance / spear / harpoon
ranir'inin arrow / dart
rasnisdu sort / sift / isolate / filter
ras of / by
rash wish / desire / to want
rasha willing / voluntary / optional / consent
rasharg urge / desire / stimulate / impel / prompt (v.) / induce / motivate
rashav sorry / pity / sympathy
rashavthrak hopeless / desperate
rashgath offer / propose
rashkut ambition
rashro value / price / cost
rashroga expensive / pricey
rashro'in cheap / inexpensive / poor (little money)
rashromangthrak lek'kor'hra k'dyaleki'a High NPC Point Value
rashrothrak dear / precious
rashs worthy / desirable / deserve
rashthrak hope
rashugathduwi customs (agency)
rashutakav envy / jealousy
rasiv military
raslerk medical
rasmang hierarchy
rast poverty / starvation / squalor / destitution
rath ask / question / dominate / call (for an answer)
rathargin dependent
rathk'rakh beg / beseech / pray / plead
rathrg demand / require / compel / order / instruct / compel / oblige / impose / enforce / force / draw (require) / command (order)
rathrgin request / petition / appeal
rathrg'k necessary / basic (necessary)
rathsha invade / infest / conquer / conquest / takeover (conquest)
rathsha'a intruder / infiltrator / interloper / invader
r'av without
ravdirakha polite / courtesy / civility / cordial / congenial / gracious
r'avrath eventual
rax lust
r'esh diplomacy (lit. "destroyer of time")
-rg strong / powerful / thick / guttural / raspy
ri'- your
rikbhakil masterful / skillful / adroit / adept
r'ikh your
r'in break / stun / damage / pierce / wear (damage) / abrasion / erosion / inflict / exact (v.) / levy / wreak (v.)
r'ingata soak / saturate / impregnate / penetrate
r'ink broken / stunned / damaged
r'inrg shatter / sunder
r'khu ruin (n.) / wreck / wreckage
r'lan salvage yard / junkyard / landfill / dump
ro normal / usual / general / common / default / average / regular / familiar / moderate / fair / intermediate / medium / ordinary
rodyapa caution / prudence / logic
rodyapas pragmatic / efficient / sensible / practical / realistic / reasonable / astute / logical / rational / prudent
ropa sane / sanity
rothrak exact / precise / accurate / direct (adj.)
ru satisfy / satiate / proud (satisfied) / pride (satisfaction) / comfort / content (adj.)
rurash indulge / pamper / spoil / luxuriate / revel
ruv disappoint / displease / crestfallen
ruxfra / rux'fra ration / jerky
ryha'kara heretic


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - S
sa to seem / consider / recognize / seen as / aspect / detail / regard / merit / recognition / consideration (n.) / thought (consideration) / contemplate
s'aiyki attractive / beautiful / lovely
s'aiyxi ugly / repulsive
sa'guk pariah / outcast / exile (lit. "considered dead meat")
sa'ki favor / favored / prefer / blessing (n.)
sal scout
sar primary scout
-sh cold / chill
sha hostile / enemy
sha'huk "enemies are food"
sha'in opponent
shi hollow / empty / clear (empty) / drain (v.) / offload
-shin cool
shint ship
shintdyapaga capital ship
shintahr Captain (lit. "leader of the ship")
shintidraq convoy
shka pest / insect / parasite / vermin / rodent
shkabarayu'ilka flea
shkaltal fly (insect, lit. "thing that is a pest to those that do")
shork scar
shra thank / gratitude
shu cut / wound / trauma / injury
shu'ek slice
shu'in nick / dent / scratch / chip
shuranag chew
shuyan'a barber
si idea / concept / thought / meaning / topic / subject / define / definition / notion / reason (idea) / hunch / inkling / intuition / premonition
sihe point (valid topic)
sih'in theorem / theory / conjecture / proposition / conjecture / axiom
sinruni moot / impractical / academic / irrelevant
siv war
siva warrior / trooper / soldier
sivahakgagathi mercenary / ronin
ska prestige / repute / fame / reputation / notable / noteworthy
skabak glory
sna to send / transfer
snadyale contact (send message)
snata convene / summon / invite / invitation
so fierce / severe / violent / ferocious / barbaric / brutal / savage / vehement / vicious / harsh / nasty / punitive
so'hra ruffian / delinquent / hoodlum / goon / brute / troublemaker
somaksxi cruel
sorasiv marines / shock troops
sov relaxed / informal / casual
sovlan common room / lounge
stra stalk / investigate / analyze / determine / curious / curiosity / funny (curious) / study (analyze) / inspect / scrutinize / ascertain
stralan fix (navigational)
su contempt / disdain / scorn
su'hra fool / moron / upstart / sap (fool)
su'hras foolish / stupid


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - T
ta for / because / since (because) / due (because)
tagahras public / communal
takav other / else / otherwise
takav'hra alien / foreigner
tagugar kamikaze / suicide attacker
takh equal / same / as / like / even / such (like, as) / uniform (consistent) / consistent / systematic / alike / identical
takhdeshas "even if"
takhesh simultaneous
takhgra balance / equilibrium / adjust / stabilize / steady / sustain
takhjaqgu therefore / so (therefore)
takhkil fellow / compatriot / associate / partner / contact (n.)
takhlan together / combined / mixed
takhma'ga parallel
takhma'gav perpendicular
takhma'ins similar / match / matching / reflect (match) / resemble / resemblance / mirror / simulate / duplicate
talan away / ventral / down / out
talan ja'lga out-sector
talanak river
talanakin stream / creek
takhar brother / close comrade
takhs equation
tar third / ternary
tarkhan hero
tash north
tashav south
Terran'hra Terran persons
tha land / ground
thadyaleki park (location)
thaga hill
thagaga mountain
thahafahk flood
tha'in valley
thak dew (lit. "land water")
thak'takh ramp / incline / slope / grade
thalan reservation / reserve
thama elevation
thano field / meadow
thant'ga bus
thash frost
thathrak continent
thavargi plains
thi class / type / category / categorize / class / classify / group (v.) / sort
thi ja'lga size class
thinin dust
thininak mud
thirakha caste
thothin canyon
thrak great / ultimate / noble / final / top / last
thrakdaig university / great school
thrakdaivrax rag'nith Imperial brothel
thrak'hra nobleman / aristocrat (lit. "great person")
Thraklerag'nith Codex (fundamental law)
thrakzur dragon
ti wit / common sense
tosh wisdom / acumen
toshle proverb / adage / maxim / saying/ idiom / phrase / motto / remark
toth defeat / failure / lose
toththrak disaster / tragedy
tr'- battle / struggle
trant battleship / dreadnought
trathkh tongue / language
trathkhar communications officer (lit. "leader of tongues")
trathkhi communications / tongues
tr'thano battlefield
tu fight / clash / skirmish / combat / encounter / trial / match (fight)
tu'a gladiator / combatant / fighter (contender)
tuga brawling
tuka wimp / chicken (lit. "skirmish blood", applied ironically)
tugaga assault / storm (v.)
turakh duel
turanaj claw-fighting


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - U
uch left (direction)
ud right (direction)
uk prey / food / eat / meat
ukag bait
ukaqin harg shrimp
ukta prey-food (lit. "for eating")
ukarh ape
ukarhin monkey
uk'gaga gluttony
ukhusu scavenge
ukmaksak fare (lit. food and drink)
ul rest / sleep
ulan bedroom / quarters / dormitory
ulin break (short rest) / pause / doze / nap / snooze / slumber / drowse
um east
umav west
unidu once / single / individual / separate (individual)
uniga another
unigaga "one another"
uqi meal quality
uqo'a waiter
uqo'av waitress
ur lizard / reptile
ut foul / impure / unclean / filth
uts filty / dirty
utak privy worker (lit. "filth water")
uz help / assist / service / serve (assist)


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - V
v'- brown
va not / no
va'a hesitate
vak not drink
vano closed / shut
vanorg tight
varg simple / easy / flat / smooth / basic (simple) / sleek
vargdrahu rack / shelf / frame
vargdur'in delicate
va'ti'kah late / ineffectual / overdue
v'ek slow / clumsy
v'ekdanis seep / ooze
v'ekraknav sublight
vekra slower than
velinargs microphone / bug (electronic)
vesh never
vi tool / item / device
vi'aiy sensor / scanner
vi'ari accessory
vibahu'aiychur camera
vidadagara furniture
vi'd'aiy screen / display (tool) / monitor (tool) / projector
vid'aiylekarhga klaxon / alarm / horn
vidaqut broom
vidra cabinet / cupboard / closet / console (n.)
vidya clasp / fastener / holder
vidadyarg battery (energy storage device)
vidyahu suitcase
vidyak cup
vidyaldin handcuffs
vidyuk dish (food holder)
vidyukinin spoon
vi'esh clock / chronometer / timepiece
vihaf sheath / scabbard / case / envelope / holster
vihafnaji manacles (lit. "hidden claws tool")
vihrakiqusha transponder
vihukoral tube / hose / pipe / duct / tunnel
vi'i items / equipment / supplies
vikhak calculator / adding machine
vikhakga computer
vikhakgade hand-computer / PDA
vikok valve / faucer / spigot
vikvarg card
vilandu mount (n.)
vinisdu lever
virgnis table
viri crutch / staff / stilt / prop / cane
virin spike
vishuqith chisel / awl
vishutha plow / rake
vishuthinin fork
vi'ukro universal meat product
vork sit
vorshaki dueling blade
vrag pair (couple) / courtship / couple / dating
vrash mate
vrash uniga married
vrax fuck
vu survive / survival / life / living / alive
vudulan resident / inhabit / populate
vudulanhra occupant / denizen / inhabitant / resident (person) / tenant
vudulani populace / population
vujaq birth
vujaqnah birth-mother
vujhak afterlife
vuz save / rescue / salvation
vuz k'farg fortitude save
vuz nisesh reflex save
vuz parg willpower save


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - W
warak fish
wex slave
wexa slaver
widya property / possession / belonging
widyapav minutia / trivia
winhal alternative / choice / to choose / to pick / to select / opt / elect / pick / option / decision
wirtada cloth / fabric
wiv fiction / sham / synthetic / artificial / plastic
wo muscle
wothvarg plate
wu sinew / tendon
wukjik dish (lit. "burned prey thing")
wul bed / cot
wuni uncle
wur news / information / notice (n.) / report / note (n.)
wurhra race statistics
wurmaks additional notes


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - X
xa prey blood
xha steal / theft
xha'hra thief / burglar / robber / bandit
xi bad / evil
xiga worse / terrible / horrible / awful / heinous
xigara worse than
xin mischievous / naughty / sly / wily
xithrak worst
xiyvargs egregious


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - Y
ya fur / pelt
yaga mane
yai throat / neck
yan hair
ye nose
yel voice
ye'lanshi sinus / nostril
yeleshki to sing
yi eye
yi'i'ar scanning officer
yin face / edge / border / frontier / boundary / horizon / adjacent / neighboring / abut / adjoin / juxtapose / surface
yinbraj frown / scowl / glare (frown) / glower
yiniskarh window / porthole
yingu limit / withhold
yingu amstravi item search limit
yingu hugath buy back limit
yingu rashrovi item value limit
yinahki smile
yintakhlan corner
yinvarg board (workstation) / panel
yo bone
yu head
yudanisin nod
yuharg headdress / helmet / hat
yurakh crown / diadem / tiara
yuthrak forehead
yuyothrak skull


Kilrathi to English Translations of Known Words - Z
z'- green
za blood / soul / spirit (lesser)
z'hahra soylent
zoth magnet
zu atone / repent
zu'kara ritual suicide
zu'kara ga suicide as a group

English to Kilrathi[]


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - A
English Kilrathi
abandon k'baki
abash gathkalkpa
abdomen dalhar
ability h'in
able h'in
aboard du
abort gu'eshma
about erg
above gara
abrasion r'in
abrogate batalan
abrupt k'rathrg
absence hyilgh-
absence of k'-
absent-minded dyapav
absolute gataga
absorb bhadu
absurd hu'kro
abundant dyahu
abuse gathkalx
abut yin
academic sinruni
accept bhaki
acceptible h'inbhaki
access (n.) h'innis
access (v.) h'innis
accessory vi'ari
accident balanmo
accommodate bhanisdu'ai
accommodation davu
accompany ari
accomplice kotakh
accomplish bhagatak
accord (agree) bhaki
accredit grihe
accumulate dyatakh
accurate rothrak
accuse dakonis
accustom ig
acheive bhagatak
achievement atarkhans
acid akjil
acknowledge lehe
acolyte ahrava
acquaintance hranik
acquiesce (agree) bhaki
acquiesce (surrender) drishtu
acquire ba/bha
acrimony gathkivga
across du / danis
act -a
action -a
activate ko
activity -a
actual he
acumen tosh
adage toshle
adapt daldu
adding machine vikhak
additional maks
additional notes wurmaks
address (speak) le
adept rikbhakil
adjacent yin
adjoin yin
adjourn nistalan
adjust takhgra
administrator ajahr
Admiral (lit. "fleet commander") khantahr
admit (confess) lehe
admit (gain access) h'innis
admittance h'innis
admonish lerodyapa
admonition lerodyapa
adolescent kir'hra
adored hakra
adorn dadiyaiki
adroit rikbhakil
advance danisjha
advantage k'tothsa'ki
advise raiha'a
advocate ahagai
affair (tasks) hukutav'di'ajj
affect dadalpawiki
affirm grihe
afford gath
after jha
afternoon ich
afterlife vujhak / fa'ka'tra
again du
against dux
age ja'lchur
agent korakha
agility danis'aiyki
agitate gathkalkpa
ago duchur
agree bhaki
agreement bhakil
ahead nisjha
aim masdirani
air dak
air defense force dakbrajrasiv
airlock brajdak
airport dakbrajlan
alarm (klaxon) vid'aiylekarhga
alarm (surprise) gathk'rathrg
alcohol akrah
alert dyapa
alias ivhus
alien takav'hra
alike takh
alive vu
all ga
allay dinra
allege dakonis / ha erg
allocate gathwi
allot gathwi
allow gath
almost ma'ins
aloft nisgara
alone anruni / ahn'uni
along ma'inthrak
aloof dichodyapav
already duchur
alright gahe
also maks
alter datakav
alternative winhal
although ja'lg'esh
altruistic k'hrax
always eshga
amass dyatakh
amateurish h'inava
amaze balank'rathrg
ambition rashkut
amends harashav
amiable ahki
ammunition kof
among erg
"amok time" eshk'ropa
amount mang
AMQ Industries (TTG) Kodawi Talanakin Duthanok - Talanakdaikutga'in - Gatha / TTG
amusement leki
analyze stra
anarchy korpa
ancestors lakh
ancient churga
and maks
anger alk
angle k'takh
angry alks
anguish chodyapakalk
ankle alpakin
animal or
animosity gathkivga
announce gathwur
annoy alkin
annul batalan
anoint dakutga
another uniga
answer (respond) gathle
answer (solution) jaqgu
antagonism gathkivga
antechamber dai hukutavhi
antenna bal
anticipate drishta
antimatter duxhu
antiquated churga
antithesis avthrak
anxious favin
any g'-
apart dukutav
apathy k'dyapa
ape ukarh
apex guthrak
apology harashav
apparel harg
apparent sa
appeal rathrgin
appear diyai
appearance diyai
appliance koduwal
applicant h'inhawinhala
apply dal
appoint gathko
apportion gathwi
appraise dajaqwinhal
appreciate hadakutshra
apprehend dymga'qith
approach danisdu
approbation ahagai
appropriate (adj.) he
appropriate (v.) balaneshma
approve ahagai
approximate baktahe
aquatic ergak
archaeology ikhuchur
archaic churga
ardor chodyaparg
area lan
arena lanbalan
Argent Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Knav'qith
argue lerg
arise (awaken) jaqul
arise (happen) balan
aristocrat thrak'hra
arm (body part) alde
arm (prepare weapons) ajrani
armament rani
armor harg
army anrasiv
army group khagaga
arrangement aj
arrest dymga'qith
arrive jaq
arrogant dik'aleki
arrow ranir'inin
around hukor
arouse dawalga
art ikbhakil
articulate dikiquxile
artificial wiv
as takh
"as long as" desh
ascend nisdu
ascertain stra
ash orkji
aside qu
ask rath
aspect sa
assault tugaga
assemble (build) da
assemble (gather) dyatahklan
assess dajaqwinhal
assign gathko
assist uz
assitant kotakh
associate (n.) takhkil
associate (v.) dyatahklan
assuage dinra
assume baktahe
assure dagri
assured gri
asteroid kn'oth
astonish balank'rathrg / gathk'rathrg
astound balank'rathrg
astrogate islanbhu
astrogation islanbhu
astute rodyapas
at du
atmosphere gadaknak
atom dalininthrak
atone pu / zu
attach landu
attack kr'-
attempt h'in
attend (be present at) nisdu
attend (support) ari
attendant ahrava
attention dyapa
attest ikaiy
attire harg
attitude di
attractive s'aiyki
audacity dik'aleki
audience bhaktakhlan
augment dagara
authority ahagai
authorize ahagai
autocracy narthrakanruni
automatic ko'l k'hras
autopilot dorntal k'hra
autumn eshniskarh
auxiliary ari
available h'indal
Avalon Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Akthano
avarice hakgagathi
avenge k'har
average ro
avoid amgaq
await drishta
awake k'ul
aware dyapa
away talan
awful xiga
awkward (embarrassing) gathkalkpa
awl vishuqith
axial tilt k'takh kordi
axiom sih'in


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - B
English Kilrathi
babble kovle
back (body part) hudyachur
backfit daldu
backing (support) ahagai
backup dar
backward nischur
bad xi
bad example d'xai
badge orkleba
badger (v.) alkin
baffle gathkorpa
bag hukoral
bait ukag
balance takhgra
ballistics ikchath
ban gathav
bandit xha'hra
bang chak
bank daihugath
bar ("wine hall") daiarakh
barbaric so
barber shuyan'a
bare (v.) k'haf
barely ma'ins
barrel hukoralga
barrier k'tothmol
barter datakav
Bartok Industries (Kirni'linga'siv) Kodawi Kirni'linga'siv
base (foundation) arsi
base (of operations) darg
base hit difficulty k'varg dakro
base hit points mangdakiro
basic (minimal) inthrak
basic (necessary) rathrg'k
basic (simple) varg
basis arsi
basket hukoralin
bastard jaq'hra
bastard (non-pejorative) hutakhlan
bathe hafahk
battalion ahn
battery (energy storage device) vidadyarg
battery (military unit) ahninga
battle tr'-
battlefield tr'thano
battlement brawi
battleship trant
bauble othinga
bay dai hukutav
bead othinga
bear dya
bearing (demeanor) diyin
beast or
beat dymgakalk
beautiful s'aiyki
because ta
become jaq
bed wul
bedroom ulan
befuddle gathkorpa
before eshchur
beg rathk'rakh
begin nis
behave a
behavior ai
behind nischur
being (creature) or
belief dyala
believe baktahe
belittle da'leki
belly dalhar
belong (v.) erg
belonging widya
beloved hakra
below inra
bench lanvorkma'ga
bend kor
beneficent k'hrax
beneficial k'tothsa'ki
benefit huleki
berate lexi
beseech rathk'rakh
beside dumaksdu
besides dumaksdu
best kithrak
bestow gath
bet morawi
betray k'la
betrothal kir'kha'vrash
better kiga
better than gara
between erg
bewilder gathkalkpa
beyond korekh
bicker lerg
bidder (candidate) h'inhawinhala
big ga
bigger gaga
bile gathkivga
billet ko
bin hudya
binary dedu
bind dymga'qith
binomial hudar
biomass mangvu
bird dor
birth vujaq
birthdate aiy'hravujaq
birthday aiy'hravujaq
birth-mother vujaqnah
birthright balanbha
bite nag
bitter mer
bizarre hu'kro
black hole bhukar
black kn'-
Black Lance AhnTerran'hra Kn'ranir'in / Ranir'ini
Blackfire Flock Ahn Ke'hraFirekkan'hra Kn'ji / Kn'ji
blade qith'rak
blame dakonis
blameless duxalav
blanch diyaikalk
bland akva
blanket (v.) haf
blast dakekrg
bleeder kal
blemish k'rakh
bless (bestow) gath
bless (sanctify) dakutga
blessing (n.) sa'ki
blink d'aiyek
bliss ahkithrak
block drak
blood ka / za
blood lord kalaq
blood of the tagugar katagu
bloodfang naggaka
bloodline lak
blood-sucking cunt lashki barayuka
bloody kas
blossom ir
blow (move air) danisdak
blow (strike) dak
blue d'-
blunt le'ek
blur orks'aiyxi
blurt le k'rathrgs
blush jaqb'al
board (v.) jaqdu
board (workstation) yinvarg
boarding party antu
body chokut
boil akdak
bold fa
bollocks othude
bolster dagri
bomber chathant
bone yo
bonus maksga
book kochirth hu'ik
boom lekarhgathrak
boor k'aleki
boot hargpakga
booty (treasure) huthrak
border yin
Borderworlds Militia (lit. "Militia of Border Planets") Braja'NakiYin
bore (drill) batha
bore (fatigue) duls
boring kuvargav
borrow bha'in
both de
bother alkin
bottle dyakma'ga
boundary yin
bow (loop) hhukors
bow (v.) korarakh
bowl akvidyuk
box hudya
boy lin
brachium aldegara
brain pa
brain-dead pa'k'vu
brandish dya
brash dik'aleki
brave fa
brawling tuga
brazen dik'aleki
break (destroy) r'in
break (short rest) ulin
breath dak
breech-cloth harghuvukutavi'vrash
bridge lanarg
brief ek
briefing bhaktakhlan
brig daiduxal'hra
brigade ahnga
bright (shiny) knav'-
bright (smart) gadyapa
brilliant gadyapa
bristle da'leki
broach (v.) nislerg
broken r'ink
Bronte Corporation Khagathvi Lekarhga / Lekarhga
brook (v.) bhaki
broom vidaqut
brothel daivrax
brother (close comrade) takhar
brother (relative) ni'lin
brouhaha el'k'varg
brown v'-
brush danisekin
brutal so
brute so'hra
buckle niskor
bug (electronic) velinargs
building da
bulk (mass) gra
bulk (size) ja'lga
bullet huja
bump alibadu
burden dadya
burglar xha'hra
burst dakekrg
bury hafratha
bus thant'ga
business gathvi
businessman bhahugathwi'hra
busy (fill) dakut
busy (occupy) duko
but qu
butt-kisser (lit. "thing that tastes butt") k'yukal
buttocks k'yu
button (switch) hudal
buy bhavi
buy back limit yingu hugath
by (near) ma'inthrak
by (with, from) ras
by default k'av
by-product jaqgu


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - C
English Kilrathi
cabinet vidra
cache dyatakh
cadaver chokut'k'vu
calculate khak
calculator vikhak
calf (shin) alpakinra
calico (color pattern) orks'aiyxi
call (for an answer) rath
callsign kranthus
calm k'le
camera vibahu'aiychur
campaign anaj
can (cannister) hukoralin
can (may) h'in
canal inrai
cancel batalan
candidate h'inhawinhala
candle hujin
cane viri
cannister hukoralin
cannon rani
canyon thothin
cap guthrak
capability h'in
capable h'in
capacity (amount) dyaja'lga
capacity (role) ko
cape chi
capital Lan'narthrak
capital ship shintdyapaga
capitol Lan'narthrak
capitulate drishtu
capsule hukoral
captain (lit. "leader of the ship") shintahr
captivate dakatava
captive drish'hra
capture dymga'qith
card vikvarg
care dyapa
career koga
careless dyapav
caress nisjhamakschur
cargo gathvihu
carouse d'aik'tox
carpenter (lit. "one who builds with the strong plant") dara'irga
carrier (aerospace) bhant
carry dya
case (box) vihaf
case (occurance) balan
cask hukoralga
caste thirakha
castigate lexi
castrate dakva
casual sov
cat kilin
catalog anle
catch (enter) jaqdu
categorize thi
category thi
cause (mission) konis
caution rodyapa
cave (den) non
cave (geoform) lanshi
ceiling br'hudu
celebrate d'aik'toth
cement (v.) dagri
center ma'haraga
century (military unit) ahninga
century (time unit) qodetha
ceremony (lit. "time of the rite") eshrad
certain gri
certify grihe
chain dymga'qith
chair huvork
challenge k'tothmo
chamber dai hukutav
chance mo
change datakav
channel (communications) dinisargs
chant gathleshki
chaos korpa
character lek'kor'hra
characterize aiydi
charade iva
charge kr'-
chariot lanvornt
charity kiratakav
charisma dakatava
charm dakatava
charnel house dai'drayo'i
chase go
chassis chokutnt
chastise lexi
cheap rashro'in
check k'tothmo
checkpoint lank'tothmo
cheek cho'yin
cheery ahki
cheese ak'naholchur
chemical lerk
cherish br'kdyapa
chest (body part) hudya
chew shuranag
chicken (lit. "skirmish blood", applied ironically) tuka
chide lexi
chief (leader) ar/ahr
chief (lord) kal
child gar
childhood esh'gar
chill -sh
chime (sound) knavel
chip shu'in
chisel vishuqith
chocolate lerx'jaqiraknav
choice winhal
chronometer vi'esh
chuckle leki'hin
church daikutga
circle (object) hukor
cipher lehaf
cite dakonis
civil erghra
civility ravdirakha
civilization hradij
civilize hradij
claim (get) ba/bha
claim (state without proof) ler'avikheri
clamour el'k'varg
clan nar
clan leader kal thrak'hra
clang elchak
clap elchak
clash tu
clasp vidya
class thi
classify thi
clatter el'k'varg
claw naj
claw-fighting turanaj
clawing nal
clean kut
clear (empty) shi
clear (obvious) aiyvarg
clear (rid) r'-
clear (transparent) aiy
clearance (n.) gath
clear-headed akrahv
clench badya
clerk drada'iki'a
cleverness laqag
cloak chi
cloak bearer dyachee
clock vi'esh
close comrade takhar
closed vano
closet vidra
cloth wirtada
clothing harg
cloud karhchi
cloudy karhchis
clumsy v'ek
coach ahnahr
code lehaf
Codex (fundamental law) Thraklerag'nith
cohort ahn
coil kor
coincidence balanmo
cold -sh
collaborate koratakavi
collapse dakekrgav
colleague kotakh
collect dyatakh
collective dyatakh
collide dakso
collision dakso
colony lantakav
color jhale
combat tu
combat maneuvers nisikbhakili'kra
combatant tu'a
combine dyatahklan
combined takhlan
comfort ru
comfortable h'inru
comical raleki'ha
coming of age jaqergja'lchur
command (n.) ar/ahr
command (v.) rathrg
command center lanarg
commence nis
commerce ikrashro
commitment korakh
commode daihar
commodity gathvihu
Commodore (lit. "group lord") kalahn
common ro
common room sovlan
common sense ti
commoner (lit. "Person from Kilrah") kilrah'hra
commotion el'k'varg
communal tagahras
communicate dabhakilsi
communications trathkhi
communications officer (lit. "leader of tongues") trathkhar
community brajakh
community leader brajakhar
companion hraki
company ahninga
comparison matakh
compass hismasdi
compassion kiratakav
compatriot takhkil
compel rathrg
compensation hugath
compile d'aiyeshin
complain dakoduwin / ha erg
complement (supply) kof
complete gata
complex k'varg
compliant k'yukal
complicit dakonis
comply drishtu
component hukutav
composer ledeleshki'a
composite dyatakh
comprehend bhakil
comprehensive gata
comprise hukor
compromise gabhakixi
compute khak
computer vikhakga
computer code di'aj'vikhak
comrade hraki
conceal haf
concede drishtu
conceit dik'aleki
conceive da
concentration dapoth
concept si
concern dyapa
conclude (infer) baktahe
concur bhaki
condemn k'baki
condescend jaqgatha
condition balan
condone dabhaki
conduct ai
conference (gathering) bhaktakhlan
confess lehe
confide dyala
confidence dyala
configuration landi
confine gathav
confines lan
confirm grihe
confirmed gri
confront ba'a
confuse gathkorpa
confusion korpa
congenial ravdirakha
conjecture sih'in
conjure dal
connect dyatahklan
conquer rathsha
conquest rathsha
conscious dyapa
consecrate dakutga
consent rasha
consequence jaqgu
consider sa
considerable h'insa
consideration (n.) sa
consignment gathvihu
consist hukor
consistent takh
console (n.) vidra
conspicuous aiyvarg
constrict jaqvanorg
construct da
contact (n.) takhkil
contact (send message) snadyale
contact (touch) aliba
contain hukor
container hukoral
contaminate k'kut
contemplate sa
contempt su
contender (candidate) h'inhawinhala
contender (contestant) dyaleki'a
content (adj.) ru
contents ankil
continent thathrak
continue as
contort niskor
contrast k'takh
control (possess) dya
control (power) arg
control (switch) hudal
convene snata
conversation le'a
converse (opposite) av
converse (speak) le'a
convey ba/bha
conviction (resolve) dyalarg
convince dagri
convoy shintidraq
cool -shin
coolant akdashin
coordinate korashra
coordinates lanmangi
coordination korashra
copious dyahu
cordial ravdirakha
core arsi
corner yintakhlan
corporate ahngathvi
corporation ahngathvi
corps kha
corpse chokut'k'vu
correct (rectify) dahe
correct (repair) dakodu
correct (true) he
correspond (agree) bhaki
corridor didya'in
corrupt k'kut / duts
corruption k'kut
corvette kamal
cost rashro
costume harg
cot wul
cough aqhudya
could h'in
count mang
counter gathkiv
counteract gathkiv
couple (courtship pair) vrag
couple (group of two) ahn'de
courage fa
course dinis
coursework ko'igko
court (place of law) dailerag'nith
court (sovereign's home) daithrak
courtship vrag
courtesy ravdirakha
cousin (female) nilavnar
cousin (male) nikilnar
cover haf
coward fav'hra
cowardice k'fa
cower korak'fa
cozy h'inru
cradle dyasov
craft ant
cram dakutgara
crash dakso
crawl amal'kor
crease inrai
creature or
credit (honor) rakh
credit (monetary unit) hugath
creek talanakin
creep amal'kor
crest orklebaga
crestfallen ruv
crevice inrai
crew ko'a'i
crime duxal
criminal (adj.) duxlerag'nith
criminal (n.) duxal'hra
crimp inrai
crimson kh'-
Crimson Claw Ahn Ke'hraKilrathi Kh'naj / Kh'naj
cringe korak'fa
crisis balandyapa
critical dyapagaga
criticize lexi
cross (intersect) datakhma'gav
cross (move over) danis
cross (oppose) gathkiv
crowd (n.) kha
crowd (v.) dakutgara
crown yurakh
crucial dyapagaga
crucifix k'rakh'kalkthrak
crude k'aleki
cruel somaksxi
cruise fra
cruiser fral
crumble panoth
crusade konis
crush panoth
crutch viri
cry akyi
crypt nonk'shrik
crystal karhsh
cub gar
cube hukesmaga
cube (multiply by self twice) magatre
cue lerodyapa
cult la'ga
culture hradi
cumulative dyatakh
cunning laqag
cup vidyak
cupboard vidra
cur (non-pejorative) hutakhlan
cure (age food) gathdra
curiosity stra
curious stra
curl kor
current eshma
curriculum ko'igko
curse kir'xha
curt le'ek
curve kor
curved sword koractu
cusp guthrak
custom rad
customs (agency) rashugathduwi
customary rads
customer gatha
cut shu
cyborg kilkoduwal
cylinder hukoral
cynic leva'a


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - D
English Kilrathi
dab orkekin
damage r'in
damage control arg r'ink
damaged r'ink
damn k'baki
danger ag
dare dyafa
dark kar
dart ranir'inin
dash nisekga
dating vrag
daughter ni'lavinga
daunt gathk'fa
dawn knav'jaq
day esh'ga
daze chodyapav
dazzle chodyapav
dead k'vu
deaden chodyapav
deadlock nislanav
deadly gus
deadpan dichodyapav
deaf k'elthrak
deal (resolve a problem) ba'a
dealership lanbhahugath
dear rashrothrak
death ath
death (for food) hath
death (to end life) gu
DeathHeads Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Yugu'i / Yugu'i
debate lerg
debris husu
decay olchur
deceive er
decent kidyahu
deck br'hutalan
decide jaqwinhal
decision winhal
declaration lerahagai
decline gathav
decorate dadiyaiki
decoy haggin
decrease inra
deduce baktahe
deed atarkhans
deep inra
default ro
defeat toth
defend br'-
defense brawi
defenses draki
defer drish
defile duts
define si
definite gri
definition si
deflect drak
defuse inrag
defy gathkiv
degenerate dinra
degrade dinra
degree ma
deign jaqgatha
delay drish
delegation ahn / an
delete hafeshga
deliberate du'aj
delicate vargdur'in
delinquent so'hra
deliver dya
demand rathrg
dematerialize jaqhaf
demean gathkalkpa
demeanor diyin
demesne lanhra
demise nakh
demolish r'-
demon nargrast'hra
demonstration balanava
den non
denizen vudulanhra
denounce k'la
density gragarakn'ga
dent shu'in
deny gathav
depart nistalan
dependable arg
dependent rathargin
depict lek'kor
deplete dax
depot daihu
deprive bharaso
derelict k'baki
deride da'leki
descend nistalan
descendant gahr
describe aiydi
description aiydi
desert (abandon) k'baki
deserve rashs
design (n.) ork
design (v.) aj
designate aiydi
desirable rashs
desire rash / rasharg
desk kovirgnis
desperate rashavthrak
despite ja'lg'esh
despoil bharaso
Despoilers Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Bharaso'a / Bharaso'a
destination masdinis
destiny nakh
destitution rast
destroy r'-
destroyer ral
destruction (lit. "I must taste your hearts") n'hakh ri'kahri
detail sa
detain drish
detainee drish'hra
detect chodyapa
deteriorate dinra
determine stra
determined (resolute) parg
devastate r'-
develop da
device vi
devil ax
dew (lit. "land water") thak
dexterity ikbhakilde
dexterous maneuvers nisikbhakilide
diadem yurakh
diagnostic k'tothmo
diatribe gathkalx
dictate (make happen) dabalan
dictator kaxa
differ k'takh
different k'takh
difficult k'varg
difficulty k'varg
diffidence k'dyapa
dig batha
dignity dyarashro
dilapidate k'baki
dilemma balanwinhalk'varg
dim gi
diminish chodyapav
diplomacy (lit. "destroyer of time") r'esh
dire eshmathrak
direct (adj.) rothrak
direction masdi
dirty uts
disable kov
disallow gathav
disappear jaqhaf
disappoint ruv
disappointment mov
disapprove k'ahagai
disarm gurani
disaster toththrak
disbelief k'dyala
discard k'baki
discern bhakil
discipline (control) dirg
discipline (punishment) lexi
discipline pool kofik
disconcert gathkorpa
discount dinthrak
discourage gathk'fa
discover is
discuss lerg
discussion bhaktakhlan
disdain su
disease k'ki
disembark gunislan
disgrace k'rakh
disgust gathxi
dish (food holder) vidyuk
dish (lit. "burned prey thing") wukjik
dishonor k'rakh
disintegrate jaqak
disintegration jaqutavi
dismal mer
dismiss nistalan
disobey gathkiv
disparity k'takh
dispense gathtalan
displace balaneshma
display (v.) d'aiy
display (n.) vi'd'aiy
displease ruv
disposition dilk
disregard k'vudujaq
disrupt drish
disseminate dabhakilsi
dissolve jaqak
distance ma'ga
distinct aiyvarg
distinguish aiydi
distinguished aiyvarg
distract dyapav
distress ha'uz
distribute gathtalan
district hukutav brajakh
disturb alkin
ditch (discard) k'baki
ditch (land feature) inrai
diverge k'takh
diverse gin
divert datakav
divide nishukatavi
divider br'hin / k'tothmol
division ahngaga
do -a
do not -av
"do not do" / "does not do" (implicit) ava
docile k'yukal
dock dyatahklan
dockworker kodyatahklana
doctor k'shu'i'hra
dodge amgaq
dog orbakan
dogma jaqwinhalda'ik
domain lanhra
dominate rath
don hafchokut
donation hugath
doom nakh
door br'shi
dormitory ulan
dorsal du
dot (v.) orkekin
double dedu
doubt k'gri
dour mer
down talan
downward nisinra
doze ulin
draft aj
drag amal'kor
dragon thrakzur
drain (v.) shi
drama lek'kor
draught mangak
draw (require) rathrg
draw (unsheathe) k'haf
dreadnought trant
dream aiydudapa
dress harg
drill (bore) batha
drink ak
drip narukin
drivel husu
drizzle narukin
drone kilkoduwal
droop dinra
drop (n.) orkekin
drop (v.) badyav
drown gurasak
drowse ulin
drug lerk
drunk akrah
dry k'hafahk
dual dedu
duct vihukoral
dubious k'gri
due (because) ta
due (true) he
duel turakh
dueling blade vorshaki
dull (v.) k'ko
dull (adj.) kuvargav
dumb-fire missile chathjavarg
dumbfound gathkalkpa
dump r'lan
duo ahn'de
duplicate takhma'ins
durable arg
durasteel qitharg
during du'esh-
dusk knav'nis
dust thinin
duty korakh
dwarf inga
dwindle dinra
dye akjhale
dynamic argga


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - E
English Kilrathi
each ga
eager chodyapargs
ear elal
early jheshav
earn ba/bha / bhagatak
earnest dyapa
earshot magel
earthquake alkga'tha
east um
easy varg
eat uk
eccentric hu'kro
echo jaqdel
eclectic gin
economy ikrashro
ecosphere rahkoniss
edge (advantage) k'tothsa'ki
edge (face) yin
edgy favin
effect jaqgu
effective dajaqgus
efficient rodyapas
effort ko
effrontery dik'aleki
egregious xiyvargs
eject nisektalan
elaborate (v.) d'aiy
elastic korjaqdus
elation ahkithrak
elbow aldekor
elderly chur
elect winhal
electric args
electronic args
elegance danis'aiyki
element ankil
elevation thama
elicit ba/bha
eliminate r'-
ellipse hukorma'ga
eloquence dikiquxile
else takav
emasculate dakva
embark nislan
embarrass gathkalkpa
embody hukor
embrace aliba
embroil ha erg
emerge jaqaiy
emergency balandyapa
emotion dichodyapa
emperor rag'nith
emphasize darga
empire rag'nith
employees ko'a'i
empty shi
enact dawinhal
encapsulate d'aiyeshin
encasement hukoral
enclose hukor
encompass hukor
encounter (happen) balan
encounter (meeting) bhaktakhlan
encounter (see) aiy
encounter (skirmish) tu
encourage dagri
encouragement ahagai
end (finish) gu
end (place) lan
endeavor h'in
endemic -'nak
endorse ahagai
endow gath
endure (continue) as
endure (suffer) chodyapakalk
"enemies are food" sha'huk
enemy sha
energy arg
enforce rathrg
engagement kir'kha'vrash
engine nis
engineer lannis
engineer's mate ko uzlannis
engineering section lannis
engross dakatava
engulf hukor
enhance dagara
Enigma Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Hafik
enjoy gathki
enlist dyatahklanahn
enmity gathkivga
enough dyahu
enrapture dakatava
ensue balan
ensure dagri
enter jaqdu
entertain bhanisdu'ai
entertainer leba'hra
enthrall dakatava
enthusiasm chodyaparg
enthusiastic chodyapargs
entire gata
entrails dalhar
entrance dijaqdu
entrust dyala
envelop hukor
envelope vihaf
environment rahkoniss
environs lan
envision aiydudapa
envy rashutakav
epithet hus
Epsilon Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Ko'dath
equal takh
equality matakh
equation takhs
equilibrium takhgra
equip gathvi'i
equipment vi'i
era esh
eradicate r'-
erase hafeshga
erosion r'in
erratic hu'kro
error ival
ersatz iv
erupt nisektalan
escape amgaq
escort ari
especial kroki
espionage hafikwur
essential dyapagaga
establish nis
establishment (business) langathvi
esteem hadakutshra
estimate baktahe
eternity rageshga
ethical aki
euphoria ahkithrak
evade amgaq
evaluation dajaqwinhal
evaporate jaqdakaqak
evasive maneuvers nisikbhakili'amgaq
even takh
"even if" takhdeshas
evening och
event balan
eventual r'avrath
ever (lit. "any time") g'esh
every ga
everybody gahra
everyone gahra
everything gahu'i
everywhere galani
evidence ikheri
evident aiyvarg
evil xi
evoke ba/bha
exact (adj.) rothrak
exact (v.) r'in
exaggerate legara
exalt agon
examine aiydu
example ork
exasperation alkinga
excellent gakiga
except qu
exceptional aiyvarg
excess maksga
exchange datakav
excite dawalga
exclaim le k'rathrgs
excuse (forgive) gathhar
excuse (poor explanation) d'xai
execution (capital punishment) guk'rakhthrak
exertion ko
exhale daktalan
exhaustion dulsthrak
exhaustive bakalk
exhibit (v.) d'aiy
exhiliration ahkithrak
exile (lit. "considered dead meat") sa'guk
exist / existing h'indal
exit nistalan
expect drishta
expedition konis
expel nisektalan
expectorate aqhudya
expensive rashroga
experience (knowledge) ikga
experience (suffer) chodyapakalk
experienced ikgak
expert ikga'hra
explain d'aiy
explicit aiyvarg
exploit (n.) atarkhans
explosion dakekrg
explosive chath
expression diyin
expose k'haf
expunge hafeshga
extend dagara
extensive gata
exterior dudav
external dudav
extra maksga
extract batalan
eye yi


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - F
English Kilrathi
fable lek'korchurga
fabric wirtada
face (body part) yin
face (confront) ba'a
face (look at) aiydu
facility lanko'al
fact he
factory dadawi
fad masdi'i'harg / diharg
fade inra
failure toth
faint gi
fair (average) ro
fairness kuthe'ha
faith la
fall dakekrgav
false iv
falter leradu
fame ska
familiar ro
family hrai
family hall da'hrai
family of the tagugar hrai'tagugar
fancy (garish) gararo
fancy (imagination) aiydudapa
fang nagga
fantasy aiydudapa
far ma'gathrak
fare (lit. food and drink) ukmaksak
fart k'yol
fascinate dakatava
fashion (make) da
fashion (style) masdi'i'harg / diharg
fast ek
fastener vidya
faster than ekra
faster-than-light mechanics ikanti ekraknav
fat hudyaga
fatal gus
fate nakh
father nhar
fathom bhakil
fatigue duls
faucet vikok
fault dakonis
faulty kov
favor sa'ki
favorable k'tothsa'ki
favored sa'ki
faze gathkalkpa
fealty laga
fear k'fa
feast d'aik'toth
feat atarkhans
fee gathugath
feeble agi / gi
feeling (emotion) dichodyapa
feet pak
fellow takhkil
fence br'hin
ferocious so
ferry ba/bha
fertile gathvu / drishtagar
fervor chodyaparg
fester olchur
festive ahki
fetch bhadu
few mangin
fiancé kir'kha'vrash
fiction wiv
field thano
field army khaga
fierce so
fight tu
fighter (contender) tu'a
fighter (craft) krant
figure (person) hra
fill dakut
filter rasnisdu
filth ut
filty uts
final thrak
find is
fine (acceptable) h'inbhaki
fine (fee) gathugath
finesse ikbhakilde
finger de'in
finish gu
fire (discharge a weapon) ja
fire (rapid oxidation) ji
Firekkan persons Firekkan'hra
Firekkan Planetary Alliance Bhakilnaks Nak'Firekka / Bhakilnaks
fireteam ahnja
firepower rani
firm oth
first ar/ahr
First Claw (rank) naj ar
First Fang (rank) nagga ar
firsthand hrass
fish warak
fist devanok
fit (belong) erg
fit (outburst) dichodyapaga
fix (navigational) stralan
fix (to attach) landu
fix (to repair) dakodu
fix (unmoving) landu
flabbergast gathkorpa
flail dymgakalk
flare (v.) dahudyaga
flash d'aiyek
flashy d'aiyexgara
flat varg
flatfoot hit difficulty k'varg daq'rathrg
flatulence k'yol
flaw ival
flea shkabarayu'ilka
fleck orkekin
fleet khant
flesh cho
flick danisekin
flight (military unit) ahnin
flight (movement) do
flight deck landont
flinch diyaikalk
flip danisekin
float nisvarg
flood thahafahk
floor br'hutalan
flow aknis
fluctuate nisk'oths
fluid ak
fluke balanmo
flummox gathkorpa
flush jaqb'al
flustered alkink
fly do
fly (insect, lit. "thing that is a pest to those that do") shkaltal
"flying blade" dorqith'rak
focus dyapakakroki
fold niskor
follower ahrava
folly husu
fond agathki
food uk
fool (n.) su'hra
fool (v.) er
foolish su'hras
foot pak
for ta
foray ke
forbear gathav
force rathrg
force field br'alin
forces (military) anrasiv
forearm aldinra
forecast (omen) lerodyapa
forecast (prediction) aiyjha
forehead yuthrak
foreleg alpakinra
foreigner takav'hra
forever rageshga
forge (v.) da
forget dalpaduv
forgive gathhar
fork vishuthinin
form (begin) nis
form (shape) diyai
formal (official) rahagai
formal (traditional) rads
former chur
forsake (betray) k'la
forsake (discard) k'baki
forthcoming eshmathrak / jaq
fortified braj
fortify br'-
fortitude save vuz k'farg
fortress brajakh
fortune mo
forward nisjha
foul ut
foundation arsi
founded dabhaki
fountain huaknis
Fourth Fang (rank) nagga k'ar
frail agi / gi
frame vargdrahu
freak huk'ro
free k'dymga'qith
Free Republic of the Landreich Narthraq'dymga'qith Thagathvi / Thagathvu
freeze drish
freight gathvihu
freighter gathvihunt
frequent balanga
fresh kir
friend hraki
friendly hrakis
friend-or-foe hrakiqusha
friend-or-foe missile chathrakiqusha
frigate aril
frighten gathk'rathrg
frock chiga
from aq
frontier yin
frost thash
frown yinbraj
frugality dalinra
frustration alkinga
fuck vrax
fuel hudarg
fugitive amgaq'hra
fulcrum arivinisdu
full dakut
fume da'leki
fun leki
function (work) ko
funeral k'shrik
funereal dyapaga
fungus irguwi
funny (curious) stra
funny (humorous) raleki'ha
funny (odd) hu'kro
funny (strange) k'ro
fur ya
furniture vidadagara
furthermore maks
fury alkgaga
fuse dyatahklan
fuss dakoduwin
future jha


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - G
English Kilrathi
gabble kovle
galactic narbhus
galaxy narbhi
gall dik'aleki
gamble morawi
game lekik'tothmo
garb harg
garbage husu
garish d'aiyexgara
garment harg
gather dyatahklan
gathering bhaktakhlan
gaudy d'aiyexgara
gauge dajaqwinhal
gaze diyairg
geld dakva
gem othinga
Gemini Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Hude'hra
gender kilqukilav
general ro
generate da
generosity kiratakav
genital othude
genitalia othude
genius pathrak
gentle k'yukal
geology iktha
gesture de'ik
gibberish husu
gibbet k'rakh'kalkthrak
gift hugath
girl lavin
glad ahki
gladiator tu'a
glance diyai eks
glare (frown) yinbraj
glare (shine) knav'-
glassy aiy
glee ahkithrak
glide nisvarg
glint d'aiyek
global naks
gloomy mer
glory skabak
glow knav'-
glower yinbraj
glum mer
glut maksga
gluttony uk'gaga
goal aj
gold j'qith
gonad othude
goad alkin
goo harakh
good ki
good (trade) gathvihu
goodness ki
goon so'hra
government narthrak
gown chiga
grab badya
grace danis'aiyki
gracious ravdirakha
grade thak'takh
gradual balanveks
granddaughter kirni'lavinga
grandfather churnar
grandmother churnah
grandson kirni'linga
grant gath
grapple badya
grasp badya
grateful hadakutshra
gratitude dakutshra / shra
grave (burial place) nonk'shrik
grave (serious) dyapa
gravel othin
gravid drishtagar
gravity granistlan
gray p'-
great thrak
great cat kilinthrak
great hall daithrak
great school thrakdaig
greater than gara
greed hakgagathi
green z'-
greet hi
grievance dakoduwin
grim mer
grimace diyaikalk
grind panoth
grip (n.) landya
grip (v.) badya
grit othinthrak
groan lema'in
groom (v.) kut
groove inrai
grotesque gathxi
ground tha
group (military unit) ahnga
group (n.) kha / ahn / an
group (v.) thi
grovel korarax
growl lelk
grudge alk
grumpy alks
grunt lema'in
guarantee grihe
guard drak
guess baktahe
guest nisdu'a
guidance kotakavar
guild ahngathvi
guilt dakonis
Guinterin Combine Khagathvi Anrasiv Va / Anrasiv Va
gun derani
gunk harakh
gut dalhar
gutter inrai
guttural -rg


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - H
English Kilrathi
habit rad
habitat rahkoniss
habituate ig
haggle datakav
hail (begin speaking) le
hail (frozen convective precipitation) akoth
hair yan
half-hearted k'chodyaparg
halfway idardi
hall da
hall of records daikga
hallway didya'in
hand de
hand-computer vikhakgade
handcuffs vidyaldin
handedness masde
handle (holder) landya
handle (nickname) kranthus
handle (v.) -a / -al / -il
hand-to-hand ma'inthrak
hanging maksgara
happen balan
happy ahki
harass alkin
harbor brajlan
hard oth
hardship k'varg
harm gathkalk
harpoon ranir'in
harsh so
harvester jaqa
haste dyapav
hasten nisekga
hat yuharg
hatch br'shi
hatred gathkivga
haughty k'dyapa
haven brajlan
Hawking Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Ik'dor
hazard ag
head yu
headdress yuharg
headmaster kal daigar
headquarters darg
heal (another) da k'shu'i
heal (self) gushu
healer k'shu'i'hra
health kis
healthy kis
hear el
hearing (meeting) bhaktakhlan
heart kahr
heated -kh
heat-seeking missile chathamstrakh
heavy graga
heed gathdyapa
height ma'ga
heinous xiga
heir hraijhak
held dyak
hell nargrast
hellhole lanshi'nargrast
helix kor
helmet yuharg
help uz
hemisphere hukormaga idar
her g'ikh
herd dyatahklan
here lanma
hereditary duvujaq
heretic ryha'kara
heritage balanbha
hero tarkhan
hesitate va'a
hexagon huh'ks
hide haf
hideous gathxi
hiding and seeking hafmaksamstra
hierarchy rasmang
high ma'ga
High NPC Point Value rashromangthrak lek'kor'hra k'dyaleki'a
higher gara
high-gain argsdagarama'ga
hilarious raleki'ha
hill thaga
hilt landya
hinder gathav
hindrance k'tothmol
hint lerodyapa
hip alpakga
hire gathko
his g'ikh
hiss da'leki
history ikga
history and goals ikgamaksmasdi
hit chak
hit difficulty k'varg dak
hit point mangdak
hoard dyatax
hold dya
holder vidya
hole lanshi
hollow shi
holocaust jikut
hologram knav'aiychur
holster vihaf
holy kutgaga
home rah
honest he
honor rakh
hoodlum so'hra
hop jakin
hope rashthrak
hopeless rashavthrak
horizon yin
horn vid'aiylekarhga
horrible xiga
horror k'faga
hose vihukoral
host (large group) kha
host (manager) ajahr
host (v.) bhanisdu'ai
hostage drish'hra
hostile sha
hot -kh
hotel dai eshin
hound (v.) alkin
hour esh
house dai
hover nisvarg
how ja'l
how long (time) ja'leshma'ga
how many / how much ja'lga
however ja'lg'esh
hubris chodyapakigaga
hull chokutshint
hum le'in
humble k'chodyapaki
humdrum kuvargav
humiliate gathkalkpa
humor leki'ha
hunch si
hunt bak
hurry nisekga
Hurston Dynamics Ahngathvi Ikoth Brajakh Kahr / Brajakh Kahr
hurt gathkalk
husband kilvrash / nonvrash
hustle nisekga
hybrid hutakhlan
hydrosphere gaknak
hymn gathleshki


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - I
English Kilrathi
I nai
I give nigath
I grant nigath
I must taste n'hakh
ice akoth
icon orklebaga
idea si
identical takh
identify ishus
idiom toshle
idiosyncratic hu'kro
if desh
ignore k'vudujaq
ill k'ki
illegal duxlerag'nith
illicit duxlerag'nith
illness k'ki
illusion aiydudapa
illustrate d'aiy
ill-will gathkivga
image hu'aiychur
image-recognition missile chathsa'aiy
imagine aiydudapa
immaculate kutga
immediate eshmathrak
immerse hafahk
imminent eshmathrak
immobile k'danis
immovable k'danisdi
impact dakso
impair dinra
impasse nislanav
impassive dichodyapav
impeccable kutga
impediment k'tothmol
impel rasharg
impending drishta / eshmathrak
Imperial brothel thrakdaivrax rag'nith
impertinence dik'aleki
implement dal
implicate ha erg
implosion dakekrgav
imply jaqgu
important dyapa
important person dyapa'hra
impose rathrg
impractical sinruni
impregnate r'ingata
impress (influence) dadalpawiki
impress (mark) ork
impress (stress) darga
improve dagara
improvise deks
impudent dik'aleki
impulse daq'rathrg
impure ut
in du
in order k'kor
inadequate h'inava
inaugurate nis
inborn duvujaq
inbound jaq
incapable h'inava
incident balan
incipient kir
incite dawalga
incline thak'takh
include maks
incoming jaq
incompetent h'inava
incomplete gatav
incorporate hukor
increase gara
incredible hak'gri
incredulous hak'gri
incur dyakorakh
indeed he
indent inrai
independent k'dymga'qith
index anle
indicate d'aiy
indication lerodyapa
indict dakonis
indifferent k'dyapa
indigenous -'nak
individual unidu
indomitable dichodyapav
indoors duda
induce rasharg
indulge rurash
industry kodawi
inebriated akrah
ineffectual va'ti'kah
inept h'inava
inevitable r'avrath
inexpensive rashro'in
infantryman paki
infect duts
infer baktahe
inferior inra
infest rathsha
infiltrator rathsha'a
inflict r'in
influence dadalpawiki
inform leba
informal sov
information (knowledge) ik
information (news) wur
infraction duxal
infrequent balanin
ingenious gadyapa
inhabit vudulan
inhabitant vudulanhra
inhale dakdu
inherent hukutavro
inherit ba / bha
inheritance balanbha
inhibit gathav
initial niss
initiative argnisjhak
injury shu
inkling si
inn dai eshin
innocent duxalav
inoperative k'ko
input (computer program) di'aj'vikhak
input (contribution) hugath
insect shka
insert landu
inside (indoors) duda
inside (inward) ma'hara
insignia orkleba
insist baridi
insolent dik'aleki
inspect aiydu / stra
inspire gathsi
instant eshmathrak
instead datakav
instigate nis
instinct k'dalpa
instruct rathrg
insult dik'aleki
intact kut
intellect pa
intelligence hafikwur
intensive care (medical) dathrak k'shu'i
intenstine dalhar
intent aj
interact koratakavi
intercept datakhma'gav
interest (attention) dyapa
interest (benefit) huleki
interfere h'indrish
interior ma'hara / duda
interject h'indrish
interloper rathsha'a
intermediate ro
internal duda
interpose h'indrish
interpret bhaki
interrupt drish
intersect datakhma'gav
intervene h'indrish
interview bhaktakhlan
internal systems kotakhlanduda
intimidate gathk'fa
into du
intrigue (v.) dakatava
introduce (become acquainted) jaqhranik
intruder rathsha'a
intuition si
inure ig
invade rathsha
invader rathsha'a
invective gathkalx
invent deks
inventory anle
investigate stra
invitation snata
invite snata
invoke dal
involve ha erg
inward ma'hara
irony letakav
irrelevant sinruni
irrigate gaththa'ak
irritable favin
irritation alkinga
island akthano
isolate rasnisdu
ISS / In-System Security (lit. "Militia of Confed") Braja'Bhakil
issue (bring in) dya
issue (make) da
item vi
item search limit yingu amstravi
item value limit yingu rashrovi
items vi'i
its g'ikh


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - J
English Kilrathi
jail daiduxal'hra
jam drak
jar dyakma'ga
jaw lanagkh
jealousy rashutakav
jeer diyai'su
jerk danisek
jerky rux'fra
jettison k'baki
jewel othinga
Jezebels Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Ja'lanhahar / Ja'lanhahar
job ko
join dyatahklan
joint (elbow or knee) al'kor
joke leki
jolly ahki
jolt danisek
journey nislan
jovial ahki
jowl cho'yin
joy ahkithrak
jubilation ahkithrak
judge jaqwinhal
jump jak
jump drive / jump engine nisjak
jump point lanjak
jumpshock k'kijak
jumpsuit harg rahukutav uni
junk k'baki
junkyard r'lan
just kuthe
justice kuthe'ha
justify dabhaki
juvenile kir'hra
juxtapose yin


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - K
English Kilrathi
KAC Police Braja'KNK
kamikaze tagugar
keen (eager) chodyapargs
keen (edge) kuvarg
keg hukoralga
kill (end life) gu
kill (for food) hath
killer atha
killjoy leva'a
Kilrathi Assembly of Clans Kha'nari'Kilrathi / KNK
kind kiratakav
kindness kiratakav
king rag'nith
kitten kirkilin
klaxon vid'aiylekarhga
knead nisjhamakschur
knee alpaqor
kneel korarakh
knob gulandya
knowledge ik


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - L
English Kilrathi
label dalyai'el
lack of k'-
lackadaisic k'ko
lackluster k'chodyaparg
ladder da'ama'ga
lady kalav
lair-mate nonvrash
lairmate of a tagugar nonvrash'tagu
lake lanshik
lance ranir'in
land tha
land (from air travel) nistalan
landfill r'lan
landing field landont
Landreich Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Thagathvu
language trathkh
languid k'ko
languish chodyapakalk
lap alpakgara
large ga
larger group kha
laser knavrga
laser cannon deraniknavrga
last (continue) as
last (final) thrak
last man standing kilthrak ork
late jhesh / va'ti'kah
later dujha
latrine daihar
latter jha
laughter leki'ha
launch haganaska
lava jikarh
law lerag'nith
lax dyapav
laziness k'ko
lead ar / ahr
leader of the people ahr'hra
leadership di'ar
learn ig
learning ig
least inthrak
Least Claw (rank) najinthrak
leather chorga
leery k'gri
leave nistalan
left (direction) uch
leg alpak
legacy balanbha
legal he
legend lek'korchurga
legion anrasiv / ahnga
legitimate dabhaki
lend bha'in
length ma'ga
lenient dyapav
less inra
less than inra
lesson igko
lethal gus
lethargy k'ko
level mang
lever vinisdu
levy r'in
liberate k'dymga'qith
librarian daika
library daik
license grihe
lie er
liegeman kilkal
lieu datakav
lieutenant hyilgh-
life vu
lifeform huvu
lift nisdu
light (careless) dyapav
light (EM radiation) karav
light (low mass) gra'in
lighting karav
lightning knavekarh
like (prep.) takh
like (v.) gathki
likely kimohe
limb al
limit (n.) yingu
limit (v.) gathav
line (geometric) orkma'ga
line (pathway) dinis
lip lanagkh
liquefy jaqak
liquid ak
liquor aklerk
list (n.) anle
listen el
listless k'ko
literal he
lithosphere gahuthanak
litter husu
little -in
living vu
lizard ur
load (n.) gathvihu
load (v.) dadya
loan bha'in
local malan
location lan
lock h'inavno
lodging dai eshin
logic rodyapa
logical rodyapas
long ma'ga
look (style) masdi'i'harg / diharg
loop kor / hhukors
loose norg
loot huthrak
lord kal
Lord Admiral (lit. "senior fleet commander") kal khantahr
Lord Captain (lit. "senior ship commander") kal shintahr
lore lek'korchurga
lose toth
lost h'inavisdi
loud lega
lounge sovlan
love hak
lovely s'aiyki
low ma'in
low-born inra
lower inra
loyalty la
luck mo
lucrative dahugath
ludicrous hu'kro
lukewarm -khn
luminosity knav'-
luminous knav'-
lump garai
lunge jak
lust rax
luxuriate rurash
luxury huleki
lyrics gathleshkile'i


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - M
English Kilrathi
machine koduwal
machinist koduwal'a
maculate orks'aiyxi
magnet zoth
main ar/ahr
maintain as
major ga
majority garidar
malice gathkivga
malfunction kov
man (a station) aj'qo
man (male Kilrathi) kil
manacles (lit. "hidden claws tool") vihafnaji
manage (be able to) h'in
manage (do) a
manage (plan) aj
manager ajahr
mandible lanagkh
mane yaga
maneuver nisikbhakil
manifest (n.) anle
manner di
mantle chi
mantlet chin
mantra gathleshki
manufacture da
manufacturing kodawi
many ga
map hu'aiylan
marines sorasiv
mark ork
marketplace lanbhahugath
marksmanship ikbhakil masdirani
married vrash uniga
Marshal (lit. "lord destroyer commander") kalralahr
mass gra
mass driver deranigra
massage nisjhamakschur
master laq
masterful rikbhakil
mat (n.) hafbr'hutalan
match (challenge) k'tothmo
match (fight) tu
match (identical) takhma'ins
matching takhma'ins
mate vrash
material hutada
mathematics ikhak
matter hu
matter-antimatter huduxhu
maxim toshle
maximum gathrak
may h'in
maybe k'gris
mayor brajakhar
me nai
meadow thano
meager inga
meal quality uqi
mean (indicate) d'aiy
meaning si
means (ability) di'ajj
meantime esherg
meanwhile esherg
measure ma
measure of distance mak
measure of speed mekh
meat uk
mechanic / mechanics (technician) ikant'hra
mechanics (discipline) ikanti
medal rakhin
meddle datakav
media khalebawur
medical raslerk
medical care dyapa raslerk
medicine lerk
medium ro
meek k'yukal
meeting bhaktakhlan
melancholy mer
melee attack bonus kr'maksgatu
melt jaqak
meltdown incident balandyapa jaqak
memory dalpadu
member (genitalia) paktar
member (of a group) ankil
men (multiple Kilrathi regardless of gender) kili
menace agk
mental pas
mental pool kofpas
mentality dilk
mention l'ek
menu anle
Mercenaries Guild Ahngathvi Sivahakgagathi
mercenary sivahakgagathi
merchant bhahugathwi'hra
Merchant's Guild Ahngathvi Bhahugathwi'hra
mercy har
merit sa
merrymaking d'aik'toth
mesmerize dakatava
message dyale
messenger dyale'a
metabolic ergvu
metabolism ergvu
metal qith
meteorology ilalkari
method di'ajj
meticulous bakalk
microphone velinargs
midday ech
middle ma'haraga
midnight kn'haraga
midway idardi
might be h'in'hal
mighty arg
milennia eshthrak
military rasiv
militia braja
milk ak'nah
mind pa
mine nai
mineral hutha
mineral density gragarakn'ga hutha
miniature inga
minimize dinthrak
minimum inthrak
minor k'ar / -in
minority inridar
minute esh'in
minutia widyapav
mirror takhma'ins
mirth leki
misanthrope leva'a
miscellaneous k'takh
mischievous xin
misdirect ahrxidi
misfortune mov
mislead ahrxidi
missile chath
mission konis
missing h'inavisdi
mist akarin
mistake ival
misunderstanding korpa
misuse dax
mitigate dinra
mixed takhlan
mixed-oxide akjildakvutakhlan
mock da'leki
mode di'ajj
model ork
moderate ro
modern eshma
modest inra
mold (fungus) irguwi
moment eshinthrak
monetary rahugath
money hugath
mongrel (non-pejorative) hutakhlan
monitor (tool) vi'd'aiy
monitor (v.) dyapaiy
monkey ukarhin
monotone eltakh
monster ork'faga
month eshtha
mood dilk
moot sinruni
moral aki
more gara
moreover maks
Morgans Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Thrakragnithi (Thrakragnithi)
morning aich
moron su'hra
morose mer
mortal gus
mortify gathkalkpa
mosquito (lit. "grey flesh listener") pchela
most gathrak
mother nah
motif ork
motion nis
motivate rasharg
motive konis
motor nis
mottle orks'aiyxi
motto toshle
mound garai
mount (n.) vilandu
mountain thagaga
mouth lanagkh
much ga
muck harakh
mucus harakh
mud thininak
multiply maga
multitude kha
mundane kuvargav
murmur le'in
muscle wo
museum dai'huchur
mushroom irguwi
music leshki
must ha
must not hav
muster dyatahklan
mutt (non-pejorative) hutakhlan
mutter le'in
mutual dyatakh
muzzle lanagkh
my n'ikh
My Ancestors ni'lakh
myth lek'korchurga
mystery hafik


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - N
English Kilrathi
nail dyalirga
name hus
nap ulin
narrative lek'kor
narrow hudya'in
nascent kir
nasty so
nation narthrak
native -'nak
natural koniss
nature (disposition) dilk
naughty xin
nausea haqdalhar
navigate islan
navigation islan
navigator islana
navy akrasiv
naysayer leva'a
near ma'inthrak
necessary rathrg'k
neck yai
need ha
need not hav
negate panoth
negative -av
neglect dinthrak / k'baki
negligent dyapav
negotiate legathvi
neighboring yin
nephew ni'linlin
nervous favin
neuter dakva
neutral akva
neutralize panoth
neutron dalininthrak akva
neutron gun deraniakva
never vesh
new kir
news wur
next jhak
nice ki
nick shu'in
nickname makshus
niece ni'linlavin
night kn'-
nighttime kn'esh
ninja hafik'hra
no va
noble thrak
nobleman thrak'hra
noblewoman kilav thrak'hra
nod yudanisin
noise lekarhga
nominate gathwinhal
nominee h'inhawinhala
nonchalant k'dyapa
non-lethal hit points mangdakivagu
nonplus gathkorpa
nonsense husu
noon ech
normal ro
north tash
nose ye
nostril ye'lanshi
not -av / va
not drink vak
notable ska
note (n.) wur
noteworthy ska
notable character dyapa'hra
nothing (not a thing) k'g'hu
nothing (void) kn'-
notice (n.) wur
notice (v.) jaqdyapa
notify leba
notion si
now eshma
nowhere lanav
nucleus dalininthrak
nudge alibadu
nullify batalan
numb chodyapav
number mang
nursemaid ko'agar'hrai
nurture br'kdyapa
nut-sack (testicle) othude


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - O
English Kilrathi
oath kir'kha
obedient k'yukal
obey gathki
object (v.) gathkiv
objective aj
obligation korakh
oblige rathrg
obnoxious dik'aleki
obscure inra
obsequious k'yukal
observe aiydu
obsolete churga
obstacle k'tothmol
obtain ba/bha
obvious aiyvarg
occasion balan
occupant vudulanhra
occupy duko
occur balan
ocean lanshikthrak
odd hu'kro
oddball (lit. "strange thing") huk'ro
odor ol
of (about) erg / ras
of (contain) hukor
"of course" (idiom) lehe
off k'ko
offend gathxi
offer rashgath
offering (n.) hugath
office kolan
officer korakha
official rahagai
offload shi
offset gathkiv
offspring gahr
often balanga
okay gahe
old chur
omen lerodyapa
on (located) du
on (operative) ko
on-board du
oncoming jaq
one another unigaga
online aj'k
only anruni
onto du
ooze v'ekdanis
open no
operable ko
operate (work) ko
operations argi
opinion jaqwinhal
opponent sha'in
opportunity mo
oppose gathkiv
opposite -av / k'-
opt winhal
optimism dyalaga
option winhal
optional rasha
or qu
orange h'-
orbit niswuni
orbital distance ma'ga niswuni
orbital period esh niswunis
ordain dakutga
order (condition) balan
order (law / rule) lerag'nith
order (series) kotakhlan
order (to command) rathrg
ordinary ro
organ (body part) huvukutav
organizer ajahr
orgy d'aik'tox
orientation ikhismasdi
original niss
originate da
ornament othinga
oscillate nisk'oths
ostentatious d'aiyexgara
ostracize amgaq
other takav
otherwise takav
our ek'- / e'kh / kai
out talan
outbound nistalan
outburst dichodyapaga
outcast sa'guk
outdoors dudav
outlawed duxlerag'nith
outline aj
outpost lantakav
outrigger chokutshintalan
outright (open) no
outright (prompt) eshmathrak
out-sector talan ja'lga
outside dudav
outstanding aiyvarg
oval hukorma'ga
over gara
overabundance maksga
overall gata
overdue va'ti'kah
overfill dakutgara
overhaul dadu
overhead nisgara
overheat gara'akh
overindulge gararurash
overlook diyaigara
override batalan
oversight kotakavar
overstate legara
overt aiyvarg
overwhelm gathk'fa
owe dyakorakh
own dya
oxygen dakvu


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - P
English Kilrathi
pace amin
pack-hunting animal orbakan
pad hafbr'hutalan
pain kalk
painstaking bakalk
paint akjhale
pair (courtship couple) vrag
pair (group of two) ahn'de
pair (twin) hude
palace daithrak
pale gi
palm de
palpable aiyvarg
pamper rurash
panel yinvarg
paper kochirth
paragon ork
parallel takhma'ga
parasite shka
parent nhari
parentage nhari
pardon gathhar
pariah sa'guk
park (location) thadyaleki
parlor non
parry drak
part hukutav
partial gatav
participate dyatahklan
particle hukutav dalininthrak
particle gun deranininthrak
particular ergdyapa
partition k'tothmol
partner takhkil
party d'aik'toth
pass nis
passage (corridor) didya'in
passage (to a place) nislan
passenger hrabak
passion chodyaparg
passive k'yukal
past chur / eshchur
patch orkleba
path dinis
patrol kam
patron gatha
patronize jaqgatha
patter alibadu
pattern (n.) ork
pattern (v.) aj
Paulsen Kinetics Ahngathvi Iksdanis Ni'lin'In / Ni'lin'In
pause ulin
paw pak
pawn paki
pay gath
PDA vikhakgade
peak guthrak
pebble othin
peculiar hu'kro
pejorative leda'leki
pellet othin
pelt (n.) ya
penetrate r'ingata
penis paktar
people hra
people's ("belonging to the people") hri
pepper orkekin
perceive chodyapa
perception dal chodyapa'i
perennial as
perfect kut
perform -a
performance (efficiency) ja'lkiko
performance (portrayal) lek'kor
perhaps k'gris
period esh
permanent guva
permission gath
permit gath
perpendicular takhma'gav
perpetrator duxal'hra
perpetual as
perplex gathkorpa
persecute alkin
persevere asoth
persist as
person -ra
personal hras
personality di
personally hrass
personnel ko'a'i
persons hra / -ra
Persotech Ahngathvi Ikvi'i Hras / Ikvi'i Hras
persuade dagri
pervade dakut
pervasive gata
pessimist leva'a
pest shka
pester alkin
petite inga
petition rathrgin
petty k'ar
phallus paktar
philanthropic k'hrax
philosophic dichodyapav
phrase toshle
physical (bodily) aiydi hudyas / ergchokuts
physical (tangible) koniss
physical pool kofhudyas
physician k'shu'i'hra
physique kis
pick winhal
picture hu'aiychur
piece hukutav
pierce r'in
pigment akjhale
pile garai
pillage bharaso
pilot (v.) do
pilot (n.) dornta
piracy ke
pirate ke'hra
pirate law lerag'nith ke'hra
pin dyoth
pink bav'-
pipe vihukoral
pique dawalga
pistol derani
pit lanshi
pity rashav
place (action) ork
place (location) lan
place-holder hyilgh-
plains thavargi
plan aj
planet nak
planetary naks
planetology iknak
plant ir
plastic wiv
plate wothvarg
platoon ahnin
play dyaleki
player dyaleki'a
playwright ledelek'kora
plead rathk'rakh
pleasant ahki
pleasure leki
pledge kir'kha
plenty dyahuga
plentiful dyahu
plot (event sequence) balandrishta
plot (navigational) khak
plow vishutha
plunder bharaso
plus (advantage) k'tothsa'ki
plus (mathematical) maks
pocket harglanshi
pod hukoral
point (abstract measurement) mang
point (moment) eshinthrak
point (place) lan
point (time) esh
point (valid topic) sihe
poise danis'aiyki
poison lerx
poke alibadu
police braja
polite ravdirakha
political narthraks
poll dawinhal
pollute duts
pommel gulandya
pond lanshikin
ponder dalpa
pool lanshik
poor (humble) k'chodyapaki
poor (little money) rashro'in
poor (quality) hugathin
poor (unfortunate) min
populace vudulani
populate vudulan
population vudulani
pornography aiydi'kilavrax
port brajlan
portent lerodyapa
porthole yiniskarh
portray lek'kor
pose hyilghdork
position (job) ko
position (place) lan
possess dya
possession widya
possible h'in'hal
post (job) ko
posture di
potent argga
potential h'indal
pounce jak
pour naru
poverty rast
power arg
power (mathematical) magamang
power center lanarg
powerful -rg
practical rodyapas
pragmatic rodyapas
praise agon
prattle kovle
pray rathk'rakh
precedent balaneshchur
precious rashrothrak
precise rothrak
predicament balanwinhalk'varg
predict aiyjha
predominant ar/ahr
preempt balaneshma
prefix jhale
prefer sa'ki
preference dyapar
pregnant drishtagar
premonition si
pre-occcupy (absent-minded) dyapav
pre-occcupy (busy) duko
prepared aj'k
presence lanma
present (accommodate) bhanisdu'ai
present (gift) gath
present (greet) hi
present (here) lanma
present day eshma
presentation lek'kor
preserve gathdra
president arwinhal
press (media) khalebawur
press (push) bargdu
pressure jaqvanorg
prestige ska
presume baktahe
pretend iva
pretense iva
prevalent ar/ahr
prevent drish
previous eshchur
prey uk
prey blood xa
prey-food (lit. "for eating") ukta
price rashro
pricey rashroga
pride (group) 'an
pride (satisfaction) ru
pride (smugness) chodyapakigaga
priest ko'a Sivar
priestess ko'a Sivar
primary 'ar/ahr
primary scout sar
primitive inthrak
prince rag'nithjhak
princess rag'nithjhak
principal ar/ahr
principle jaqwinhalda'ik
priority dyapar
prison daiduxal'hra
prisoner (general usage) drish'hra
prisoner that deserves honorable execution (lit. "for striking") chakta
private hras
privilege huleki
privy daihar
privy worker (lit. "filth water") utak
prize rakhin
probability kimohe
probable kimohe
problem k'varg
procedure di'ajj
proceed (begin) nis
proceed (go forward) danisjha
proceedings balan
process di'ajj
proclaim gathwur
procure ba/bha
produce (make) da
produce (show) d'aiy
profane duts
profession ko
profit huleki
profitable dahugath
profound bakalk
progeny gahr
program (computer) di'aj'vikhak
progress (v.) danisjha
progressive balanveks
prohibit panoth
projector vi'd'aiy
prolong eshgara
promise kir'kha
prompt (adj.) eshmathrak
prompt (v.) rasharg
proof ikheri
prop viri
proper he
property widya
prophecy le'ikgajha
propose rashgath
proposition sih'in
prostitute kilavrax
prostrate korarax
protest (event) balanava
prototype niss
proud (satisfied) ru
proverb toshle
provide ari
provoke dalks
prowl amstra
prudence rodyapa
prudent rodyapas
pseudonym ivhus
psychology ikpa
public tagahras
pull bargtalan
pulverize panoth
pummel dymgakalk
punch chak
punish lexi
punitive so
pump dakdanis
pupil (eye part) kn'hukor
pupil (student) ig'a
purchase bhavi
pure kut
purge r'-
purple ch'-
purpose aj
pursue go
pus rang
push bargdu
putrefy olchur
puzzle (v.) gathkorpa
pyramid hutremaga


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - Q
English Kilrathi
quadrant kn'ga ja'lga ikar
quadrilateral hukes
qualify aiydi
quality dikiquxi
quandary balanwinhalk'varg
quantity mang
quarters ulan
quartet ahn'kes
quest konis
question rath
quick ek
quiet k'le
quirk balanmo
quit drishko
quite ga
quiver (v.) nisk'oths
quizzical gathkorpa


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - R
English Kilrathi
race hra
race statistics wurhra
rack vargdrahu
rage alkgaga
raid ke
raider ke'hra
raiding ke
rain akarh
raise nisdu
rake vishutha
rally balanava
ramification jaqgu
ramp thak'takh
rancor gathkivga / lerx
random ajav
range ma'ga
ranged attack bonus kr'maksgamak
rank mang
rant gathkalx
rap alibadu
rapport lamaksrakh
rare balanin
raspy -rg
rate mang
ration ruxfra
rational rodyapas
rattle (faze) gathkalkpa
rattled alkink
reach (arrive) jaq
reach (length) ma'ga
reach (touch) aliba
react gathle
reaction gathle
reactor gathlel
read bhaki
ready aj'k
real he
realistic rodyapas
realize (become aware) jaqdyapa
reap jaq
reaper jaqa
rear nischur
reason (idea) si
reason (motive) konis
reasonable rodyapas
reassure dagri
rebel d'aik'tox
rebuke dahe
rebut le'atalan
recall dalpadu
recap d'aiyeshin
receive ba/bha
receiver bal
recent duchurin
reception (welcome) hi
reckless dyapav
reclaim k'har
recognition sa
recognize sa
recoil diyaikalk
recommend gathwinhal
reconcile pu
reconstruct dadu
record da'ik
record-keeper drada'iki'a
recover (continue) as
recruit dyatahklanahn
rectangle hukesma'ga
rectify dahe
recuperate gushu
recuperation gushu
recur as
recycle daldu
red b'-
red blossom bir
red creature bor
redirect datakav
redo dadu
redress dahe
reduce dinra
reel (v.) nisk'oths
refer ikaiy
reference ikaiy
referendum dawinhal
refinery dadawi
reflect (match) takhma'ins
reflex save vuz nisesh
refuel bhahudarg
refuse gathav
refute le'atalan
regain bhadu
regalia harg
regard gathdyapa / sa
regional erglan
register anle
registrar drada'iki'a
regret harashav
regular ro
regulation lerag'nith
rehash d'aiyeshin
reinforce darga
reject k'baki
relate dyatahklan
relationship dyatahklan
relative (adj.) matakh
relaxed sov
release badyav
relent drishtu
relieve ez
religion dikutga
reliquary daikutga'in
relish gathki
rely baktahe
remain lanesh
remark toshle
remedy dahe
remember dalpadu
remind dalpadu
remiss dyapav
remote ma'ga
remove batalan
rend ku
rendezvous is
rent bha'in
repair dakodu
repaired dakoduk
repair-work kodakodu
reparation harashav
repeat adu
repent zu
repercussion jaqgu
replace datakav
replacement (person) datakava
reply le'atalan
report wur
represent hyilghdork
repress panoth
reprimand lexi
reproach lexi
reproductive organs huvukutavi'vrash
reptile ur
repulsive s'aiyxi
reputation ska
repute ska
request rathrgin
require rathrg
rescue vuz
resemblance takhma'ins
resemble takhma'ins
resent gathkivga
reservation thalan
reserve (hold aside) dra
reserve (reservation) thalan
reservoir hukoral
reside erg
resident vudulan
resident (person) vudulanhra
resign drishko
resignation (surrender) drishtu
resist gathkiv
resolute parg
resolve dajaqgu
resourcefulness asoth hikvarg
respect rakh
respective ergdyapa
respond gathle
response gathle
responsibility dakonis
responsible dakonis
rest ul
restaurant dai'uk
restore jaqdu
restrain panoth
restrict gathav
result jaqgu
resume as
retain dra
retainer kilkal
retaliate gathkiv
retract dinra
retreat batalan
retrieve bhadu
retrofit daldu
Retros Daikutga'kil K'ropak'yu
return jaqdu
reunite pu
reuse daldu
revamp dadu
reveal k'haf
revel rurash
revelry d'aik'toth
reverent h'inrakh
reverie aiydudapa
reversal (n.) mov
reverse batalan
review dajaqwinhal
revile lexi
revoke batalan
revolve kor
reward hugath
rhetoric ikbhakile
rhyme elgutakh
rid r'-
ridicule da'leki
right (correct) he
right (direction) ud
right (legal entitlement) gath
righteous kuthe
ring (arena) lanbalan
ring (jewelry) derakh
ring (sound) knavel
rip ku
ripple nisk'oths
rise ork
risk morawi
rite rad
ritual rad
ritual suicide zu'kara
river talanak
roam dakonisav
roar lekarhga
rob bharaso
robber xha'hra
robe chiga
robot kilkoduwal
robust argga
rock oth
rocketry ikchath
rodent shka
role ko
roll kor
Rondell Corporation Khagathvi Hukorin / Hukorin
ronin sivahakgagathi
roof br'hudu
room dai hukutav
rope dymga
rosette hhukors
rot olchur
rotational period esh korkuts
rough k'varg
round (adj.) hukors
round (v.) kor
route dinis
row (n.) mang
rub nisjhamakschur
rubbish husu
ruckus el'k'varg
rude k'aleki / dik'aleki
rudimentary inthrak
ruffian so'hra
ruin (n.) r'khu
ruin (v.) r'-
rule (n.) lerag'nith
ruler rag'nith
rumble lekarhgathrak
rump k'yu
rumspringa eshk'ropa
run (movement) amekh
run (operate) ko
rush kr'-
rut inrai


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - S
English Kilrathi
sack hukoral
sacred kutgaga
sacrifice gaththrak
sad mer
safe braj
sail nisvarg
sake konis
salesman bhahugathwi'hra
sallow gi
salt karhsh'uqi
salvage yard r'lan
salvation vuz
same takh
sanctify dakutga
sanction ahagai
sand othinthrak
sane ropa
sanity ropa
sap (fool) su'hra
sarcasm letakax
sass dik'aleki
satiate ru
satire levakonis / letakav
satisfy ru
saturate r'ingata
savage so
save vuz
savor gathki
saying toshle
scabbard vihaf
scan bhaki
scanner vi'aiy
scanning officer yi'i'ar
scant inga
scar shork
scarce inga
scare gathk'rathrg
scarf chi
scatter nishukatavi
scattered (sparse) inga
Scavages Ahn Ke'hraTerran'hra Ukhusu'al / Ukhusu'al
scavenge ukhusu
scenario balandrishta
scene eshmakslan
schedule eshaj
scheme balandrishta
school daig
science iks
scientific iks
scoff da'leki
scold lexi
scorn su
scourge dymgakalk
scout sal
scowl yinbraj
scrap k'baki
scratch shu'in
scream lelega
screen (display) vi'd'aiy
screen (divider) br'hin
scrub nisjhamakschur
scrutinize stra
scrutiny diyairg
scum husu
scurry nisekga
sea lanshikthrak
seaport akbrajlan
search amstra
season eshtha
seat lanvork
second (ordinal number) dar
second (support) ahagai
second (time measurement) esh'inin
Second Claw (rank) naj dar
Second Fang (rank) nagga dar
secret hafik
sect la'ga
section (military unit) ahnin
section (part) hukutav
sector kn'ga ja'lgaga
secure braj
security braj
seduce k'la
seed jaqir
seek amstra
seen as sa
seep v'ekdanis
seethe da'leki
seismicity ja'l alkga'thas
seize bharaso
seldom balanin
self-control dirg
selfish hrax
sell bhahugath
senior kal
senior blood lord kal kalaqi
senior commander kalrahr
senior officer of the watch kal eshar
senior teacher kal gathika
sensation dichodyapa
sense (logic) konis
sense (perceive, feel) chodyapa
sensible rodyapas
sensor vi'aiy
sentence (word group) lehn
sentiment dyalarg
separate (lit. "go to pieces") nishukatavi
separate (individual) unidu
sepulcher nonk'shrik
sequence kotakhlan
serendipity mosga
series kotakhlan
serious dyapa
servant ko'a
servant of Sivar ko'a Sivar
serve uz
service uz
servile k'yukal
set (n.) an
set (v.) nis
setback mov
setting eshmakslan
settle (resolve) dajaqgu
several gin
severe so
shadow khar
shake danisek
shaken alkink
shale othrg
shall h'as
sham wiv
shame (n.) harashav
shame (v.) gathkalkpa
shape diyai
share (action) dyatakh
sharp (not dull) kuvarg
sharp (smart) gadyapa
shatter r'inrg
shawl chin
sheath vihaf
sheathe haf
shelf vargdrahu
shields br'ali
shine knav'-
shins alpakinra
ship shint
shipment gathvihu
shipping (n.) do
ship's log hu'ik ikgant
ship-to-ship ma'inthrak
shirk amgaq
shirt harghudya
shit har
shit-water harakh
shiver korak'fa
shock (surprise) k'rathrg
shock troops sorasiv
shore party andu
short (little time) eshin
short (not long or tall) ma'in
shot huja
should ha
should not hav
shoulder aldega
show (n.) lek'kor
shout lelega
shrimp ukaqin harg
shrine daikutga'in
shrink dinra
shrivel dinra
shroud chin
shrug danisin
shudder korak'fa
shun amgaq
shuriken dorqith'rak
shut vano
shuttle dont
shy k'yukal
sick k'ki
side (of the body) chutraga
side (place) lan
side effect jaqgu
sift rasnisdu
sigh daktalan
sight aiy
sigil orkleba
sign (display) huleba
sign (indication) lerodyapa
sign (omen) lerodyapa
signal (electronic) args
signal (hail) le
signal (indicate) d'aiy
signet orkleba
silent k'le
sill dijaqdu
silly raleki'ha
silver knav'qith
similar takhma'ins
simple varg
simultaneous takhesh
simulate takhma'ins
sin duxal
since (because) ta
since (from a time) aqesh
sincere he
sinew wu
single unidu
sinus ye'lanshi
sink nistalan
sister ni'lavin
sit vork
site lan
situation balan
size ja'lga
size class thi ja'lga
skeleton gayi
skeleton crew ko'a'i inthrak
skeptical hak'gri
skill ikbhakil
skillful rikbhakil
skin cho
skirmish tu
skittish favin
skull yuyothrak
sky karh
skyhook dargbhu
slack dyapav
slam chak
slash dakekh
slather nisjhamakschur
slave wex
slaver wexa
sleep ul
sleek varg
sleet akothin
slice shu'ek
slight in
slime harakh
slit (eye part) (+ other meaning) kn'hukor
slit (groove) inrai
slope thak'takh
sloppy dyapav
sloth k'ko
slow v'ek
slower than vekra
sludge harakh
slumber ulin
sly xin
small -in
small box hudya'in
small group an
smart dyapa
smear nisjhamakschur
smell ol
smile yinahki
smirk koryin
smite chak
smoke dakji
smooth varg
snare ag
snarl lelk
sneer diyai'su
snooze ulin
snort lema'in
snow karhsh
snub gathkalkpa
snug h'inru
so (manner) madi
so (motive) konis
so (much) ja'lga
so (therefore) takhjaqgu
so (this) ma
so (very) gaga
soak r'ingata
soar doga
sober (emotionless) dichodyapav
sober (not inebriated) akrahv
sobriety akrahv
sobriquet makshus
so-called letakhk
society rakha
soft k'oth
software di'aj'vikhak
Sol Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Nak'tara
solder dyatahklan
soldier siva
solemn dyapaga
solicit ba/bha
solid oth
solitary ahn'uni
solo ahn'uni
solution (answer) jaqgu
somber dyapaga
some mang
somebody mang'hra
someday eshmang
somehow (clip. "one way or another") duniga
someone mang'hra
something hu / humang / hutakav
sometime eshmang
sometimes eshmang
somewhat ins
somewhere lanmang
son ni'linga
song gathleshki
soon eshma'in
sorry rashav
sort (n.) thi
sort (v.) rasnisdu
soul za
sound el
sour akhmer
source koflan
south tashav
sow (plant) ir
soylent z'hahra
space (area) lan
space (void between stars) kn'ga
space force knarasiv
space station dargbhu
spaceport kn'brajlan
spank dymgakalk
spar chokutshintalan
spare (extra) maksga
spare (give mercy) gathhar
spare (make available) gath
sparse inga
spawn da
spay dakva
speak le
spear ranir'in
speck orkekin
special kroki
specialized medicine lerk krokik
specialized skill ikbhakil kroki
species hra
specific ergdyapa
speculate baktahe
speed ek
spend ba/bha
sphere hukormaga
spigot vikok
spike virin
spill naru
spin kor
spiral kor
spirit (heart/enthusiasm) ka
spirit (supernatural entity) za
spit aqlanagkh
spite dik'aleki
splash naruk
split (open) nishukatavi
spoil (pamper) rurash
spoils huthrak
spoon vidyukinin
sporadic inga
spot (fleck) orkekin
spot (see) aiy
spouse nonvrash
spread nisjhamakschur
spring (upon) jak
spring from jaq
springtime eshvu
springy korjaqdus
sprinkle orkekin
sputter leradu
spy hafik'hra
squad ahninin
squadron an / ahn
squadron leader ahnahr
squalor rast
squander dax
square (multiplied by itself) magade
square (object) hukes
squeeze jaqvanorg
stab chak
stabilize takhgra
stack (n.) gathvihu
stack (v.) dadya
stadium lanbalan
staff (employees) ko'a'i
staff (rod) viri
staff lieutenant (lit. "a creature that must see for the leader") hyilghar
stage lanbalan
stagger (surprise) gathk'rathrg
stagger (unsteady movement) nisk'oths
stagnant k'danis
stain orks'aiyxi
stalemate nislanav
stalk stra
stamina dulsnis
stammer leradu
stance di'ork
stand ork
star bu/bhu
star system bhumaksnaki
starbase dargbhu
stare diyairg
starship piloting do shintbhu
start nis
startle gathk'rathrg
starvation rast
stash dyatakh
state (speak) lehe
state (status) balan
statement le
static (noise) h'indrish
static (unchanging) k'danis
station (workstation) kovirgnis
stationary k'danis
status balan
stay lanesh
steady (adj.) balanveks
steady (v.) takhgra
steal xha
stealth hafik
steam akdak
steel qith
steer do
step (as part of a procedure) hukutav'di'ajj
step (slow movement) amin
sterilize dakva
stern dyapaga
stick dyatahklan
sticky dyatahklans
stiff othk'kor
stigma ork'skaxi
still (silent) k'le
still (ongoing) eshma
stillbirth k'vudujaq
stilt viri
stimulate dawalga / rasharg
stockpile dyatakh
stodgy kuvargav
stoic dichodyapav
stomach dalhar
stomp panoth
stone othin
stony dichodyapav
stool huvorkma'ga
stoop jaqgatha
stop drish
storage dadya
storm (n.) alkar
storm (v.) tugaga
store dadya
story lek'kor
storyteller lebalek'kora
storywriter ledelek'kora
straight k'kor
strain jaqvanorg
strange k'ro
strategy ikbhakil ajj
stray dakonisav
stream talanakin
street qith'rak
strength arg
strength index ma'arg
stress (v.) darga
stretch jaqvanorg
strike chak
strip bharaso
stroke dak
strong arg / -rg
structure (form) diyai
struggle tr'-
stubborn k'danisdi
student ig'a
study (analyze) stra
study (learn) ig
study (lesson) ig
study (look at) aiydu
stuff (v.) dakutgara
stumble amv'ek
stun r'in
stunned r'ink
stupefy chodyapav
stupid su'hras
sturdy arg
stutter leradu
style (clothing) diharg
style (name) hus
subdue panoth
subject si
sublight v'ekraknav
submerge hukor
submissive k'yukal
submit (accept) drishtu
subordinate ahrava
substance hu
substantiate grihe
substitute datakav
subterfuge iva
success k'toth
succinct le'ek
succumb drishtu
such (any) g'-
such (like, as) takh
such (that) mas
such (these) mai
such (very) ga
suck barayu
sudden k'rathrg
suffering chodyapakalk
sufficient dyahu
suggest gathwinhal
suicide as a group zu'kara ga
suicide attacker tagugar
suit (clothing) harg
suitable he
suitcase vidyahu
sullen mer
sully duts
sum ma
summarize d'aiyeshin
summary d'aiyeshin
summer eshkhtha
summit guthrak
summon snata
sun (specifically the Kilrah system sun) dajislakh
sunder r'inrg
sundry k'takh
sunrise knav'jaq
sunset knav'nis
superior gara
supersede batalan
supervision kotakavar
supply kof
supplies vi'i
support (approval) ahagai
support (providence) ari
suppose baktahe
suppress panoth
sure gri
surface yin
surmise baktahe
surplus maksga
surprise k'rathrg
surrender drishtu
surround hukor
surroundings malan
survey aiydu
survival vu
survive vu
suspect baktahe
suspend drish
suspicious hak'gri
sustain (maintain) takhgra
sustain (suffer) chodyapakalk
swallow hukor
sway (influence) dadalpawiki
sway (movement) nisk'oths
swear kir'kha
sweep danisekin
sweet aknav
swim nisduk
swing (blow) dak
switch (n.) hudal
switch (v.) datakav
symbol ork
symmetry matakh
sympathy rashav
synthetic wiv
system (mechanism) kotakhlan
system (bureaucracy) diajj
systematic takh


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - T
English Kilrathi
table virgnis
taboo gathav
tact aleki
tactical nisikbhakils
tail pakga
taint k'kut
take place balan
takeover (conquest) rathsha
tale lek'kor
talk le'a
tall ma'ga
tamed dyak
tamper datakav
tang (bad taste) akhmer
tang (blade part) nisqith'rak
tangible koniss
tangle niskor
tanist hraijhak
tank hukoral
tanker hukoralant
tantalize dakatava
tap alibadu
target / targeting masdirani
tarnish duts
tart akhmer
task (job) ko
task (procedual step) hukutav'di'ajj
task (v.) gathko
taste ak
taste good ahki
taunt da'leki
tea (lit. "water of the green plant") jirak
teach gathik
tear (act of sadness) akyi
tear (rip) ku
technological level ma'ikvi
technique dikroki
technology ikvi
teenager kir'hra
temper dilk
temperament dilk
temperature ja'lshkh
temple daikutga
temporary k'guva
tenacious arg
tenant vudulanhra
tendency rad
tendon wu
tense jaqvanorg
tension hafinalk
tent (military unit) ahninin
tepid -khn
term (condition) balan
terminate gu
terminus lan
ternary tar
Terran Confederation Ahn Takhlankrasbhakil Nak'Tara / Bhakil
Terran persons Terran'hra
terrible xiga
territory lanargk
terror k'faga
terse le'ek
test k'tothmo
testicle othude
than ra / -ra
thank shra
that mas
The planet Earth nak'tara
theft xha
their garga
then jha
theorem sih'in
theorize baktahe
theory sih'in
there (lit. "this place") lanma
there (pronoun) hu
therefore takhjaqgu
these mai
they gar
thick arg / -rg
thief xha'hra
Thieves Guild Ahngathvi Xha'hra
thigh alpakgara
thin (skinny) hudya'in
thin (weak) gi
thin ice akothin
thing hu
thing that does al
thing that fires guns jal
thing that guards dral
think dalpa
third tar
Third Claw (rank) naj tar
Third Fang (rank) nagga tar
this ma
thorough bakalk / gata
those masi
though ja'lg'esh
thought (consideration) sa
thought (idea) si
thoughtless dyapav
thrash dymgakalk
threat ag
threaten agk
three-dimensional maneuvers nisikbhakilmasdi tre
threesome ahn'tre
threshold dijaqdu
thrift dalinra
throat yai
through du
throughout du'esh-
throw do
thunder lekarhga
thus madi
thwart alkinga
tiara yurakh
tier mang
tiger kilinthrak
tight vanorg
till eshdugu
tilt k'takh
time esh
timepiece vi'esh
timetable eshaj
timid k'yukal
timing eshbalan
tiny inga
tip guthrak
tirade gathkalx
tire duls
tired dulsk
tiresome kuvargav
titillate dakatava
title hus
to du
to add gara
to aid ez
to awaken jaqul
to be -'ha
to bring dya
to build da
to call dalyai'el
to catch badya
to cause dabalan
to choose winhal
to come jaq
to create da
to fatigue duls
to feed gathuk
to feel chodyapa
to flex kor
to follow ahrav
to gain ba/bha
to get ba/bha
to give gath
to go nis
to grow jaqgaga
to have dya
to keep dra
to let gath
to lick daktrathkh
to look diyai
to make da
to meet is
to move danis
to nourish gathuk
to pick winhal
to prove d'aiyhe
to put lan
to ride danisvork
to row cha'ak
to say le
to see aiy
to seem sa
to select winhal
to send sna
to serve ko
to show d'aiy
to sing yeleshki
to sound el
to store dra
to sweep daqut
to take ba/bha
to tell leba
to voice le
to want rash
to watch dyapaiy
to work ko
today aiy'hra
toe pakin
together takhlan
toilet daihar
token orkleba
tolerate gath
tomb nonk'shrik
tome kochirth hu'ikgaga
tomorrow aiy'hrajhak
tone (quality) dikiquxi
tone (sound) el
tone (style) masdi'i'harg / diharg
tongue trathkh
tongues trathkhi
tool vi
tooth nag
top thrak
topic si
tornado korsoga
torpedo chath
torture kalk
total gataga
totter nisk'oths
touch aliba
touch hit difficulty k'varg dakaliba
towards du
toxin lerx
toy dyaleki
trace dinis
track (n.) dinis
trade gathvi
traditional rads
traffic dontinis
tragedy toththrak
trail (n.) dinis
train ig
training ig
training sword (lit. "big plant training") igirga
trait di
traits di'i
trample panoth
transfer sna
translate bakitakavle
translucent karhchis
transmission dyale
transmitter dyalel
transparent aiy
transpire balan
transponder vihrakiqusha
transport (craft) dont
transport (v.) do
transportation do
trap ag
trash husu
trauma shu
travel nislan
travel through jumpspace jak
treasure huthrak
treat (medical) da k'shu'i
treatment (act towards) aidu
treaty bhakilr'esh
tree (big plant) irga
trek konis
tremble korak'fa
trench inrai
trend (style) masdi'i'harg / diharg
trial tu
triangle hutar
trick er
trio (lit. "group of three") ahn'tre
trip (journey) nislan
trip (stumble) amv'ek
triumvirate ahn'tre
trivia widyapav
troop ahninga
trooper siva
trophy rakhin
trot am
trouble k'varg / el'k'varg
troublemaker so'hra
trove dyatakh
true he
trunk hudyaga
trust dyala
truth he
try h'in
tube vihukoral
tummy dalhar
tumult el'k'varg
tunnel vihukoral
turn (change direction) kor
turn (game) modal
twaddle kovle
twin hude
twirl niskor
twist niskor
twitch danisek
two de
twosome ahn'de
type thi
typhonology ilalkari
tyrant kaxa


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - U
English Kilrathi
ubiquitous galani
ugly s'aiyxi / gathxi
ultimate thrak
unable h'inava
unbelievable hak'gri
uncertain k'gri
unchained k'dymga'qith
unchanging k'danis
uncle wuni
unclean ut
uncomfortable h'inruv
under inra
underfoot nisinra
undergo chodyapakalk
underling ahrava
undermine dax
understand / understanding bhakil
understate le'inra
undertake h'in
underway nistalan
undesirable k'rashs
undulate nisk'oths
unequal k'takh
unexpected k'rathrg
uniform (clothing) harg
uniform (consistent) takh
unilateral anra'uni
unimpeachable duxalav
unimportant k'ar
uninteresting kuvargav
Union of Border Worlds Dyatahklan'NakiYin / NakiYin
unique kroki
universal meat product vi'ukro
universe kut'thrak
university thrakdaig
unlawful duxlerag'nith
unless qu
unnecessary k'ha
unnerved alkink
unpleasant mer
unprecedented rabalaneschurav
unselfish k'hrax
unsheathe k'haf
unskillful h'inava
untamed k'dyak
until eshdugu
unusual k'ro
unworthy k'rashs
up du
update bhaktakhlan
upper gara
upper arm aldegara
uproar el'k'varg
upset gathkalkpa
upstanding aki
upstart su'hra
upward nisgara
urge rasharg
urgent eshmathrak
us kai
usable h'indal
use dal
usefulness balanh'indal
useless h'inava
user dala
usual ro
utility balanh'indal
utter (complete) gataga
utter (speak) le


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - V
English Kilrathi
vague dyapav
valid he
validate grihe
valley tha'in
value rashro
valve vikok
vanish jaqhaf
vapor akdak
vaporize jaqdak
variation k'takh
variety k'takh
various k'takh
vary k'takh
vast gata
vat hukoralga
Vega Sector Kn'ga Ja'lgaga Kratha
vehement so
vehicle ant / -'nt
vehicle piloting dont
veil chin
venerable churga
venom lerx
ventral talan
venture h'in
verifies grihe
verify k'tothmo
vermin shka
vertex guthrak
very ga
vessel hukoral
vestment chiga
veto batalan
vibrate nisk'oths
vice dixi
vicious so
victor k'toth
victory k'toth
view aiy
vigilance dyapaiy
village elder ahr'hra
vindicate dabhaki
violent so
virgin kirkilav
virtue diki
visible aiy
visit nisdu
visitor nisdu'a
voice yel
void kn'-
volcano jithaga
volume (sound intensity) lega
volume (space) lan
voluntary rasha
vomit aqdalhar
vote dawinhal
vow kir'kha
vulcanism ja'l jithagas
vulgar d'aiyexgara


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - W
English Kilrathi
wage hugath
wager morawi
waist chutraga
wait drish
waiter uqo'a
waitress uqo'av
walk am
wall br'hu
walled braj
wander dakonisav
war siv
warehouse daihu
warlord kalsiv
warm -khn
warn lerodyapa
warning lerodyapa
warrior siva
wary hak'gri
waste (destroy) r'-
waste (misuse) dax
watch aiydu
watchfulness dyapaiy
water ak
wave dutalan
way di
We kai
weak gi
wealth huthrak
weapon rani
wear (clothing) hafchokut
wear (damage) r'in
weary dulsk
weather gadaknakal
week agi
week (lit. "eight days") esh'gai ok
weight gra
weird k'ro
welcome hi
weld dyatahklan
well ki
well-being huleki
west umav
wet (lit. "hidden in blood") hafka
what ja'lhu
when ja'lesh
whenever ja'lg'esh
where ja'lan
whet dawalga
whether desh
which mas
while deshas
whip dymgakalk
whirlwind korsoga
whisper le'in
white knav'-
who ja'lhra
whoever ja'lhrag'esh
whole kut
whom ja'lhra
whomever ja'lhrag'esh
whose ja'lra'i
why ja'lra
wide hudyaga
widen dahudyaga
wield dya
wife kila'vrash / nonvrash
wild k'dyak
will (future tense indicator) h'as
will (resolve) parg
willing rasha
willpower parg
willpower save vuz parg
wily xin
wimp tuka
win k'toth
wince diyaikalk
wind (moving air) niskarh
window yiniskarh
wine akrah
wing (flight mechanism) ap
wing (military unit) ahnga
winter e'shtha
wipe nisjhamakschur
wire bal
wisdom tosh
wish rash
wit ti
with ra
withdraw batalan
wither olchur
withhold yingu
within du
withstand gathkiv
without 'k'ra / r'av
witness ikaiy
wolf orbakan
woman (female Kilrathi) kilav
wonder dalpa
word le
wordcraft ikbhakile
work ko
workplace kolan
workstation kovirgnis
world (planet) nak / rah
world (setting) eshmakslan
worm ortha'in
worry dyapa
worse xiga
worse than xigara
worsen dinra
worship agon
worst xithrak
worth dyarashro
worthy rashs
would h'ask
would have been h'asdyahak
wound shu
wrap (n.) chin
wrap (v.) hukor
wrath alkthrak
wreak (v.) r'in
wreck r'khu
wreckage r'khu
wring niskor
wrist aldin
write lede
writing lede
wrong iv


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - X
English Kilrathi
xenobiology iktakav'hra


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - Y
English Kilrathi
yank danisek
year kestha
yellow j'-
yelp elek
yes hagai
yesterday aiy'hrachur
yet (but) qu
yet (to this time) eshma
yield drishtu
you rai
young kir
young female kirkilav
youngster kir'hra
your rai / ri'- / r'ikh
youth kir / kir'hra


English to Kilrathi Translations of Known Words - Z
English Kilrathi
zeal chodyaparg
zombie gukvu'hra

Practical Kilrathi[]

Maxims and Phrases[]

My blood warms at the sight of thee
Ni'ka'akh du aiy'rai.

  • This is a formal greeting.

His blood flows well / His blood flows thick
Gar'ka'akniski / Gar'ka'aknisarg

  • This is a common response when asked about another Kilrathi's close friend.

May your talons be wet, and if fated not to return, may praise be sung in thy name
H'in ri'najji'ha hafka, maks desh ri'hav nakhk jaqdu, h'in agon'ha gathleshkik du r'ikh hus.

  • This is a traditional and formal statement of farewell

Steel against iron is not a testing
Qith dux qithin'hav k'tothmo.

Judge not thy enemy by the strength of his arm but rather by the cunning of his brain.
Jaqwinhalav r'ikh sha rasarg erg gar'alde qu raslaqag erg gar'pa.

No attack plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.
Va kr'ajj'vu g'esh aliba ar ra sha'hra.

Victory should not be counted until the blood of the prey is in one's mouth
K'toth hav'ha mak eshdugu xa'ha du lanagkh uni'i.

Always reinforce triumph, learn to back away from defeat.
Arik'toth eshga, ig nistalan aqtoth.

Revenge is best when cultured, gathered at the proper time, and lingered over.
K'hra'hakithrak ja'lesh jaqgagak, dyatahklank du eshhe, maks gathkik thraks.

The hunt is not complete until the quarry's heart has been ripped from his chest and eaten.
Bha'havguk eshdugu kahr'uk'dyaha'k kukmaksuq aqgar'hudya.

"Why have you broken radio silence"?
Krajksh nai variksh h'hassrai?

  • An example of clipping due to excitement, this one is often (mistakenly) been reported to translate as "What is your status?"

"Why do you wish the demise of your people"?
Ja'lra rash'nakh h'rai?

  • This is used in the context of asking "Why are you helping the enemy?"; it is an example of clipping due to excitement.

"Stay where you are!!"
Krakh drish’kai rai h’ra

  • This one literally translates as "Dishonorably freeze (your) bloods, you shit persons!!"; again a clipping.

For the glory of Kilrah, the Emperor and the Empire!!
Ek'rah skabak erg Thrak'Kilrah maks Rag'nith!!

Beyond the eyes of my enemy, I shall prepare for the day of his destruction.
H'as aiy'hra n'hakh ri'kahri krikajj, nai korekh sha'yi.

  • This statement is of great cultural significance and follows ancient Kilrathi syntactic structure.

Those not of the blood must have their blood spilt.
Va ka garga ka naru ha garga.

  • This statement is of great cultural significance and follows ancient Kilrathi syntactic structure.

A Sample of Phrases of Terran Origin[]

Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man with a knife.
Yai'i kesok'h'ksokko'h'pokto h'in'ha shu du kn'esh uni ras kilamekh ra qith'rak.

Only a fool fights inside a burning house.
Su'hra'tu Anruni duda daiji.

Revenge is a dish that is best served cold.
K'har'hawukjik mas'ha gathkshgaga.

  • A similar Kilrathi saying is K'har'ha ukshmaksolchur = "Revenge is cold and rotted prey".

You cannot loosen a man's tongue with weak drink.
Ri'h'inav k'dymga'qithtrathkh'kil ra akgi.

Today is a good day to die.
Aiy'hra'ha esh'gaki gu.

  • This may also be translated as "Today is a good day to kill".


Alien scum!

Beg for mercy!
Rathk'rakh ta har!!

Bugs Bunny screws his mother!!
Vrax gar'nah, Bugs Bunny!!

  • More literally, this is Vrax gar'nah, Shka'i Nak'tara'elalma'ga!!

Claw against claw, you are no match for me!
Najduxnaj, ri'hav takh ta nai!!

The Confed ape dares to attack?!
Ukarh'Bhakil dyafa kra?!?!

Crawling worm! I am your better!
Ortha'inamal'kor!! Ni'ha ri'gaga!!

Darkness awaits you!

Death to all humans!
Gu du ga Terran'hra!!

Die, you furless freak!
Gu, rai huk'rok'ya!!

Disintegration would be too good for you!
Jaqutavi'h'ask'ha kigara tarai!!

Do not make this too easy for me, ape!!
Dama va vargara tanai, ukarh!!

Do you fear death human?
Ri'a k'fagu, Terran'hra?!

Feel my claws, enemy!
Chodyapa ni'naji, sha'hra!!

Fight, furless freak!
Tu, huk'rok'ya!!

Human, your life is at an end!!
Terran'hra, ri'vuha du gu!!

I can smell your fear!
Ni'h'inol ri'k'fa!

I shall eat your heart and spit it out, Terran!!
Ni'h'asuk ri'kahr maks aqlanagkhgar talan, Terran'hra!!!

I shall taste your heart and spit it out, Terran!!
Ni'h'asahk ri'kahr maks aqlanagkhgar talan, Terran'hra!!!

I shall eat your heart and shit it out, Terran!!
Ni'h'asuk ri'kahr maks hargar talan, Terran'hra!!!

I shall mount your bones in my hall!!
Ni'h'aslan ri'yo'i duda ni'da!!

  • A few more perverse Kilrathi render this as Ni'h'asvrax ri'yo'i du ni'da!!

I shall feast upon your entrails!
Ni'h'asukthrak du ri'dalhar!!

I shall feast upon your offspring!!
Ni'h'asukthrak du ri'gari!!

I shall smash your skull!
Ni'h'aspanoth ri'yuyothrak!!

I shall tear you apart!
Ni'h'askurai dukutav!!

I smell your fear!
Ni'ol ri'k'fa!!

I tire of your pathetic race!
Ni'duls erg ri'hrak'rakh!!

I will clean my claws on your corpse!!
Ni'h'askut ni'naji du ri'chokut'k'vu!!

I will kill you!!

I will kill you, ape!
Ni'h'asgurai, ukarh!!

I will kill you, human!
Ni'h'asgurai, Terran'hra!!

I will lick your blood from my claws!!
Ni'h'asdaktrathkh ri'ka aq ni'naji!!

I will see your blood boil!
Ni'h'asaiy ri'ka akdak!!

I will toy with my prey!
Ni'h'asdyaleki ra ni'uk!!

Is this the best the apes can offer?
Ma'hathrak mas ukarhi'h'ingath?!?!

Kill him quickly!!
Gugar eks!!

My claws are sharper than yours!!
Ni'naji'hakuvarg gara r'ikh!!

No humans will survive!!
Va Terran'hra'h'asvu!!

Not much of a challenge are you?!?!
Vaga erg k'tothmo, ri'ha?!?!

Now I shall have blood!
Ni'h'asdyaka eshma!!

Now we claim blood in the name of Sivar!
Ek'bhaka eshma du hus'Sivar!!

Now you will die!!
Ri'h'asgu eshma!!

Pathetic wretch!

Show your claws, pathetic creature!
D'aiy ri'naji, ork'rakh!!

Taste death, fool!
Ahkgu, su'hra!!

Time to die, human!!
Esh gu, Terran'hra!!

Tremble, hairless ones!
Korak'fa, k'yan'hra!!

We shall destroy Terra!!
Ek'h'as r'a nak'tara!!!

We shall never be conquered!
Ek'h'as'ha rath'k vesh!!

We shall show no mercy!!
Ek'h'asd'aiy va har!!

What fun to watch Terrans implode in space!!
Ja'lhu leki aiy Terran'hra dakekrgav du kn'ga!!!

You are foolish to attack the Kilrathi!!
Ri'hasu'hras kra'Kilrathi!!!

You are mine!

You are no match for me!
Ri'ha takhav tanai!!

You are powerless, prey!
Ri'ha k'arg, uk!!

You cannot defeat the Drakhai!!
Ri'h'inav k'tothDrakhai!!

You fight like a stillborn kitten!!
Ri'tu takh kirkilin k'vudujaq!!

You fight no better than newborn cubs!
Ri'tu vagara gari'vujaq!!

You fly like the ape that you are!!
Ri'do takhukarh mas ri'ha!!

You pathetic descendant of monkeys!!
Rai jaq'k'rakh'ukarhini !!!

You shall be scattered to the solar winds!!
Ri'h'as'ha nishukutavik du dakibhu!!

You will die, foul creature!
Ri'h'asgu, orut!!!

You will not survive this battle, ape scum!!
Ri'h'asav'vu matra, husu'ukarh!!!

You will not survive this fight!!
Ri'h'asav'vu matu!!

Your blood shall be spilled into the void!!
Ri'ka h'as'ha naruk du'kna!!

Your death will be too easy!!
Ri'gu h'as'ha varg'gara!!

Your destruction will be a pleasure!
R'ikh n'hakh ri'kahri h'as'ha leki!!

Your doom is upon you!
Ri'nakh'ha durai!!


Oath of Service

My heart does not know fear, for I am a servant to Sivar.
Ni’kahr'ik va k’fa, ta ni’ha ko'a du Sivar.

My claws do not know shame, for I am a warrior of Kilrah.
Ni’naji'ik va k’rakh, ta ni’ha siva'Kilrah.

My Clan shall not be disgraced, for I service my hrai and lord.
Ni’nar h’asav'ha k’rakhk, ta ni'ko ni'hraimakskal.

With my tongue I offer fealty.
Ra ni’trathkh ni’gathlaga.

With my claws I unsheathe victory.
Ra ni’naji nai k'haf k'toth.

With my mane bowed I lie down.
Ra ni'yaga korq ni'ul.

And offer up my life for honor.
Maks gath ni'vu ta rakh​.

The Warrior's Vow

Permit me to pledge you my service.
Gathnai kir'kharai ni'ko.

I offer you my claws and teeth, to rend your foes.
Ni'gathrai ni'najimaksnagi, ku ri'sha'i.

I offer you my mind and spirit, to do your bidding.
Ni'gathrai ni'pamaksza, a ri'rash.

I offer you my eyes and ears, to seek out your foes.
Ni'gathrai ni'yi'imakselal, amstra ri'sha'i.

And I offer you my throat, to slash, should ever I be found unworthy.
Maks ni'gathrai ni'yai, dakekh, desh ni'ha'is g'esh k'rashs.

The Lord's Favorable Response For the Warrior's Vow
Leru'kal ta kir'kha'siva

I accept your pledge of service,
Ni'bhaki ri'kir'kha'ko,

Your claws and teeth,

Your mind and spirit,

Your eyes and ears.

May I never require to accept your throat, as long as you serve my hrai.
H'in ni'rathrg vesh bhaki ri'yai, deshas ri'ko ni'hrai.


(Unknown): Honor shall flow to the Warrior who is true, to his Hrai, to his comrades, to his people, and to himself, for only the true warrior shall know the gods hereafter.
Rakh h'asaknis duSiva ja'hra'ha he, du gar'hrai, du gar'hraki, du gar'hra, maks gar, ta anruni Sivahe h'asik ahri du vujhak.

I 2:28:10: There is no such thing as a battle without honor, though it is possible to encounter an honorless foe.
Hu'hahu va takh tra k'ra'k'rakh, ja'lg'esh gar'ha h'in'hal tu shak'rakh.

I 4:22:10: No Warrior should fear honest labor, as no Warrior should shirk onerous duty.
Va Siva'h'ask'k'fa kohe, takh va Siva'hask ha amgaq korakharg.

I 6:34:14: Of all the weapons of the Warrior, it is the mind that elevates mere fighting to glorious Victory.
Erg ga rani'Siva, gar'hapa mas agon tuvarg du k'tothskabak.

I 10:14:64: Honor the heroic dead, for their deeds are worthy of remembrance.
Agon k'vurakh, ta gar'ko'ha rashs erg sa.

I 10:21:18: The brave Warrior is not without fear. He is a friend of his fear, embracing it, intimate with it, but never allowing it to overcome him.
Sivafa'hav k'ra k'fa. Gar'hahraki erg gar'k'fa, alibagar, hras ragar, qu gathgar vesh du rathgar.

I: 12:16:03: Vigilance is the Warrior’s salvation; inattention the Warrior’s most dangerous foe.
Dyapaiy'ha vuz'Siva; k'dyapa shagthrak'Siva.

II 3:18:12: Fortunate is the Warrior who meets Death in Battle; no true Warrior should die in bed with his claws sheathed.
Siva'hamo ja'lhra isgu du tra; Va Sivahe'h'askgu duda wul ra najihaf.

II 4:18:21: Among the pillars of victory, the first and greatest is the art of the unexpected, for it is by surprise that the Warrior achieves domination on the field of battle.
Erg k'tothari, armaksthrak'ha ikbhakil k'rathrg, ta gar'ha ras k'rathrg mas Siva bhagatakrath du tr'thano.

III 3:18:10: Rejoice in the victory today, but prepare for the conflict of tomorrow, for life is an eternal struggle.
Agon du'k'toth aiy'hra, qu ajj ta tr'aiy'hrajhak, ta vu'ha tr'rageshga.

III 7:12:05: Honor is a thing to be cherished, but no true Warrior will place his honor above his duty.
Rakh'hahu br'kdyapa'k, qu va Sivahe'h'aslan gar'rakh gara gar'korakh.

III 18:10:05: Victory must inevitably go to the Warrior whose desire for conquest is greater than his fear of death.
K'toth hanis r'avraths du Siva ja'lra'i rash tarath'ha gara gar'k'fa'gu.

IV 16:12:21: There is no dishonor in caution, so long as the careful Warrior avoids the pitfalls of cowardice.
Hu'hav k'rakh du rodyapa, desh Sivadyapa'amgaq aggi'k'fa.

IV 2:17:06: The true Warrior perseveres against any and all obstacles, and gains the greater glory for his efforts.
Sivahe'asoth dux g'maksga k'tothmoli, maks bhaskabakga ta gar'ko'i.

IV 4:18:31: Glory is the outward measure of the Warrior’s worth, but the knowledge of a duty fulfilled is the one true inward measure.
Skabak'ha madudav'dyarashroSiva, qu ik'korakhbagataq'ha ma'ma'harahe uni.

IV 18:35:03: Better Death with claws extended than Life without honor.
Gu ra naji'k'haf'ha gara vu r'avrakh.

V (Chapter unknown):Honor shall flow to the Warrior who does his duty, for his Clan shall earn glory by his deeds. Honor shall flow to the Warrior who meets death in battle, for his name shall be remembered. Honor shall flow to the Warrior who strikes down his foe, for he shall win victory for his people.
Rakh'h'asaknis du Siva ja'lhra a gar'korakh, ta gar'nar'h'asbhaskabak rasgar'ko. Rakh'h'asaknis du Siva ja'lhra isgu du tra, ta gar'hus'h'as'ha sak. Rakh'h'asaknis du Siva ja'lhra toth gar'sha, ta gar'h'asbhak'toth ta gar'hra.

V 2:18:38: Brave comrades are the Warrior’s most cherished gift.
Hraki'ifa'ha hugath'br'kdyapathrak Siva'i.

V 10:23:05: Fang and claw, sharp eyes and alert ears and the nose of a hunter, these are the tools of the Ideal Warrior, but they are as nothing without the spirit and heart of a fighter.
Naggamaksnaj, yi'idyapamakselalidyapa maks ye'bakha, mai'ha vi'i'Sivathrak, qu gar'ha takh k'g'hu k'ra zamakskarh'kra'a.

VI 16:33:17: There is no treachery greater than the betrayal of comrade against comrade.
Hu'hav k'la gara k'la erg hrakimakshraki.

VII 4:17:09: Consider the story of Karga the Hero, which tells of the rewards of honor and duty. Consider the story of Vorghath the Hunter, and reflect on the perils of complacence.
Sa'lek'kor Karga Tarkhan, mas le erg hugathi'rakhmakskorakh. Sa'lek'lor Vorghath Bahka, maks sa du aggi'k'dyapa.

VII 12:16:07: The true leader offers his Warriors in sacrifice only when there is no alternative; the true Warrior offers himself in sacrifice in the knowledge that only thus will the battle be won.
Arhe'gath gar'siva'i dugaththrak anruni ja'lesh hu'ha k'winhal; Sivahe'gath gar'hra dugaththrak du'ik mas anruni madi h'asbalan'k'toth.

IX 21:05:10: Never permit your enemy to learn your advantages, unless doing so can cause him to become fearful, so that he stumbles during the chase.
Gath'ri'shi vesh ig ri'k'tothsa'ki'i, qu ma'h'indagar jaq k'fa, mas gar'amv'ek deshas nisgho.

X (Chapter Unknown): Even in Death there can be Victory.
Takh dugu k'toth h'in'ha.

X 17:14:33: The gods expect that every kil shall perform his duty.
Ahr'hra'rathrg mas ga kil'h'asa gar'korakh.


Lek'kor Karga Tarkhan (The Tale of Karga the Hero)

The story is told of Xag’s mightiest general, Karga of the Ki’ra hrai, who was sent to conquer the stronghold of Dr’qtan.
Lek'kor'ha leba erg Khantahrargthrak Xagi, Karga hrai Ki'ra, ja'lhra'ha'k snak rath brajakh Dr'qtan.

Victory was assured from the moment they stormed its battlements.
K'toth'ha'k grik aqesh gar'tugagak gar'brawi.

A lone warrior came forth from Dr’qtan and personally challenged Karga to a duel.
Sivanruni'jaq'k nisjha aqDr'qtan maks k'tothmokKarga hras du turakh.

The warriors of Xag’s armies laughed and mocked the young warrior, but Karga agreed.
Siva'i'anrasiv Xagi leki'ha'kmaksda'lekik kirsiva, qu Karg'bhakik.

After a short but vicious battle, Karga emerged victorious, and Dr’qtan was burned as a warning to others who attempted to resist.
Jha tr'eshinquso, Karga'jaqaiyk k'toths, maks Dr'qtan'ha'k jikthrak takh lerodyapa du takav'hra ja'lhra h'inkra.

And so did Karga accrue the greater glory, for in allowing the young warrior to fight and die for his home, he was able to preserve the younger warrior’s honor, and the preservation of the honor of any so brave is the most honorable act any warrior can perform.
Maks Karga'a'k bhaskabakga, ta ras gathkirsiva kramaksgu ta gar'dai, gar'ha'k h'in gathdra rakh'kirgasiva, maks gathdra erg rakh'g'faga'ha'korakhrakhthrak g'siva h'inko.

Lek'kor Vorghath Bakha (The Tale of Vorghath the Hunter)

The story is told of Vorghath the Hunter, from the days when mighty Barons ruled vast expanses, before the Empire.
Lek'kor'ha leba erg Vorghath Bakha, aq esh'gai ja'lesh thrak'hrarg'dyathamangaga, eshchurRag'nith.

As he set out upon the hunt, he espied a rugalga, and began to stalk it.
Takh gar'nis du bak, gar'isrugalga maks nis stragar.

However, the rugalga, for its slow wit, was very quick, and ran across the plains.
Qu rugalga, ta gar'pav'ek, ha'k ekhgaga maks amekh du thavargi.

Vorghath saw no need to hurry, as he was certain that he could catch the beast at any time, and was enjoying the stalk.
Aiyk ha'ek va Vorghath, takh gar'ha'k gri mas gar'h'inbha'or du g'esh, maks gar'ha'k gathkistra.

As the day grew long, Vorghath found himself beyond the hunting plains, in the rocky areas where the rugalga dwelt.
Takh aiy'hra'jaqma'ga, is gar'hra korekh thavargibak Vorghath, du lani'oths ja'lan rugalga'da gar'vu.

Tiring of the hunt, Vorghath lunged at his prey.
Duls erg bak, jak du gar'uk Vorghath.

As he did so, from the rocks, dozens of rugalga attacked Vorghath, their blunted teeth and hooves tearing into him, rending his flesh from the bone.
Takh gar'a'k, aq othi, rugalga okiga kr'kVorghath, garnagk'kuvargmakspakoth'ku duda gar, ku gar'choaqyo.

And so does the tale of Vorghath stand as a warning to those who become complacent while upon the hunt.
Maks lek'kor'Vorghath'al'ork takh lerodyapa ta mai'hra ja'lhra jaq k'dyapa deshas bak.




There shall come a time when our faith will be tested,
Hu'h'asjaqesh ja'lesh ek'la h'as'ha k'tothmok,

When many will be misled by the selfish motives of a ruling Clan.
Ja'lesh kili'ga'h'as'ha ahrxidi ras konis'hrax narag'nith.

The Great Warrior, who has the heart of a Kilrathi but is not Kilrathi-born, comes to deliver justice to the wicked.
Sivathrak, ja'lhra dyakahr'Kilrathi qu hav vujaq'k Kilrathi, jaq du dyakuthe'ha du xi'hra.

Our people will be cleansed by the fire that burns in the heart of Kilrah herself and many will pay the price for the few.
Ek'hra'h'as'ha kutk ras jiji'al duda kahrKilrah gar'hra maks kili'ga h'asgathrashro ras kili'in.


As our hearts are consumed in sacrifice, a sound of thunder will herald the beginning of a new age.
Takh ek'kahr'ha jik du gaththrak, el'lekarhga'h'asda'ik nis'kiresh.

Our Great Loss will bring with it dark enemies of our clan who will seek to feast on our bones and will, like the savage wind, spread to the four corners of the sky and all that is.
Ek'toththrak'h'asdya rasgar sha'hrakar'ek'nar ja'lhra h'asamstra du ukthrak du ek'yo'i maks h'as, takh niskarhk'dyak, haf du yintakhlani'karh kes maks gamas'ha.

But yet in this suffering, we must be strong, for Sivar will send another messenger who shall bring redemption to our race and fill us with the Warriors Spirit, and reunite us as a people.
Qu h'inis machodyapakalk, kai ha'harg, ta Sivar h'asna dyale'a'uniga ja'lhra h'asdyavuz du ek'hra maks dakutkai ras Zaga, maks pukai takh hra.


There shall come a time when one who has the Heart of a Kilrathi, but is not Kilrathi born, shall rain cleansing fire down upon us.
Hu'h'asjaqesh ja'lesh k'ik'hra ja'lhra'dya kahr'Kilrathi, qu hav vujaq'k'Kilrathi, h'asakarh jigakut dukai.

And then the Kn’thrak, a time of great darkness, shall embrace us.
Maks jha KN'THRAK, esh'karga, h'asalibakai.

Death itself shall pour forth, obscuring the stars in a veil of darkness.
Gar'hra h'asnarunisjha, Gu, hafbhu du huyinhaf'kar.

Theirs is the claw that tears flesh from bone.
Garga'ha naj mas kucho aqyo.

Theirs is the poisoned fang.
Garga'ha naggalerx.

Their number shall render the universe barren and crush the breath from our Clans.
Garga'mang h'asdakut'thrak shi maks panothdaks aq ek'nari.

We shall be bathed in our own blood and rotted flesh shall be our fare.
Ek'h'as'ha hafahq du ek'ka maks r'cholchur h'as'ha ek'ukmaksahk.

With a deafening thunder shall the dark age begin!
Ra lekarhgak'elthrak h'asnis eshkar!!​

NEXT: Index
PREVIOUS: 7.3: Commodity Tables